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Get Mercury out of Medicine: World Mercury Project

Grassroots action to educate Congress and remove mercury from our medicine.

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Get Mercury out of Medicine: World Mercury Project

Get Mercury out of Medicine: World Mercury Project

Get Mercury out of Medicine: World Mercury Project

Get Mercury out of Medicine: World Mercury Project

Get Mercury out of Medicine: World Mercury Project

Grassroots action to educate Congress and remove mercury from our medicine.

Grassroots action to educate Congress and remove mercury from our medicine.

Grassroots action to educate Congress and remove mercury from our medicine.

Grassroots action to educate Congress and remove mercury from our medicine.

Laura Bono
Laura Bono
Laura Bono
Laura Bono
3 Campaigns |
Peachtree City, United States
$61,800 USD by 628 backers
$61,775 USD by 627 backers on Apr 16, 2017
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the World Mercury Project need your help to remove toxic mercury from pharmaceutical products. We plan to educate the public, Congress, and the media about the dangers of mercury in medicines. The FDA has already removed mercury from all over-the-counter products. It's time to take action to remove mercury from prescription medicines including vaccines.


Join the movement!  Make a tax-deductible donation today.



Letting the Science Speak

There are several hundred peer-reviewed scientific publications published over the last 7 decades by leading research scientists, and public health agencies that have confirmed that thimerosal is a potent neurotoxin.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. published a book, Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak that summarizes these scientific publications which confirm that thimerosal has never been proven safe for use and that cost-effective alternatives exist. It is beyond time for the use of mercury in medicine to finally end.

Studies Linking Mercury to Autism:

A case-control study of Mercury burden in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.  Bradstreet et al., Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 2003

Mercury, lead, and zinc in baby teeth. J.B. Adams et al., Journal of Toxicology and Environmental health, 2007

Collected Thimerosal-Autism Studies

Studies Linking Mercury to Alzheimer's:

Inorganic mercury and Alzheimer's disease. J. Mutter et al., Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2010

Association between dental amalgam fillings and Alzheimer's disease. Sun et al., Alzheimer's Research and Therapy, 2015

Studies Linking Mercury to ADD/ADHD:

Prenatal exposure to mercury and fish consumption during pregnancy and ADHD-related behavior in children. Sagiv et al., Arch Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, 2012

Studies Linking Mercury to Heart Disease:

The Role of Mercury in Cardiovascular Disease. Houston MC. Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases and Diagnosis, 2014.

Role of mercury toxicity in Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, and Stroke.  Mark C. Houston, MD., Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 2011

Prevent Mercury Intake to Stop Heart Disease. Russell Blaylock, MD., Newsmax Health, 2016


We're not anti-vaccine.  We are anti-mercury.

It's time to get it out of our pharmaceuticals.


In an effort to remove mercury from all medical products, we plan to take a multi-pronged approach to  raising awareness regarding the potential harm from the unnecessary use of mercury in medical products.

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Educating Families


We will conduct public outreach to educate families regarding harm associated with exposure to mercury in our medicines.  This outreach will also include efforts to correct some of the misinformation perpetuated by the media and our federal agencies that mercury has been removed from vaccines except in “trace amounts,” mercury in vaccines is not harmful and does not accumulate in the body.

Use of Funds

  • Publishing numerous articles through social media and our website.
  • Investing in writing, editing, publication and infrastructure for educational content.

Educating Congress


Congressional briefing and meetings in an effort to educate Congress on the need to provide oversight and recommendations to our federal agencies regarding the unnecessary and dangerous use of mercury in our medicines.

Use of Funds

  • Travel and setup for Congressional briefings
  • Development and printing of educational materials
  • Staffing phones to ensure maximum attendance by members of Congress

Educating the Media


Encouraging and informing the media to cover the dangers of mercury in medical products with balanced and accurate reporting.

Use of Funds

  • Sponsored press conference at National Press Club
  • Live satellite media tour with Robert De Niro and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


Grassroots Action

We are using Indiegogo as a platform to help our supporters be a part of the change.  This allows us to raise funds for our goal and assemble a team of devoted advocates at the same time.

When you donate to our campaign, we'll keep you up to date on all of World Mercury Project's progress.  We will also give you links to articles, studies, and content you can share with your friends, family, elected officials, and local media to help fight for change.


We have several levels of support for the campaign.  Make a tax-deductible donation today!


Click to learn more about our team!

Our Vision 

A world where mercury is no longer a threat to the health of our planet and people.

Our Mission 

We will work aggressively to reduce exposure to all sources of mercury, hold those accountable who failed to protect our planet and people from unnecessary exposure, restore health to those who have been harmed, and make sure this tragedy never happens again.



How much of the raise will go towards the cause?

Indiegogo and credit card processors charge a small percentage of donation transactions.  Apart from these service charges, fully 100% of the campaign raise will go towards our efforts to eliminate mercury from medical products.


How do I get a tax-deductible receipt?

As the World Mercury Project is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization, your donations are tax-deductible.  

When you make a contribution, you will receive an email confirmation of your donation from Indiegogo.  Tax receipts will be provided to all backers by the World Mercury Project financial team after the completion of the campaign.


Why doesn't Indiegogo list your campaign listed as a Verified Nonprofit?

Indiegogo automatically adds a "verified nonprofit" banner to the top of campaigns that register through their nonprofit funding processor, FirstGiving.  However, Indiegogo is moving to a new payment processor on March 1st, right in the middle of our campaign.  If we had registered with FirstGiving, our campaign would have to end as soon as their partnership ended.

While we don't have the "verified nonprofit" banner for this reason, since World Mercury Project is a registered 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization, donations are still tax-deductible - see the FAQ above.


If celebrities and major donors are already supporting, why should I help?

All of our budget is not covered by major donors. World Mercury Project depends on the generous donations from everyone interested in stopping the use of mercury in all medical products and vaccines.


I have more questions.  Whom do I ask?

We'll be happy to answer any questions you have about our campaign.  You can reach us at





1: ADHD / Autism / Alzheimer's / Heart Disease

2: Black, Simon. (2016, December 06) Trace Amounts - Documentary Film

3: "Mercury in Drugs and Biologics"

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Educate Families

$25 USD
Get first access to numerous captivating articles, interviews, and reports that correct the record when it comes to the dangerous levels and harmful impacts of mercury in vaccines. This will be through social media and the World Mercury Project website.
Included Items
  • Monthly Progress Updates
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
124 claimed

Educate Congress

$100 USD
We’re educating congress with your feedback and advice! You’ll be invited to a monthly half-hour teleconference meeting with RFK Jr. There you will hear an update to the progress of our Congressional Briefings on the danger of mercury in medical products and also you will have an opportunity to offer comments & suggestions as to our efforts.
Included Items
  • Monthly Progress Updates
  • Contact Your Congressman
  • Video Progress Update w/ RFK
  • Social Media Updates
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
91 claimed

Educate America

$250 USD
We’re educating congress with your feedback and advice! You’ll be invited to a monthly half-hour teleconference meeting with RFK Jr. There you will hear an update to the progress of our Congressional Briefings on the danger of mercury in medical products and also you will have an opportunity to offer comments & suggestions as to our efforts.
Included Items
  • Monthly Progress Updates
  • Contact Your Congressman
  • Video Progress Update w/ RFK
  • Social Media Updates
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
9 claimed

Educate Press

$500 USD
Support our National Press Club Press Conference and other press efforts encouraging media outlets to offer accurate reporting. You'll be invited to our monthly half-hour teleconference meeting with RFK Jr. with an opportunity to offer comments & suggestions. Plus you’ll have your name featured in our ‘Thank You’ section of our website.
Included Items
  • Monthly Progress Updates
  • Your Name on our Support Page
  • Video Progress Update w/ RFK
  • Social Media Updates
  • National Press Club Support
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
11 claimed

Bronze-Level Sponsor

$1,000 USD
Thank you for supporting our cause! You'll be named as a Bronze-Level Sponsor on our organization's website. You'll also receive progress updates and be invited to our monthly half-hour teleconference meeting with RFK Jr. with an opportunity to offer comments & suggestions.
Included Items
  • Monthly Progress Updates
  • Your Name on our Support Page
  • Video Progress Update w/ RFK
  • Social Media Updates
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
5 claimed

Silver-Level Sponsor

$2,500 USD
Thank you for supporting our cause! You'll be named as a Silver-Level Sponsor on our organization's website. You'll also receive progress updates and be invited to our monthly half-hour teleconference meeting with RFK Jr. with an opportunity to offer comments & suggestions.
Included Items
  • Monthly Progress Updates
  • Your Name on our Support Page
  • Video Progress Update w/ RFK
  • Social Media Updates
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
1 claimed

Gold-Level Sponsor

$5,000 USD
Thank you for supporting our cause! You'll be named as a Gold-Level Sponsor on our organization's website. You'll also receive progress updates and be invited to our monthly half-hour teleconference meeting with RFK Jr. with an opportunity to offer comments & suggestions.
Included Items
  • Monthly Progress Updates
  • Your Name on our Support Page
  • Video Progress Update w/ RFK
  • Social Media Updates
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 claimed

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