We exceeded our goal- because of you!
Take a look at our pie chart detailing the incredible steps this fundraiser has allowed Mumia's legal team to take. You can still contribute to this campaign to keep his team championing for his health!
Onwards and with gratitude,
Prison Radio
My name is Keith Cook, and I am Mumia Abu-Jamal’s brother.
My loss, and my pain, have been constant for three decades since my brother has been in prison. He needs to come home, like so many of the men from our community. Yes, Mumia is supported by Amnesty International and Desmond Tutu, among many others. But he is also just like any other Black man in prison. Together we must stop this shameful practice of denying lifesaving health care to Mumia Abu-Jamal and all prisoners.
As the drug’s inventor Michael Sofia notes, “How can you deny people access to a cure?”
Our Legal Battle Continues
Despite numerous experts' insistence that Mumia needs immediate Hep C
treatment, the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC) continues to deny him
We are back in Federal Court with our lawsuit, Abu-Jamal v Kerestes, to hold the PA DOC accountable and secure Mumia's right to life-saving Hepatitis C treatment.
There is a cure for Hepatitis C: one pill a day for 12 weeks. Until Mumia receives medical justice, we will continue our legal struggle. And we hope you'll join us to make that possible.
Since April 2, we have raised and spent critical funds donated from over 1,200 grassroots supporters like you! It has allowed Mumia's legal team to keep him alive, bring him to a stable condition, file two lawsuits, and so much more.
We couldn't have achieved those victories without you, and we can't reach our goal of getting Mumia treatment without you now.
Mumia's Legal Fund Needs $18K
Today through January 13th, 100% of your contribution will enable:
Mumia's legal team to conduct critical preparation leading up to and after our December 18th trial,
Preparation of expert testimony to successfully counter the Department of Corrections' doctors who are refusing Mumia care,
Travel for Mumia's lawyers and family to conduct in-person consultations and provide legal council throughout the court hearings,
Investigation and Research costs for legal work,
Filing Fees and Transcripts.
We have a difficult road ahead against those in power across Pennsylvania. But we have two things on our side that will be the reason that we will reach a victory for our brother: you, and our collective will to win.
Please join us with $25, $50, $100 or even $500 now. We're closer to getting Mumia treatment, and we need your help to secure it!
Every dollar makes it more possible to get Mumia the care he needs. This lawsuit will provide the road map for the class action lawsuit to get all prisoners in PA Hep C treatment. Please give generously with your tax-deductible gift today.
Once You've Given, Take the Next Step
Sign our ColorofChange.org petition demanding treatment for Mumia
Explore and use Prison Radio's fact sheet: Mumia Abu-Jamal & Hepatitis C
Share this page, and ask your friends, family and communities to match your gift!
Thank you for all that you do to defend the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal,
Noelle Hanrahan, Prison Radio
Keith Cook, District Director, NAACP Conference of Branches (NC), Mumia's brother
"I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love you have shown me and continue to show me, from all around the world. I felt you in my heart, I felt you in my bones, I feel you now, and I thank you."
- Mumia Abu-Jamal, Winter 2015