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Extreme floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina -Appeal!

Extreme floods hit B&H the last few days,and citizens of many cities like Maglaj,Doboj have been mostly affected.These people need all forms of assistance,food.

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Extreme floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina -Appeal!

Extreme floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina -Appeal!

Extreme floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina -Appeal!

Extreme floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina -Appeal!

Extreme floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina -Appeal!

Extreme floods hit B&H the last few days,and citizens of many cities like Maglaj,Doboj have been mostly affected.These people need all forms of assistance,food.

Extreme floods hit B&H the last few days,and citizens of many cities like Maglaj,Doboj have been mostly affected.These people need all forms of assistance,food.

Extreme floods hit B&H the last few days,and citizens of many cities like Maglaj,Doboj have been mostly affected.These people need all forms of assistance,food.

Extreme floods hit B&H the last few days,and citizens of many cities like Maglaj,Doboj have been mostly affected.These people need all forms of assistance,food.

Erna V & Novi Dan
Erna V & Novi Dan
Erna V & Novi Dan
Erna V & Novi Dan
2 Campaigns |
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
$33 USD $33 USD 3 backers
0% of $10,877 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects


Appeal For Help to Citizens in B&H!

Extreme floods hit B&H the last few days, and citizens of many cities like  Maglaj, Olovo, Doboj  have been mostly affected, which are cut off from the rest of the country. These people need all forms of assistance when the situation calms down a little, hence we calls on all those who can help these people.

Appeal to all to donate for heaters, food, blankets and clothes… for urgent help to these and other places.

All donations we be send to Humanitarian Organisation "" in Bosnia and Herzegovina who will then deliver food and other with trucks to all those who are not able to leave their homes.

Please, help us as much as possible

Thank You!

Kako kuce nestaju

Extrema översvämningar i Bosnien och Hercegovina! 

Bosnien och Hercegovina har drabbats av de kraftigaste regnen och de värsta översvämningarna hittills och invånarna i många städer som Maglaj, Olovo, Doboj har mest påverkats. Dessa människor behöver alla former av stöd när situationen lugnar ner sig lite, därför vi uppmanar alla som kan hjälpa dessa människor. 

Alla donationer kommer att skickas till Humanitär Organisation "" i Bosnien och Hercegovina, som kommer att leverera mat och plädar med lastbilar till alla dem som inte har möjlighet att lämna sina hem.

Tack för ert stöd.

Ekstremne poplave su zadesile Bosnu i Hercegovinu zadnjih nekoliko dana i stanovnici u mnogim gradovima kao sto su Maglaj, Olovo i Doboj su najvise zahvaceni poplavama i odsjeceni od ostalih. Nasi ljudi trebaju pomoc u hrani, odjeci, grijanju, pogotovo kada se vodostaji umanje i smiri sve jer su im domovi unisteni.

Sve prikupljene donacije ce se proslijediti Humanitarnoj organizaciji "" u BiH koja moze proslijediti pomoc dalje onima kojima je to potrebno. 

Budite humani i pomozite!

Hvala svima koji ce se ukljuciti u ovu akciju!

U saradnji sa Humanitarna organizacija "Novi Dan" Geteborg, Svedska


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