Celebrating 50 Years
Celebrating 50 Years
Celebrating 50 Years
Celebrating 50 Years
Celebrating 50 Years
This campaign is closed
Celebrating 50 Years
My mom and dad will be married for 50 years in October. They have given all that they have to raise me and my siblings and in helping with their grandchildren. They have taught us great value and amazing spiritual strength. They have been talking about being able to take a cruise for years, but have not been able to afford it. They have always done so much for our family and we want to be able to help them celebrate doing something they have dreamed of. This is why I have decided to use this platform to raise the money to send them on a vacation to celebrate their life together and to bring them some of the joy they have brought to our family. I would love to just be able to do this with no problem, but my situation doesn't allow that. I feel that they really deserve this and I am excited to have an opportunity to use this platform to help them with their dream. We are raising this money to send them on their 50 anniversary vacation and to celebrate their accomplishment and their love. Thank you for your donations and support.