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BISE: Meet instantly @ your favorite hangouts

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BISE: Meet instantly @ your favorite hangouts

BISE: Meet instantly @ your favorite hangouts

BISE: Meet instantly @ your favorite hangouts

BISE: Meet instantly @ your favorite hangouts

Nawale Laaroussi
Nawale Laaroussi
Nawale Laaroussi
Nawale Laaroussi
1 Campaign |
London, United Kingdom
$136 USD $136 USD 5 backers
0% of $271,917 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The central question facing the online & mobile dating industry today is:

How can online matchmaking drive more real-world dating?

Today, what users want isn’t more or better matches on the screen: What they want is an easier and faster ways to meet them in real life (IRL). Therefore, the big thing now is offline and the next business model for this rapidly growing and transforming industry is offline driven

The answer to both users and industry needs is BISE 

BISE marries online dating with offline dating. BISE empowers singles to meet their future mates and to discover cultural or entertainment hotspots in their cities or abroad. 

BISE is turning online dating industry sets of values and business model upside down.

BISE is a new mobile dating business model that transforms mobile dating & online dating markets by using and combining innovative technologies.

Business Outline

BISE Uniqueness 

BISE is a disruptive mobile dating service that provides singles with an easier and faster way to meet at their favourite hangout IRL, rather than locking themselves in endless virtual exchanges. 

BISE is a user-oriented service, offering the ability to more quickly connect person to person with others from the network, who are in one’s precise environment offering personal connections that would otherwise not happen: at the market, at an event, at a museum, at a restaurant, at a bar, at a nightclub or anywhere, making BISE a social entrepreneurship venture that empowers single people to meet and rate/exchange useful tips on hangouts across their city and abroad. These useful tips are enabling users to discover in a fun & ludic manner, new Points of Interest (POI) across their city or on a trip, making BISE a useful application for local tourism and economy. 

BISE innovative business model 

It is composed of 4 key components: (1) A matching service with free & paid features(2) A mobile app that combines more accurate geolocalisation and PoIs check-in as enablers to IRL encounters at the hangout users are in(3) BISE exclusive network build on users’ ‘trust’ with a high potential for merchandising similar to social networks such as ‘ASmallWorld’, (4) Local hangouts promotion/rating between BISE users’ growing community (1 single over 2 is using online dating services in the US) and advertising between users. 

BISE unique selling points

  • Enables users to have better, more rapid and relevant introductions IRL.
  • Enhances online connections by taking conversations offline instantly.
  • Offers more suitable connections from their immediate circles of activities that result in more opportunities to find the right partner.
  • Explores hotspots in your city & abroad. Enhances Quality of Life for Users.
  • Increases Employment (BISE, restaurant, bars & nightclubs industry, cultural & tourism industry, singles market industry).

BISE pre-commercialisation phase (6 months) & crowdfunding objectives

BISE crowdfunding objectives are to further enhance its Business Plan, develop BISE mobile app - version 1.0 and implement Funding/Marketing/Promotional Activities to commercialise BISE at the end of the pre-commersilaisation period (Month 7).

BISE - Business outlines BISE - Business outlines BISE total funding requirements estimate at 250K EUR include 

(1) Enhanced business plan (2) Commercially exploitable BISE app vers.1.0 (3) Marketing & promotional campaigns for creating a critical mass of users based community in respective markets (500k users) for a 1 year period.

BISE is developed & powered by 2 innovative SMEs 

InnoGage Limited is a dynamic and truly European International Innovation Lab & Digital Consultancy based in London, Brussels and Paris, who has a strong in-house experience in implementing innovation projects, is leading BISE concept and business development, as well as its marketing in Europe. Pivot Technology Limited has 15 years’ experience developing applications, launching mobile/web companies and building start-ups from scratch across many verticals including consumer, retail and ecommerce. Pivot is also heavily experienced in building marketing and public relations brand awareness campaigns both online and offline. Pivot is leading BISE technical development & contributes to the detailed business plan in terms of baseline & specifications, business model development, marketing activities & commercialisation plan for North America (US & Canada).

Risks & Challenges 

BISE is developed & powered by 2 innovative SMEs: InnoGage and Pivot, with a valuable experience in open innovation and digital marketing/communication in various complementary domains (i.e. eGovernment, eParticipation, stakeholders’ engagement, social media, smart cities, mobile and telecommunication industry) of the Information and Communication society (ICT), making BISE a social entrepreneurship project by empowering people to meet and rate/exchange useful tips on hangouts across a city.

InnoGage and Pivot teams are multi-disciplinary and well balanced between men and women to offer a multi-gender vision to BISE.

InnoGage & Pivot central objective is: to use their relevant expertise, experience and know-how in open innovation, mobile applications, social media, stakeholders’ engagement and in the markets of Europe and North America (targeted BISE markets) to develop, market and commercialise BISE in European and North American cities.

BISE solution: BISE is a new mobile dating business model that transforms mobile and online dating markets by using and combining innovative technologies like more accurate geolocalisation and PoIs check-in as enablers to real-life encounters at the hangout users are in.

BISE current stage of development: InnoGage & Pivot joined forces during Quarter 1 2015 to develop, market and commercialise BISE in Europe & North America. 

This partnership offers 2 essential key success factors: Innovation & Technical expertise, BISE markets knowledge & foothold.

BISE key milestones until now: 

MS0.1 (Quarter 1-2015): Business idea & Business models. 

MS0.2 (Quarter 2-3-2015): BISE technical specifications, costs and timeframe (145 days development time).

MS0.3 (Quarter 2-3-2015): Field interviews with potential users (men, women) at different PoIs in Europe (i.e. pubs, afterworks, social events, friends get-togethers). Refinement of Business concept & technical features.

MS0.4 (Quarter 2-2015): Setting-up BISE team with complementary skills & know-how, with a gender balance to develop a product and service that will fit both genders needs & wants. Design of a temporary logo.

MS0.5 (Quarter 3-2015):  Seeking funding sources (public & private) as well as investors coaching.

BISE partnership is composed of 2 innovative SMEs, InnoGage and Pivot that are complementary with clearly defined roles in the set-up, development, implementation and commercialization of BISE. 

The Envisioned BISE Solution: Since the current online dating services can no longer keep up with the fast evolving needs of the users, BISE offers a highly south after mobile dating application, which bring additional benefits for the users and economical and cultural stakeholders compared to existing application by providing: (1) a customized pool of choice for the users by narrowing down the category of matchers according to the user’s preferences, i.e. by PoI such as restaurants, museums, market, festivals, bars, nightclub, etc.; (2) specific features for the users such as (a) profile differentiation: the option to upload 5 pictures instead of only one; (b) incorporating features form Facebook and other social networks; (c) match agenda keeper: splash screen when there is a match, plus “Make your move” or “Later” options to keep track of your matching steps; (d) new discovery settings: gender (M, F, other – additional feature for transsexuals); age range from 18; manual/auto check in; search the most popular PoIs following ratings from users; (e) visible at all times or hidden; (f) anonymous registration option; (g) Like justification feature, etc. (2) advertising opportunities for commerce & cultural sectors (banks, telecom companies, stores, retailers, shopping centres, pubs, restaurants, nightclubs, museums, etc.).

BISE overall plan to reach market: BISE pre-commercialisation phase (6 months), will enable BISE team to further enhance its overall plan to reach market with (1) an detailed business plan (2) develop BISE mobile app – version 1 (3) Set-up its key funding/marketing/promotional activities to ensure its foreseen 1st year marketing and promotional launch in its targeted markets (target 20% of overall markets) (4) build its critical mass users based community to ensure success.

IPR Management & Regulatory Issues: InnoGage owns the IPR. No patent protection is being sought at this time as the technology behind the combined unique product features along with the organic market build out will put the product at least 6 months ahead of competition. However, patent protection would be sought once we saw potential for competition. Regulatory concerns involve Privacy Rules within Europe. The InnoGage –Pivot collaboration will manage according to all Privacy rules and regulations, for example Article 8, of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) which provides a right to respect for one's "private and family life, his home and his correspondence", subject to certain restrictions . Users of the technology are paid participants free to post their own information on the site and no data will be shared without their consent, given by signing up for the site service and in choosing their applicable add-on features and functionality. For our users’ protection, we will in all cases, notify users of the features impact on their privacy and they would agree at purchase.

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Currency Conversion $1,088 USD
€1,000 EUR
24 months full membership package (all features) + Your selfie picture "what BISE means to you" on BISE promotional website wall of fames "Thank you” page + during BISE launch 2 events in Europe & North America + BISE promotional events (year 1).
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
1 month full membership package (all features)
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $22 USD
€20 EUR
2 month full membership package (all features)
2 claimed


Currency Conversion $54 USD
€50 EUR
4 months full membership package (all features).
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $109 USD
€100 EUR
6 months full membership package (all features) + Your selfie picture "what BISE means to you ?" on BISE promotional website wall of fames "Thank you" page.
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $272 USD
€250 EUR
12 months full membership package (all features) + Your selfie picture "what BISE means to you?" on BISE promotional website wall of fames "Thank you" page + during BISE launch event in Europe.
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $544 USD
€500 EUR
18 months full membership package (all features) + Your selfie picture "what BISE means to you" on BISE promotional website wall of fames "Thank you” page + during BISE launch 2 events in Europe & North America.
0 claimed

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