NB. If using a UK bank card to donate - the system will convert it - so don't be put off please donate!
Our Story
This is a continuation of our campaign to bring out the murky truth behind the glitz and expensive promotion of the Trump golf and housing complex in Aberdeen. On contacting Brian May about the use of Bohemian Rhapsody to highlight the issues, he responded :
I can see there is a horrible example, here, of bullying the defenceless, by a
rich man who apparently can buy anyone and anything he wants. I deplore this
kind of abuse and feel greatly for Molly and the others who are being ridden
over by a very selfish man. And what the world certainly does NOT need is more
golf courses ! I am disgusted.
We are a small group of artists creating a new video of Bohemian Rhapsody sung by the amazing 'Spitting Image' style puppet of Donald Trump - those wonderful Spitting Image songs that everyone loved have influenced our idea. The video has also been inspired by the one which was made by the Muppets. Puppeteer and Actor, Francis Wright has written the script with appropriate words highlighting some of the issues with satire. Pianist, Dmytro Morykit has arranged the music for piano Tchaikovsky style and filming will take place in January 2012.
This is not an easy time of year to raise funds, but if you are able to contribute even $5 then you will automatically receives updates on the progress and be one of the first to see the video.
The Impact
People need to know the truth behind what has gone on with the Golf and housing complex at Menie and the terrible bullying and harassment which a number of families are continually subjected to by Trump. With the mass press coverage manipulated by the Trump organisation, very little of the truth is reaching people who would be equally disgusted and ask questions of those in power.
What We Need & What You Get
Our initial campaign allowed us to create the puppet, the lyrics and music for this fantastic video. We now need to pay for the recording and film studio. We also need to hire extra equipment for the filming and editing process. The puppet makers, the musician and the puppeteer have all given their professional time for free but there are practical items which have to be paid for and all support is welcome.
Recording and filming will take place in January 2012 and the result will be brilliant, entertaining and people will want to watch it over and over again and pass it on to friends. This is a great chance to become involved in an event that will highlight an issue which is mirrored elsewhere and causes everyone concern.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please spread the word and post on your facebook page and tell as many people as you can. If you have any suggestions or think you can help in any way, do get in touch. We have one purpose: to stand with the Menie families against corporate and governmental bullying. The people yielding the power and money think they can ignore a few individuals but perhaps they will listen to Menie voices.