The Billings reservoir is the largest waterbody in the largest metropolitan region in Brazil. Divided between jungle and intense human activity, this biome remains under enormous stress. We will map, monitor and publish the data from this biome to find solutions.
The Ground Keepers is a non-governmental organization that manages projects in forests and waters close to urban centers to preserve and improve. We understand that biomes close to human activity need to be managed and the correct integration with the local population is essential. With this mentality, we are an environmental incubator willing to create connections between Universities, innovators, financiers and people who want to help, developing technologies and methodologies that can be replicated.
Zoning the reservoir and electing a qualified person to manage field operations, will facilitate conditions for university activities, innovators and anyone who wants to help.
With data collection, the right team and tools, we will establish standards that can be replicated for the rest of the biome.
First step.
Zone 1 (Rio Pequeno) is an area of 12 square kilometers with several springs, some already polluted and a reasonable amount of preserved Atlantic forest. This part of the reservoir presents all the difficulties that the biome faces as a whole, but on a smaller scale, resulting in a perfect laboratory for our methodology.
Our first caretaker is called Alexandre Petrokas Meskele, a biologist majoring in Hydraulics and Environmental Sanitation with experience in fish farming and water springs preservation. Strategically well established in the reservoir, nature lover, curious and hardworking, Alexandre is the right guy for the job and he will be the Keeper number one.
You can access the rest of the team on this website
What we need?
We need $ 26,620
Aluminum boat + Boat trailer - 1,900
Boat engine + Gas Tank - 1,200
Life preserver + Rowing - 200
Computer, Tablet - 2,000
Software - 1,500
Probe for water Analysis - 1,900
Budget for 12 months of scientific study - 14,600
Taxes and Fees - 3,320
We ask for your help to improve this biome so close to this giant metropolis Sao Paulo.