2018 Conservation Projects in Sumatran and Cambodia
*Let me note here that if you do not wish to donate using a credit card you can also make a donation via Paypal here.
Our camera traps in three different locations in Sumatra's Hadabuan Hills need to be serviced in January, March, and May for the first half of this year. I have written about this ecosystem and the threats it faces several times, and the situation is as serious as ever today. Last year our project received some much-needed popular coverage in The Guardian, but more is needed!
Our other project site is Cambodia's Virachey National Park, where we have been working for nearly half a decade now. We recently rediscovered Asian elephants in this vast national park that receives woefully insufficient protection.
Your donation will help pay for everything we need in the field: camera traps, protective cases and python locks, memory cards, lithium batteries, field provisions, and guide fees. With the inclusion of your email address, you can also expect to get regular updates on the expeditions' progress.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at: greg.mccann1@gmail.com