![Orange text in a white cloud on a yellow background. The text reads "About Us".]()
Hi, hello, what’s up? We’re Alec and Kitty, two lovable nonbinary, neurospicy nerds, longtime pals, and, most recently, business partners. We met co-managing the sticker book & paper doll spinner racks at a certain massive Portland bookstore and somehow managed to survive with both our sanity (mostly) intact and a lasting friendship.
More importantly, we are the folks working very hard to bring you Field Day Books & Bottles!
What is Field Day Books & Bottles? Thanks for asking — we’d love to tell you!
![Orange text in a white cloud on a yellow background. The text is Field Day's logo and reads "Field Day Books & Bottles".]()
Field Day is an inclusive bookstore and bottle shop selling a lovingly curated collection of new and used titles alongside a hand-picked selection of beers, wines, ciders, and n/a beverages coming to NE Portland this Spring. We’ve got some big plans, but we’ll get to the details later.
First, let us take you there:
Field Day is where you’ll find a new hiking guide for this weekend, used copies of all of those books you’ve been meaning to read but haven’t quite gotten around to, and your newest literary obsession you won’t shut up about for the next 3-6 months (sorry not sorry to your friends). It’s your go-to spot when you're bored with your usual drink of choice, when you want to impress your in-laws with something funky and local, or when you need a variety of beverage options to bring to your next D&D session. It’s the place you return to on a dark, rainy day when you just need somewhere to be and the place you take all your friends when they visit (bonus points if it’s trivia night). It’s an evening at a cozy pub in the Shire and a whirlwind European food and wine tour with your ex-turned-friend-turned-??? (if you know you know) all in one.
Field Day is your new home away from home, and we can’t wait to share it with you.
We need your help! Unfortunately, capitalism continues to exist and, therefore, all of the wonderful things we want to give you cost a shocking amount of money. We’re just a bookseller and a non-profit manager (two famously lucrative careers) with a vision and very little capital not already set aside for our basic needs. We can only host so many bake sales before we gotta call in reinforcements.
Which brings us to…
![Orange text in a white cloud on a yellow background. The text reads "What We Need".]()
Our projected start-up costs are ~$30,000. This includes the big things like our shop space rental deposit, shelving and fixtures, POS system, refrigerators, and projected beginning inventory costs (you know, the books & bottles) as well as all of the many little things it takes to create and run a business. We’ve already secured $10,000, and we’re asking for your help to raise the remaining $20,000.
It’s A LOT, we know. We’re doing our best to keep costs down as much as possible with a considerable amount of DIY because we’ve never met an art, craft, or project we couldn’t handle. Even so, it turns out opening a bookstore/bottle shop is hard and expensive? So far it’s been a lot less ‘deep philosophical conversations about literature over bougie beer’ and a lot more ‘making a spreadsheet for everything and melting our brains trying to find tech companies not owned by fascists’ (way harder than you’d think). To be clear, we’re not complaining; this is 1000% a labor of love and we wouldn’t trade it for the world. But, we could definitely use your help getting to the good part a little sooner.
One of the great things about this Indiegogo campaign is that even if we don’t fully reach our goal, we will still receive your generous donations. No matter what, your contributions will go toward all the same things and greatly help us on the road to making this place a reality. If we surpass our goal, those extra funds will go toward Field Day’s emergency fund and paying lil ol’ us a liveable wage, ensuring we’ll be around for our community for years to come. In short: the more we raise, the more freedom we have to make the cozy hangout spot of your dreams.
![Orange text in a white cloud on a yellow background. The text reads "What's In It For You?"]()
Apart from the invaluable street cred of saying, “I helped build Field Day,” we’ve got a veritable cornucopia of fun items for you to choose from for helping us do this dang thing! Plus, all backers will get an invite to our soft open/thank-you party!
Sincerely, we kind of assume that if you’re here, you’re the type of person who earnestly wants to help make this space a reality in your community. The perks just happen to be a really awesome bonus. And who knows, we might just dream up some new perks for you as things get rolling, so stay tuned!
![Orange text in a white cloud on a yellow background. The text reads "Your Impact".]()
We love a local independent bookstore. We love the kind where you can get lost among the shelves and the kind where you can run your fingers across every spine without taking a step. We love the ones you can spend a whole day in, curled up in a well-loved armchair by the window and the ones where you only need to stop in for a moment to find the perfect beach read. Most of all, we love that a good local bookstore is a reflection of its community, a little vignette of life wherever you happen to be.
Truthfully, this all started for one selfish reason: There aren’t bookstores near us. The vast majority of Portland’s bookstores are concentrated in the West and Central East sides of the city, leaving book-loving Portlandians East of 50th with very limited options. Field Day began as a “super hypothetical” idea borne of frustration, but has grown into so much more. What’s become clearer and clearer each step along this process is the kind of space we want Field Day to be: a space that feels safe and welcoming — a space that centers joy.
Field Day is an ode to daily pleasures, big and small. It’s a celebration of and, perhaps, an incitement to live life to the fullest. It’s an invitation to find a glimmer of good in even the simplest of things. And we’re not sure about you, but it feels to us like that’s needed now more than ever.
Field Day will be in outer NE Portland because that’s where it’s needed. We’re going to work with schools and libraries to source the books they want and need because the kids are going to be alright; we’ll make sure of it. We’re going to stock our bookshelves across genres with a particular emphasis on queer and BIPOC content, titles from small and/or local presses, and non-English language titles and translations in every section because a bookstore should reflect all of its community. Our drink selection will run the gamut of beer, wine, cider, and n/a options from Czech pilsners to hop waters, Basque ciders to sparkling rosés, spiced meads to cold brew coffees, and will always prominently feature local brewers and distillers because we believe you deserve options and sometimes the best ones are close to home. We’ll host a variety of events (and let you host your own) because this is more than a store, it’s a place to be. And we’re going to make a ton of great shop merchandise because it’s fun and you deserve a little treat.
![Orange text in a white cloud on a yellow background. The text reads "Risks and Challenges".]()
We’ve never done this before! While Alec & Kitty both have extensive experience in multiple areas of the industry, neither have run a crowdfunding campaign or launched a brick and mortar shop before. We do have an amazingly supportive community behind us who have done both those things and more and we’re confident our combination of skills and experience will translate well. But, we’re not perfect and we expect to learn a lot on the way.
Additionally, the world is a tumultuous place at the best of times and especially so of late. While we’re aces at project management, there are a lot of things that are out of our control. Specific to this campaign, we’ve done our best to provide realistic estimates for everything from cost of goods to shipping timelines, but those are subject to change. That said, we are going to keep y’all updated every step of the way and anticipate you’ll get all of your goods no later than June.
![Orange text in a white cloud on a yellow background. The text reads "Other Ways You Can Help".]()
- Share this with your friends, your family, your coworkers, your book club, your rabbi, your dog-walker — truly anyone and everyone! We cannot overstate how helpful this is!
- Share your time and expertise! Are you a Quickbooks whisperer or did your aunt secretly invent Eventbrite? Can you craft really beautiful shelves or confidently install a sink? Do you own a truck? Or, do you just have a lot of free time and don’t hate lifting heavy things? Shoot us an email at hello@fielddaybb.com! It’s just the two of us and, while we already have an incredibly talented and supportive community behind us, we can always stand to make that community bigger.
- Do you own a local bakery, plant shop, roastery, brewery, or other cool business and would be interested in collaborating? Hit us up at hello@fielddaybb.com with “collab” in the subject line. We’d love to hear from you!
- Click here to sign up for our newsletter Message in a Bottle: bimonthly, bisexual, bibliophilic.
- Follow us on Instagram @fielddaybb to keep up with the latest Field Day news!
Now let’s get to the fun stuff...
![Orange text in a white cloud on a yellow background. The text reads "Perks!"]()
![Red text next to an image of a letter sticking out of an envelope. The letter says, "You're invited!" The text reads "All Backers: an invitation to our soft open/thank-you party!"]()
![Red text on a white cloud over a yellow background. The text reads, "Any amount: our eternal thanks," and is bracketed by hearts.]()
For our pals just making ends meet, for the minimalists who don’t need more stuff, for those coming back to contribute again. Or maybe you just want an invite to what some (we) are calling the hottest party this Spring. Whatever the reason, we see you and we appreciate you ? We can’t wait to see you in the shop :)
![Red text next to an image of a postcard. The text reads "$15: A handwritten thank-you card from Al & Kit!"]()
What’s better than our eternal thanks? Our eternal thanks given physical form! But seriously, let us tell you how much your support means to us and get a lil something to put up on your fridge, cork board, cubicle, etc.
![Red text next to an image of a risograph print in red and yellow ink. The print depicts a stack of books surrounded by traditional tattoo-style poppies, overlaid with bubbly text reading "unbannable". The text reads "$30: Exclusive Risograph Art Print"]()
If you’re here, we imagine you’re also mad about *gestures to everything* so we made you this print to remind you and The Man that we’re not going anywhere. We’ll be printing these with our pals at Outlet PDX (https://www.outletpdx.com/), so you know she’s gonna be a beaut. Frame it for your wall, send it to certain elected officials with a strongly worded message on the back — whatever floats your boat!
![A graphic featuring the image of a red bandana with a black and white illustration of picnic supplies on it. The bottle in the center features the Field Day logo on the label. Text to the side reads, "Exclusive Bandana! $30"]()
Just as at home on a day out with The Lads (ungendered) as it is on a hike with The Girlies (ungendered), this perk is as versatile and cute as you are! Wear it on a date, tie it to your fanny pack for emergencies, stick it in your back pocket or, dare we say, use it as a picnic tablecloth?
![Red text next to an image of a goldenrod-colored t-shirt with a stylized screenprint version of the Field Day logo on it in dark red ink. The text reads "$60: Exclusive t-shirt colorway. Deisgned and printed in-house."]()
Do you want a perk that’s not only a work of art, but a work of art you can wear? We’ve got you covered with this Field Day Logo Tee. Featuring a gorgeous version of the FD logo designed by Kitty in an campaign-exclusive colorway and printed in-house by your favorite booksellers, this will very quickly become your new go-to shirt.
![A graphic featuring the image of a canvas tote bag with an orange rococo floral pattern on it. Text next to it reads, "$60: Exclusive Tote Bag Colorway"]()
How many tote bags do you currently own? Not important. We are here to tell you that you need another one. This one is, as Kitty once said during a potential out of body experience, “a sturdy bird” and a real cutie to boot. Plus, where else are you going to put your Field Day haul?
![Red text next to an image of an empty cardboard box with speech bubbles above it. The text reads "$100: Custom book box." The speech bubbles say, "Books, art, stickers, and more -- hand-picked for you!"]()
Hey, did you know that we’re booksellers? We’d literally love nothing more than to pick out some books just for you! Contribute at this tier and we’ll send you a lil get-to-know-you survey to learn about your interests and preferences. In return, you’ll get a gift box containing at least two (2) books and some combination of prints, stationary, and stickers, all hand-picked especially for you!
![An illustration featuring two wine glasses and a stack of books surrounded by hearts next to text. The text reads “$300: Private Date Night.”]()
The perfect birthday/anniversary treat doesn’t exi—
Hello there. Do you love books, but hate loud noises? Are you not a fan of crowds, but adore spending time in bookshops with your sweetheart or bestie? Check this out: Field Dates include two hours of private bookstore time to browse and lounge at your leisure, a beverage selection curated to your palate, complementary finger food, unparalleled ambiance, and a book of your choice to take home each. So maybe that perfect birthday/anniversary treat does exist, after all.
If you snag this perk, we’ll send you a reservation form once we’ve opened so you can choose your date! ♥️
![Red text next to an image of a tattoo flash sheet featuring images from literature and classic art. The text reads "$300: Flash Tattoo Appointment with Michelle Iris".]()
SOLD OUT! This one’s for the folks who want to make their support for indie bookstores a little more eternal #FieldDay4Lyfe! Or maybe you just want to support some really cool local artists and get some cool ink on your body? Either way, we’ve got you covered! Michelle (@michelle_iris_tattoos) has created an incredible flash sheet just for this and she’s just as stoked to see y’all as we are!
![A collection of book, fine art, and printmaking-inspired tattoo flash designs by Michelle Iris.]()
![Red text next to a white cloud with a traditional-style tattoo flash sheet on it, over a yellow background. The text reads, "$300: Flash Tattoo Appointment with Jess Blanche".]()
SOLD OUT! This one’s for the folks who want to make their support for indie bookstores a little more eternal #FieldDay4Lyfe! Or maybe you just want to support some really cool local artists and get some cool ink on your body? Either way, we’ve got you covered! Jess (@jesspleasetattoos) has created an incredible custom flash sheet just for this and she’s just as stoked to see y’all as we are!
Once Jess' two campaign-specific appointments have been filled, feel free to schedule an appointment with her here for the same flash, and she'll donate 25% of those proceeds to us.
![A collection of floral and book-inspired traditional tattoo flash by Jess Blanche.]()
Did y'all know that you're the sweetest folks around? True fact! We can't thank you enough for your support. <3