With 10 days left until the Hamilton municipal election campaigns get fully underway, I'm asking for your support to fund my coverage of the races in all 15 wards this fall.
Your support will fund:
- Live Video Streams of all-candidate debates in every Ward (one debate per ward)
- Live Video Streams of Mayoral Debates
- Comprehensive video recordings of all major candidate promises which will be permanently available to ensure candidates keep their promises
- Podcast interviews with all candidates, including school board candidates; and
- Enable me to support neighbourhood associations with their debates by lending - at no charge - the equipment we've funded.
- Continuing coverage of every meeting at City Hall, including the review of agendas cover-to-cover, and monitoring to ensure the information you need is known; and
- Access for everyone to high quality local journalism.
The 10 Day Campaign:
I'm looking to raise $2,500 to cover the costs of data, office space, travel, equipment upgrades, and my rent to cover the municipal election like Hamilton has never seen before, including a voter's guide e-book to ensure all Hamiltonians able to make an informed decision.
This is a short 10 day campaign, all it will take is 100 supporters at $25 each to reach the goal. (Of course, smaller donations help significantly as well, or some bigger contributions to move it past the goal, I'm happy to accept larger contributions)
Election Night Party:
All contributors will receive an exclusive invitation to the JoeyColeman.ca Election Night Party / Live Broadcast at a Downtown Hamilton bar.
Our election night party will be a fun night of engaged Hamiltonians and include a live broadcast of election results, including candidate interviews, and an informed discussion of what the results mean for Hamilton's future.
Why Your Funding Makes For Great Journalism
Being funded by the community enables journalism that is focused upon building a better community by providing the information for us to effective engage in our civic affairs.
Our journalism focuses upon all of Hamilton's communities, is accountable to the community, and is local - this is made possible because it is supported by the community.
Your support enables watchdog journalism that covers every meeting at City Hall, can be in the community for meetings across Hamilton, and can be there for you when you need to know what's happening in your community.
It may be a meeting at 9am in City Hall, or at 8pm on a Friday night of a long weekend - by supporting our journalism, you can be there on your smartphone, laptop, or any other device.
This crowdfunding campaign is to support continuing coverage of civic affairs,
Crowdfunding makes high quality journalism that matters possible for you and available to everyone.
(Our Desk at The Seedworks)
committed to continuing to cover Hamilton in the coming years, and to
building a sustainable public-interest media outlet that is reader
supported and accountable.
The Benefits to All
Your support enables everyone to:
- Benefit from a more informed community conversation;
- Accurate, Responsible real-time reporting;
- Access to public information that no other media outlet releases.
Every City Council meeting, every City Council committee,
every City Council sub-committee, School Board meetings, Public
meetings, Local Events, Art Crawls, Town Halls, and more - that's the
journalism your contribution supports.