Short Summary
Charity Tick is an online charity auction company that is revolutionizing the world of online giving!
Here is how it works:
Join our unique approach in changing this world, one charitable bid at a time!
In this tough economy, charitable donations are many times the first thing consumers cut or eliminate from their finances. Wonderful registered 501(c)3 non-profit organizations are suffering financially. Our online charity auctions offer an opportunity for charities to raise funds and support. Also, there is an opportunity for customers to buy items at an extremely discounted price.
Our online marketplace features the hottest electronics, gift cards, jewelry, hard-to-find tickets, and many other items. Like other online auction sites, anyone can bid; however, with our unique approach, all of our sellers are reputable non-profit-organizations, so the proceeds go straight to the charitable causes.
Bidders can choose the charity they wish to support or personally select the prize they wish to place their bid on.
This unique auction type is exciting because individuals can win quality ticket items up to 80% off their retail value. Being that each bid costs a nominal fee, the organization can collect more than double the retail value for each item! encourages all levels of giving and affordable shopping. Every penny counts and with each bid, our worthy charities earn more for their incredible causes.
Charity Tick a win-win for everyone!
We provide:
Online Auction Platform: We provide an online charity auction platform for charities to list items that were donated to them in order to help raise money.
Technical Support & Customer Service: At, our dedicated team is passionate about keeping our platform running smoothly. Our skilled IT and administrative staff stand ready to tackle the occasional glitches that are unavoidable online. Customer service is at the core of our company and we are here to answer any questions.
Charity Verification: Charity Tick verifies the 501(c)(3) status and incorporation of each charity before confirming membership and allowing the organization to list items for auction.
Fraud Protection: Charity Tick monitors fraud by ensuring no unusual bid activity (ex. getting above average bid).
Welcome to, where giving is receiving!