Last Call Bus Club
It's 2AM. You're wandering around the mission wondering how you're going to get back to Palo Alto. $150 for a cab? Drive home drunk? Wake up with drool and back pains on your friend's couch? Crash at the girl's place that is a bit too clingy? No.
We are Last Call Bus Club. We bring you back to the peninsula at the end of the night. We pick up in the Marina and the Mission and drop off in San Mateo, Palo Alto, and San Jose for $25. One bus. 2AM. Sleep in the comfort of your own home.
Our first bus runs are on Friday, August 9th and Saturday, August 10th.
If we raise enough money we will continue this service as long as we can afford it. If you have a request for an additional stop please let us know and if we get enough requests we'll add it on.
Tenative Schedule
Marina:Lombard & Fillmore: 2AM
Mission:24th and Mission: 2:20AM
San Mateo Caltrain: 2:45AM
Palo Alto Caltrain: 3:10AM
San Jose Diridon: 3:40AM
I live in SF. This doesn't apply to me.
No. We know you have friends in the peninsula. Force them to come to a get together on either August 9th or August 10th. They have no excuse not to come. (I mean what are they going to do on the Peninsula on Saturday night?)
Why are you doing this?
We want to provide a safe and responsible way for you to get home without breaking laws or your bank.
How often will this run?
If we raise enough money we will run this as long as we can.
How can I help?
As an individual buy a ticket, spread awareness, or give us feedback. At the end of the day, this service is for you! If you have the cash sponsor a bus so we can run the bus for another night. If you are part of a larger organization, we'd love to have your support in any way that you can help (see honorary supporter).
How do I get up to SF?
The Caltrain is a great public transportation option TO SF, but it stops running at around midnight. Also, if you know of someone else driving to SF you can always hitch a ride there without worrying about how you will get a ride back.
Why do you drop off at the Caltrain station?
We are dropping off at the Caltrain because we think that a majority of people who want to take this option are taking the Caltrain up to SF. So, when you get back to your city you have a lot of different options (walk, phone a friend, bike, drive if you are capable, or cab it). If the Caltrain station is NOT near your house comment and let us know of a central location near you that you think would be a good fit for a stop. If we get enough requests- we'll add the stop to our itinerary!
What does my ticket cover?
Your ticket covers one one-way ticket from the Marina or the Mission to the peninsula on a bus that has relatively comfortable seats, a bathroom, and a security guard. Any profits will help pay for or lower the costs of any future bus runs depending on demand!