Grow Easy,Grow Green! Go Chillio!
Have you ever experienced the feeling of having an
idea, but being afraid that it won‘t be good enough for others? Well, this is
one of those.
There are people who have always tried to plant their
own plants but have never succeeded! My wife is one of them and me as a good
husband have always helped her with my ideas.
So here is one such idea which is inspired by none
other than my wife, I call it Chillio!
Imagine a device which will help you to grow
everything in your home itself.
Herbs to savor your favourite dishes, those Extra hot
Chillies for your friends, or any other plants which you like.
Chillio gives you the power to control the growth of
your plant. You can choose the exact amount of humidity, suitable
temperature, amount of light and it's color tone, in different scenarios. Chillio is precise to such an extent that you can even check how
your plant breathes oxygen and exhales co2.
What More? All this can be controlled using your
smartphone or your web browser thru it's own social network!
Chillio will water your plant and will add the exact
amount of fertilizer if needed. It will automatically adjust light, humidity and
temperature too.
It will check the real-time growth of your plant as
well as give you the access to camera and sensors, so you can check it from
anywhere in the world.
After all this thoughtful work, once you have
developed your own plant, you can share your success story with other users on
a private Chillio social network.
Chillio Versions
Chillio will be made in 3 Different versions. People have different needs. Everybody can choose size and functions what he needs. If you know you only need to plant small herbs, you can select smallest version with less functions on it.
And what about a price? So first estimations of prototype costs about 150$ to 300$ according to version. Now it's up to us to low this prices as possible.
And that's it.
I have an idea, a working plan, and passion for doing
it. Until now, I have developed everything single-handedly. I very well know that
nobody can do everything alone.
And that’s why I need you.
With your support, we can make Chillio a perfect
product which can be further delivered to its happy customers.Chillio can be
helpful for schools, research labs and everywhere else where people find it
difficult to grow plants due to environmental conditions/other issues.
I need your support also to get a feedback. What do you think about it? Do you have an idea how it could be better? Something what can be done better?
Please.. Let me know..
Write me, Call me, or even meet me. So we can make a Chillio not only a toy for few geeks but also a useful device for the household..