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Drunk Duck Webcomics improvement drive!

We need the help of the community to make DD a better place FOR the community!

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Drunk Duck Webcomics improvement drive!

Drunk Duck Webcomics improvement drive!

Drunk Duck Webcomics improvement drive!

Drunk Duck Webcomics improvement drive!

Drunk Duck Webcomics improvement drive!

We need the help of the community to make DD a better place FOR the community!

We need the help of the community to make DD a better place FOR the community!

We need the help of the community to make DD a better place FOR the community!

We need the help of the community to make DD a better place FOR the community!

Ozone Ocean
Ozone Ocean
Ozone Ocean
Ozone Ocean
2 Campaigns |
Los Angeles, United States
$1,884 USD by 49 backers
$1,824 USD by 48 backers on Mar 20, 2016
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Short Summary

Contributors fund ideas they can be passionate about and to people they trust. Here are some things to do in this section:

  • Drunk Duck is one of the oldest webcomic hosting sites, being around since 2002! Famed for its positive community, ease of use and the wealth of great comics hosted there Like Charby the Vampirate, Modest Medusa, The Pirate Balthasar, Culture Shock, Simply Sarah and many more.
  • Drunk Duck has been through many ups and downs. Now we're on the UP again- DD is FINALLY entirely under the control community control and we're using this opportunity to FIX the site and make it great again!
  • We're asking the community of creators and readers of fine comics on DD to contribute a little bit to help make the site great again, to return those useful features you've been missing for so long and to help us add NEW ones to make the site even better, easier and more fun to use, to give a boost to our fantastic community and let our creators have even more tools to help host those great comics we love and enjoy.

What We Need & What You Get

Break it down for folks in more detail:

  • We're looking to raise just $1700 to begin fixing the site. Our first wave of improvements will cost just over $800, this includes putting statistics tracking BACK on the site for all webcomics (our most missed and requested features). Next is notifications for private messages so people can communicate way more easily- this will be done though a visible number next to your PQ link, through an alert box, AND email if you enable it. We want to expand that through notifications for new comments and activity on form threads you follow. We'll also be fixing the link features for comic accounts so they can use their own image links again, AND fixing the forums so they don't mangle text in silly ways. We're also making the site cheaper to run by changing how we're hosted. The rest of the money will go towards future upgrades the community decide on, like improving the front page to add in community features, giving people custom titles, adding the ability to "like" comments on comics, forum posts and anything else etc. We're taking suggestions!

  • Perks: Well we had a big think about this one. Great creators have offered to give away original art, comic artists will offer cameos to donators, there will be custom sketch cards available, and custom commissioned digital art, an ad for your comic will replace the current ads for the Quackcast as the default Project Wonderful ad on all pages on the entire website! You could have a featured article about yourself or your comic on the front page of the site. We will interview you live on the Quackcast, Drunk Duck's own long running weekly podcast. We can give away copies of the original printed DD comics anthology! We'll also look into getting shirts and other products made to give away.

  • If we don't reach our $1700 goal all money we collect will still go into paying to have the site fixed. That's all we want it for. We might not be able to add as many new features as we like but we'll do what we can and as we earn more money from advertising we'll always put it back into the site.

The Impact

  • People need great, free community based sites to host their creative content to show friendly audiences who appreciate it! DD was always known for its accepting and supportive community, we want to help build that up again. We pride ourselves on working tirelessly to promote and support the comics hosted on our site to try and get them read by as many people as possible, above all we want to keep on doing that!

  • Through many years we've stuck with DD and worked hard to bring it back to life after disasters threatened to end it. Since we took over community management of the site 2 years ago we've been slowly rebuilding and improving.
  •  Just last month we already hired a programmer to do some much needed fixes. The site is now faster, more reliable and working smother than it's been in the last six years! We finally fixed the registration and password retrieval bugs. Now after those successes we hope to do FAR, FAR more!

Risks & Challenges

  • Our only obstacle is funding. So far we've been able to pay for part of our repairs and most of our hosting costs through advertising, and I, Ozoneocean, have been prepared to pay the rest of the bills out of my own pocket. I've been paying all unexpected expenses from my own money to make sure DD ALWAYS stays afloat and never dies again for any stupid reason. The site is getting better at paying for itself, we just need a boost so that we can go the rest of the way.

  • Our plan for to make sure the site can keep on going and getting better is to keep on improving functionality so that we attract more comicers and more community members: THIS increases the funding we get from advertising, which in turn makes the site more self sufficient AND able to pay for its OWN improvements. After major fixes to site functionality in December our advertising revenue reached a record high and so far as of posting this on the 19th of January we've already beaten it.

Other Ways You Can Help

  • If you can't contribute money, please at least consider spreading the word to help this great webcomicing community! Also, if you could contribute your skills as an artist to offer commissions as a perk, give away original art, or give people a guest cameo in your comic that would be amazing!

  • You can use the Indiegogo tools to help get the word out about our campaign.
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Choose your Perk


Modest Medusa 126 page comic

$10 USD
For just $10 you can get a PDF download of a 126 page Modest Medusa comic from Jake Richmond! We will give you a download link to it and you'll be able to download it and read it offline on your computer, tablet or phone!
6 claimed

Honourable newspost mention

$3 USD
When you donate $3 or more you'll get a mention and a link (if you have something to link to), in the newsposts on the front page of Drunk Duck!
8 claimed

Feature mention.

$25 USD
For $25 we'll give you a featured mention on the front page of the site in a newspost- this will include a short paragraph about you and your comic (if you have one) and an image of your choice.
5 claimed

Own an Original DD Anthology!

$40 USD
We have some of the ORIGINAL DD anthology printed comic collections to give away! These were the last DD collection printed when Platinum bought the site. It features the work of many comic artists popular in DD's Heyday back then. These are from Black Kitty's personal collection - one of the original Admins of Drunk Duck! -They will ship from Canada You will also get a mention and a link (if you have something to link to), in the newsposts on the front page of Drunk Duck!
3 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

5 page custom script

$40 USD
One of our members, Ironhand, is prepared to write you a 5 page custom script of your choice! Could be for some pages of your comic! You will also get a mention and a link (if you have something to link to), in the newsposts on the front page of Drunk Duck!
0 out of 1 of claimed

Comic Cameo OR playmobile set!

$40 USD
A guest role for yourself or your character in Gunwallace's awesome comic All Unicorns to Battle Stations! You will need to provide photos for reference. This could be several pages long. OR, you could get one of the Playmobile sets featured in Character Development:
1 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Commissioned theme tune

$50 USD
The amazing Gunwallace will create a custom theme tune for your comic or other project! You can hear his songs featured in many Quackcasts.
0 out of 2 of claimed

Custom Art by DD Artists

$50 USD
You will get a commissioned piece of digital artwork by one of the following DD artists: Jake Richmond, creator of Modest Medusa; Ghostrunner, creator of grin n spirit; Ironscarf, creator of Awfully Decent Fellows; Maskdt, creator of Undead 20XX; Abt Nihil, creator of Bombshell (b&w commission). Please email Hippie Van (hippievannews at gmail dot com) immediately after getting this perk to let us know which artist you’ve selected, otherwise we will have to choose for you!
1 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Your OWN front page newspost

$80 USD
You will be able to have an entire newspost dedicated ONLY to you. You can even write it yourself and choose your own feature image- this will also be reposted to our official Facebook page. If you like we can write it about you or your comic ourselves. This will feature on the front page of DD giving you TONS or exposure!
1 out of 20 of claimed

Quackcast Interview

$120 USD
Ozoneocean and Banes will give you a featured interview on DD's very own podcast, the Quackcast. All you need is Skype and we'll do the rest. We will ask you about whatever project you want to talk about and help promote you to the DD community. This ALSO includes a featured newspost on the front page of the DD website with an image of your choice, which will also be shared on our official Facebook page as well, all about you!
1 out of 6 of claimed

Featured Ad Space!

$150 USD
Our Project Wonderful ad spaces are highly sought out because they show up on every page and every single comic on our entire site! For $150 you get to have your own ad featured in ALL THREE positions for an ENTIRE month in the no-bid ad space. That means when no one bids for a space your ad shows instead, every time. Ideally this is worth over $200. While the US positions are usually always bid on, "the rest of the world", the EU, and Canada frequently display the no-bid ads.
1 out of 3 of claimed


$150 USD
Amelius has agreed to personally send out a couple of copies of original hand done art that she made for Charby the Vampirate! This is a very rare offer from one of the longest standing members of Drunk Duck as well as the creator of THE most popular comic on the site EVER. Wouldn't you love to have your own original piece? This is your chance, probably the only one you'll ever get ;)
2 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
sold out


$60 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed

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