Feral cats of Toronto now have a safe, warm place to recover after they have been spayed / neutered! The Toronto Feral Cat TNR Coalition has secured and upgraded a space in Scarborough. But we need help!
We need approximately $14,000 to run the Recovery Center for the year - and that's not including utilities. (Since this is our first year, this operating budget may change.) A much-needed dumpster service, alone, will cost $3,600.
Here is our estimated monthly breakdown:
Rent - $169
Dumpster - $300
Insurance - $100
Internet & Phone - $50
Cleaning supplies - $100
Cat food - $200
Litter & puppy pads - $200
You can help us make this happen! And get cool stuff in the process! We're happy to ship your "swag" to you or you can pop on by the Animal Alliance office to pick everything up (and stay for a vegan lunch!).
The Toronto Feral Cat TNR Coalition is a coalition of municipal animal service programmes, humane societies, rescue groups and concerned individuals, working collectively to improve the lives of feral cats through strategic Trap-Neuter-Return programs and to address the numbers of homeless and feral cats living on the streets.
In the spring of 2010, Toronto Animal Services announced the opening of a new spay/neuter clinic and the start of a free monthly feral cat sterilization programme. This amazing breakthrough was the catalyst that formed the Toronto Feral Cat TNR Coalition. Later in 2010, the Toronto Humane Society also began offering free spay / neuter clinics for feral cats. A third group, Toronto Street Cats, also provides free services.
Since our formation, we have sterilized over 3000 cats for free!
The Impact
As far as we can tell, our Recovery Centre is the first of its kind in North America. Feedback from colony caretakers pushed the Coalition to respond to the need for a space to recover cats. Many caretakers live in apartments with no room to keep a cat for 3-4 days post-surgery.
And when there aren't cats recovering at the Centre, we use the space for caretaker workshops and volunteer training.
Please - for the cats - help us keep this much-needed space operational.
Other Ways You Can Help
Short on cash?
Donate your time at the Recovery Centre! We need help covering the morning shifts.
Or if you like to drive, please help with transportation of cats to and from the clinics!
So if you have a few hours to spare, fill out our online volunteer application form, available on our Coalition website - www.torontoferalcatcoalition.ca
And please share news about this important campaign, for the animals.