Who We Are and What We are Doing
What is Brewers Against Brothels?
Brewers Against Brothels is a beer tasting event to be held on August 15th here in Raleigh, NC. It started as an idea to get more men aware of how they play a part in fighting human trafficking, especially on a local level, and became an event with a purpose to not only raise funds but to also provide a place for both men and women to receive information about how they can be aware of what is happening in this area and how they can help.
What is Project FIGHT?
Salvation Army created Project FIGHT to help join the fight against modern-day
human trafficking and slavery. This includes trafficking for both the purposes
of commercial sexual exploitation and labor exploitation. They have four goals:
1. Awareness and education to the public
2. Outreach to high risk areas in North Carolina
3. Case Management for victims
4. Collaboration with other groups fighting against slavery
What We Need
We have three generous breweries donating the beer and a team of about 15 volunteers giving time and money to make this work, but in order to truly make this event a success we need to raise $1500 more. This money will be used to purchase food and materials that will make the event complete. It will be used to buy:
- T-shirts- (for volunteers and as merchandise)
- Food for the event
- Cups with the Brewers Against Brothels logo
- Permits/Insurance to hold the event
- [All money made at the event, both from beer and merchandise sale will be donated to Project FIGHT directly, so after reimbursing volunteers for the purchase of permits and cups all of the remaining money will go to benefiting the victims of human trafficking]
The Impact
Brewers Against Brothels isn't going to solve the problem of human trafficking. It isn't going to prevent people from purchasing other humans and it isn't going to give life to every slave. But it's purpose is to raise funds to slowly, one person at a time, make whatever difference it can. It wants to make both men and women more aware of how their choices impact other lives and it wants to be able to show that even a small amount of money can go a long way into getting a victim food, housing and a safe place. Our hope is that by starting conversation we can continue to find ways for the community to support, care for, and love those whose freedoms have been abused and taken away.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:
- Advertise! Brewers Against Brothels is about a month away and we've got approximately two weeks to raise the funds that we need. Share on Facebook, share with your friends, your neighbors, etc .
- Attend the event. We will be selling beer tickets for $5 each and [hopefully] BBQ as well, but even if you cannot purchase you are more than welcome to come, listen to music and find out more about Project FIGHT.
And that's all there is to it. For more questions you can contact Amy Crouch at crouch.amyc@gmail.com