Who we are:
We are the El Sereno Bungalows Collective, which derived from an autonomous space called the Eastside Cafe. This space is inspired by the work of the Zapatistas from Chiapas, Mexico, who believe in the philosophy “Everything for Everyone” or “Todo Para Tod@s.” Eastside Cafe has been around for 10 years and currently offers classes in Son Jarocho, ESL, folklorico, yoga, music concerts and other classes for people to attend free of charge (donations are accepted).
Lis Barajas
Jonathan Barrales
Iris De Anda
Angela Flores
Hector Flores
Joe Parker
Jeffery Perez
Why we need YOUR help:
Behind the Eastside Cafe in East Los Angeles are 8 abandoned bungalows and we have been working for 3 years to reclaim these buildings. We have been consulting with the community around these bungalows by talking to families and asking for what they'd want to see in this upcoming community space. Over 500 local households agreed on an Art & Culture Community Space for free of charge and would offer music, painting, computer, and other classes that the Eastside Cafe is too small to fascilitate. Our collective has already received a small grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, but the catch is for us to match those funds within a one-year period. We have been fudraising all year and this is our last push for you to help us raise matching funds n the first phase.
The propsed uses for the rennovated and adapted bungalows include a performance space for dance, yoga, theater, and music and a production space for sewing and pottery classes for trade networks. We also plan to have a computer classroom and meeting rooms, together with an organic garden with a teaching kitchen under the huge avocado tree that is already there. We are working with Honles and Zepeda Architects in doing the existing conditions evaluation and preparing the adaptive re-use plans.
CalTrans owns the property, but they gave the Bungalows Collective permission to pursue the National Trust grant and to begin the work towards renovating the bungalows and transforming them into a community center.
Your Impact:
By supporting this project you help rebuild local democratic and autonomous community in East Los Angeles. This step is the first on a journey to join with community members to see that we can make our neighborhoods into what we want them to be. We have more steps ahead of us, as our community draws on its resources and expertise to reclaim abandoned buildings and turn them into a valuable resource. After the renovation process, the El Sereno Bungalows will provide a place where the community may come together to make its own music, dance, and other arts, to share its knowledge for health and community needs, and for young and old to learn together. By contributing you will join our collective process in building community and building autonomous spaces.
Any money raised during this campaign above the $10,000 goal will go directly to supporting the renovation of the El Sereno bungalows and the future phases of this project. Since we are an all-volunteer organization, these funds will not be used for salaries or fundraising campaign costs.
Other Ways You Can Help:
- MAKE SOME NOISE about our campaign! Indiegogo has easy share tools, where you can GET THE WORD OUT to your friends and networks.
- LIKE US on Facebook.
- TWEET your friends and networks on Twitter