Although best efforts were made to deliver the product according to the mission and intent of the campaign, Daplie was unable to fulfill as intended. Refunds are unavailable. Please send any communications to
Taking Back the Internet
Connect (formerly Cloud) empowers you to "Take Back the Internet". Take back your photos from Dropbox, take back your phone from iCloud, take back your email from Google, take back your social network from Facebook, take back your Digital Life from these "Internet Kings". Connect lets you literally put back the "I" in Internet. Join Us, take back your digital freedom and redeem your digital soul.
Meet Connect.
The World's First Home Server for Everyone.
For Everyone
For individuals, families, grandparents, students, and even developers.
Imagine owning the latest in technology without any of the learning curve. We've designed Connect to be "Plug & Play". Connect is so easy to set up and use, anyone can do it. Simply plug Connect into your home internet and download the Daplie app on your device. Then, choose a name for your Connect, a web address like "," and Connect does the rest.
Zero technical know-how required.
All your stuff in one place.
Imagine finding photos on your phone from 10 years ago, instantly. We believe all your digital content should be in one place, in the privacy of your home and backed up to devices you trust, not scattered "somewhere out on the internet". Connect helps you to centralize your digital life by downloading the content from your devices, external hard drive(s), and existing cloud storage(s) and then uploading your content to Connect, automatically. Giving you access to all of your content, on every device, from anywhere.
On the go back-up
Imagine never having to choose which photo to delete off your phone as you've run out of space, again. We feel your pain. Some memories shouldn't be deleted. With Connect you now have the option to automatically free up space on your phone by sending your photos or videos to Connect, securely, even while you're on the go. Why didn't somebody think of that before...It's Genius.
As much storage as you want
We believe you should have space for your entire digital life on every device you own. With Connect, if you need more space at home just keep on stacking. And if 8 Terabytes aren't enough, no worries, by plugging in your own storage into the back of Connect you have virtually unlimited storage.
Stackable Storage, No Monthly Fees
Imagine never paying monthly cloud storage fees, ever again. We believe your personal digital life shouldn't be held ransom, by anyone. Especially by a company that gives you a phone with less storage than a computer from the 90's. It's like 2016, isn't it? Note: custom domains must be renewed each year, as per ICANN regulation. See FAQ.
No Redundant Purchases
Oh, and just buy your music, movies, and books once, for goodness sake, Connect works with all of your content on all your devices. That means whether you're Android or Apple, the whole family can stream all the content on any device.
Share it with the people you choose.
We believe your personal stuff should belong to you and no one else. Not Facebook. Not Google. With Connect, not even Daplie has access! When you share your stuff you clearly see who has access and can just as easily take that access away. No more annoying advertisements that just get in the way. Connect is, by far, the best social experience you'll ever have.
A safe place, or many
Connect secures your digital stuff against malicious hackers with some very serious security techniques. It's, quite literally, a safe for your digital stuff. Also, to protect yourself against physical theft or data loss, grab another Connect (or borrow space from a friend who has one) and it will securely make a copy to the second Connect (like at the office) over the internet. Back up to Connect devices of as many trusted individuals as you want.
Connect isn't just another "dropbox clone"
Connect is a server that has apps to view, manage, and stream all of your favorite content. Stream your music and movies. View and share all of your photos. Communicate, update, and share with your friends on your own private social network (vanity domain and email included), sync all your files across all your devices, host your own blog from home, etc. And for developers who are looking to develop apps on the decentralized web, here is your chance. Connect takes care of all the security, authentication, etc. so you can just build on top of a simple to use API.
Here's to the crazy ones.
We remember what it was like to hear the Internet literally "dial-up." And we've watched as the Internet Kings have made billions off our "user data." Today, we are making a stand and Taking Back the Internet. With Connect, we are empowering you to quite literally put the "I" back in Internet and redeem your digital soul. However, without you, it is a lost cause. But, "We have hope. Rebellions are built on hope." You are that hope. Join us.
Until Now...
Where you hang your @
We believe everybody should have a space on the web to call home.
But it’s complicated. As a developer that just wants to plug in a Raspberry Pi and host a blog, there’s just way too much to learn and keep track of just to hole punch and tunnel - UPnP, port-forwarding, IPs, domain name registration, DNS, etc - to be able to set up a simple hello world from your house.
We wanted to automate all of the technical Internet-y stuff away. To make a long story short, we ended up having to do it on our own, but it resulted in a suite of Command Line tools and Web APIs for secure tunneling and Dynamic DNS, which you can use not only with Connect, but with any device so that you can easily run your websites, email, etc out of your home or office.
Like Heroku and Raspberry Pi had a love child.
A lot of the time you don’t want to worry about configuring your server, about databases, about authentication or security measures. You just want to focus on code that does cool stuff.
We wanted to simplify the experience so that both simple HTML5 Web Apps and full-stack Containers are just a daplie push away.
The Internet of Things
Right now connected home automation is budding and IoT is still the wild west. We see a future for it, but it needs a private, secure, direct connection to the home.
We want to make it simple for devs and hobbyists to begin projects with IoT devices, without worrying about the infrastructure setup so we’re automating DNS, tunneling, firewalls and other technical aspects so you can get to work on the things that are important to you.
Are any recurring fees to Daplie required?
There are no monthly fees required to use Daplie.
What kind of internet do I need?
Any broadband connection will do. Connect plugs into your home's modem or router directly via a normal Ethernet cable, which provides the most reliable and fastest access. If you live in an HOA which does not provide access to Ethernet, you can use a WiFi-Ethernet bridge. Satellite connections that are not always-on or that have strict upload limits may cause difficulty accessing Connect or streaming movies. Dial-up is not supported.
Are there user limits?
There is no limit to the number of users on the device or people you can share with or give access to on your Connect. There are no charges for users. You decide who can have access and what level of access they receive. Each user has a unique login. We provide the hardware and infrastructure, but you own the network.
Do you use RAID?
Our general philosophy is that if there's a solution that fixes part of a problem and another solution that completely fixes a problem, we focus on the complete solution.
RAID only solves the problem of local redundancy (copying one drive to another in the same room) and we believe that off-site redundancy is an all-around better solution, so we recommend linking two or more Connect units together.
That said, you can use a RAID drive with Connect via USB.
What if my house burns down?
We recommend that you keep backups. For example, you could link two Daplie systems together (perhaps yours and a family members).
A backup is only a backup if you have 2 copies. For example, if you have one copy on some cloud storage and another copy on your computer, you have a backup. If you delete the original from your computer and only have the file on some cloud storage, you don't have a backup.
Also, how many times has your house burned down in comparison to how many times a "the cloud" service has either lost, deleted, replaced, or ransomed your stuff? "the cloud" services go out of business and change product lines or fail to renew content licenses on a regular basis. In all likelihood your house is a much, much safer place for your digital life than Google or Dropbox.
Do I have to use one of your hard drives?
Absolutely not. A regular USB drive can be used, but you must make sure it is empty when you start using it with Connect. Note, however, that most drives are not intended for nor warrantied for cloud system use.
For those who want the most reliable drives and the smoothest experience, we offer storage drives that plug right into the server and do not require any extra cords and don't take up much space.
What are the Technical Specifications?
On the inside, Connect is essentially a tablet without the screen and using faster and more reliable ethernet instead of WiFi. The exact production specifications will vary depending on volume, but will be multi-core ARM processor with 2GB RAM, 1Ghz, 2x Ethernet, 2x USB, Cold Storage Wallet with physical button.
What about Security?
Security is multi-faceted.
We focus on designing solutions that are technically secure (encryption, keypairs, tokens, etc), secure against social exploits (dialogs, codes, authentication), and convenient to use (because if it isn't convenient people just find a way around it).
How is this different from a NAS?
This is different from a NAS in the same way that an iPad is different from a build-it-yourself Desktop computer. It's easier to set up and use, has apps, is smaller, less powerful, more convenient, and doesn't require technical skills. It also is built to expand and connect to other devices and manage your smart home and blockchain assets and applications.