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An online video platform showing the impacts of climate change and our abilities to find solutions

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An online video platform showing the impacts of climate change and our abilities to find solutions

An online video platform showing the impacts of climate change and our abilities to find solutions

An online video platform showing the impacts of climate change and our abilities to find solutions

An online video platform showing the impacts of climate change and our abilities to find solutions

Roelf van Til
Roelf van Til
Roelf van Til
Roelf van Til
1 Campaign |
Rotterdam, Netherlands
$1,731 USD $1,731 USD 4 backers
8% of $21,095 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
It seems global warming accelerates faster than predicted. Now it’s time to act and start something new: setting up the first video channel about climate change. We're crowdfunding the first 26 videos in order to make a start and up-scale this undertaking to the next level. As a non profit foundation based in the Netherlands we want in the first place to commit young reporters and correspondents. Let's show the regional impacts of climate change and human abilities to find solutions!


Launch video:


Our people are ready

At this very moment three junior reporters in three different countries are waiting for the green light to feature stories about climate change. Belal Taheri in Iran, Sarin Prom in Cambodja en Animul Islam in Bangladesh have been asked by us to wait until the initial sponsoring has been taken care of. Some dozens of young correspondents all over the world are in the starting blocks to cooperate as well. The proposed fees for them may be quite modest, for western standards even low budget, but the motivation to act is high.

That's why we start this campaign. To get the wheel into motion and the first dozens of videos about global warming financed. And to find one or two partners who are committed to take a share in our journey and can help scaling it up.

Our platform is ready

The website Cool Down The Planet has been completed in the last few months. It's supposed to become a semi-professional journalistic video platform that maps the regional impacts of climate change and human abilities to find solutions. Besides people can drop their own short video and express their views and concerns.

As a not-for-profit foundation based in the Netherlands, we want in the first place to commit young reporters and correspondents. Though more experienced professionals will be welcomed too on our platform.

When it comes to funding, we hope that a growing number of COOL partners will support our video mission. People and companies can adopt one or more future videos. They will be creditied for this in the video and on our website/social media.

Starting in the spring of 2019, we are endeavouring to launch an ever growing number of small and basic film projects around the world. Let's go for it and give it a try!

Are you ready?

Now - spring 2019 - we are at the stage of launching the videos and requesting you to join us. How can you be involved? Lend your (company) name to these videos, adopt one or more of them, and be a COOL sponsor.

It's a relatively low budget project! We need € 750,- per item for the first 26 video reports. This fee will be distributed fully to our correspondents, reporters and editor.

The videos will clearly show your (company) name in the credits. If you wish we can add your short video statement at the end of the sponsored film. Our website shows the examples. And of course your (company) name gets good visibility on our website/social media.



How did we come to this point?

The story of Cool Down the Planet is linked to a small group of TU Delft students brought together by the Dutch journalist-filmmaker Roelf van Til. That's me - the initiator of Cool Down the Planet and of this Indiegogo campaign. So forgive me to write in the 'first person'.

The phenomenon of climate change got ahold of me half of my professional life. As a professional TV-reporter, based in the Netherlands, With New Energy TV I committed myself 13 years ago to make films about sustainable energy solutions. It resulted in the production of many hundreds of small movies commissioned by energy companies, knowledge institutes and governments.

Delft University of Technology asked New Energy TV, supported by some students, to work out a plan to set up an international ‘online’ tool to reduce the impact of global warming. As a result – and after some detours – the concept of a grand journalistic video expedition was born. Why not try to document both the impact of climate change and the way people try to counter it? Why not start the first video channel about climate change?!

Running an international video channel did not really fit into the core business of an established Dutch university, and so it was up to us to take up the flag and upgrade our dreams and ideas all by ourselves. And so that's what we do. Now it's time to spread our wings and fly, but that will only succeed with your support!

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Choose your Perk

Adopt 10% of a video reportage

Adopt 10% of a video reportage

Currency Conversion $81 USD
€75 EUR
Be one out of ten people who adopt a next video about climate change, made by a (junior) reporter for 'Cool Down the Planet'. Your names will be published both at the end of the film, as on the website. Besides you will be listed as a COOL sponsor and receive a certificate.
Included Items
  • Credits as a COOL sponsor
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
1 out of 10 of claimed
Adopt a full video reportage

Adopt a full video reportage

Currency Conversion $811 USD
€750 EUR
Be the person or company to adopt a next video about climate change, made by a (junior) reporter for Cool Down the Planet. Your name plus your short video statement will be published both at the end of the film, as on the website. Besides you will be listed as a COOL sponsor and receive a certificate.
Included Items
  • Credits as a COOL sponsor
  • Your short video statement
Estimated Shipping
July 2019
2 out of 5 of claimed
Adopt ten video reportages

Adopt ten video reportages

Currency Conversion $8,114 USD
€7,500 EUR
Adopt 10 next video reportages about climate change made by our (junior) reporters. Your company name plus your short video statement will be published both at the end of each film, as on the website. You will be listed and interview as our COOL sponsor and receive a certificate. Moreover: you will obtain a 25% share in our start-up!
Included Items
  • Credits as a COOL sponsor
  • Your short video statement
  • A 25% share in our start-up
Estimated Shipping
September 2019
0 out of 2 of claimed

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