Cuddle Party is celebrating 16 years!!!
Cuddle Party is a non-profit, all-volunteer, worldwide organization, which just turned 16 years old.
We are dedicated to connection and consent, and it’s time for us to step it up.
There are so many people who need the benefits that can be felt by attending Cuddle Party events, and we want to reach them.
That’s why we are launching an audacious fundraiser: $25,000 in 2 months! What are the funds for?
New Website - take a look our current one, it needs a nice new coat of paint. We want to add new features and functionality, easier ways to find Party's in your area and we want to add a store, so you can buy Cuddle Party Merch. :)
Re-Brand - our logo needs a fresh new look, something with 2020 vibes.
Marketing - we have always worked by word of mouth and it's time to step up to some actaul marketing so we can train more facilitators. Are you the next facilitator? Join the Cuddle Party Facilitator Team.
Admin - Our volunteer board members are wearing out! It’s time to hire an admin to handle the daily tasks.
Today, there are so many people in need of a safe and relaxing environment to relieve
stress and explore healthy boundaries and communication. We want to help you and
other Cuddle Party Facilitators make a greater impact within your community and the
How You Can Help:
From now until the end of April 2020, you can help us spread the word by sharing this link with your community, making a monetary donation and encouraging your community to do the same.
What are some of the perks?
Mega Cuddle Party - $5,000 - Perk Name - (Cuddler - All the Cuddles!)
6-25 people - with Marcia OR Madelon -
Cuddle Party must take place in the US at the location of the donator's choice.
Private 1 on 1 Cuddle Session - $250 - Perk Name - (Cuddler - Spooner)
You can get one from....
- Soleiman Bolour - President of Cuddle Party
- Yoni Alkan - Cuddle Party Advisor
- Betty Martin - (Founder of Wheel of Consent)
- Madelon Guinazzo (Co-Founder of Cuddlist)
Cuddlist Basic Training - $250 - Perk Name - (Cuddler - In Training)
Become a professional cuddler. This online training program was developed by our team to cover the most important aspects of conducting safe, rewarding cuddle sessions for you and your clients.
Thanks to the founders Adam Lippin and Madelon Guinazzo for offering this perk.
Learn more Cuddlist website.
The Books of Cuddles - $125 - Perk Name - (Cuddler - Rocking those PJs)
By Yoni Alkan (Cuddle Party Facilitator - San Francisco Bay Area)
Check it Out Here!!!
T-Shirt - $50 - Perk Name - (Cuddler - Count me In!)
Special Edition Branded with New Logo and Tag Line
ZOOM VIDEO CALL - $25 (Live Video or Download) - Perk Name - (Cuddler - YES!)
A conversation with Marcia Baczynski (Co-Founder of Cuddle Party and Asking for What you Want) and Betty Martin (Founder of Whee of Consent)
Spend time with Marcia and Betty as they talk about asking for what you want, say yes and saying no and negotiating. With over 30 years of experience combined, these two are the best to learn from.
Cuddle Party Sticker Page - $10 - Perk Name - (Cuddler - Me Like!)
- Cuddle Position Stickers designed and created by Cecilia Li.
Cuddle Party Bingo - Digital-PDF Download - $5 - Perk Name - (Cuddler - Boundary Setter)
Our newest creation by Marcia B and Yoni A.
Cuddle Party Bingo is a fun game to play at CP events & other snuggly soirees.
CPB consists of 4 bingo cards with a variety of activities you can do while cuddling with a group. To get BINGO, you must do four activities in a row — horizontal, vertical or diagonal. CPB offers plenty of chances to cuddle OR get bingo without touch.
Remember, We can't do this alone! We will only be able to reach our goal with the help of the Cuddle Party community!
Thank you
Cuddle Party Board