LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this film.
"This is the best seires i've ever watched! Im actually inspired to do something like this! Keep up the good work man and make the season 2 AS AWESOMEEE AS THISSSSS!!!!!"
"Literally you have been a huge part of the last like 10 years and you inspired me to do stop motion keep up the great work ❤️"
"I'm such a big fan. You inspired me to make my own animations and you I've been watching your channel since the beginning. Thanks dude."
The Twisted Bricks Story
When I started animating "The LEGO® Zombie Apocalypse" series, I had no particular vision or plan for what it could become. For the first few years of its existence, my friends and I were just having fun developing the characters and telling a comedic zombie story. But after receiving countless comments such as those featured above, I decided there was no way I was stopping anytime soon. I asked myself, "Is it possible to create an expansive cinematic universe... using LEGO® stop motion animation?" It seems crazy, but with a passionate cast of voice actors, equally passionate fans with creative talents of their own, and a determination to tell a story - it turns out you can.
With several hours of animated content already published (not to mention dozens of fan-made works of videos, lore, and art), it seemed natural that the next step would be a feature-length film of a scale and quality that would blow past projects out of the water. Over the course of nearly a year, I (Kristian) worked with my team of friends to develop a script that was truly worth the effort. And thus, The Void War: Grey Horizons was born. Now, over a year since animation began, we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. But we need help to get there.
What We Need & What You Get
The Twisted Bricks team and I are seeking to raise $5000 to complete this feature film. It is no small amount of money, but it is what we estimate will cover the costs of equipment, commissions, and animation during the final phases of production. While the entirety of the film will eventually be released on Youtube part by part over the course of a year, any one of the perks we provide will grant access to the full feature as soon as it is produced!
We have brainstormed to provide a number of perk bundles that we know our fans will enjoy. From a variety of digital perks to physical minifigures and producer credits, there is a wide selection of options to choose from!
The Impact
While this film is a labor of love from the entire cast and crew, it will also be an inspiration to all its viewers. Our first two films received countless comments from young viewers stating that the films had inspired them to pursue their own stories and animations. This is a tremendous joy to us as filmmakers, but of course film serves a deeper purpose than to inspire other filmmakers.
The story of Grey Horizons is no lighthearted child’s film - it is an earnest exploration into fear, hopelessness, and the bitterness that consumes us when the things we love most are taken away. There are themes of war, corruption, and precious loss of life. But our stories have never been dark for the sake of causing despair - at its core, the message of Grey Horizons is one of love, trust, and the cooperation that overcomes chaos and evil. It is the desire to tell such a story that keeps me chipping away at this film every single day.
Risks & Challenges
In the brickfilming community, there exists a vast graveyard of unfinished over-ambitious projects. There are so many reasons for a film to never see the light of day - the creator runs out of time, takes a new job, has a new change in responsibilities or a more demanding schedule, or simply runs out of steam. There is no shame in any of these reasons, of course, but I can offer you the assurance that Twisted Bricks is very familiar with the marathon mentality, and the release of this film is as assured as death and taxes (though much less unpleasant). Our biggest challenge is simply time and resources. With a small or generous contribution, you will be providing vital support to this project and helping us overcome that challenge. You are the reason Grey Horizons will be released 5 months from now, rather than 3 years from now.
Other Ways You Can Help
Having existed on a minimal budget for nearly a decade, we understand that not everyone has the means to contribute, despite wishing to see the project succeed. If this is the case for you, there is still a way to provide tremendous support to us without spending a dime. Every single person who shares this project to their social media extends the reach of Grey Horizons and its potential impact, as well as increasing the number of potential contributors. While time and money is our biggest challenge, visibility is a close second (as it is for any indie production). We cannot stress enough the impact you can have simply by sharing our story and our dream! Otherwise, we are open to any help we can get, whether that is through creative talents, advertising, or networking. Just let us know how you can can help and we are happy to have that conversation.
The Twisted Team
The Twisted Bricks Universe is brought to life by a vast web of people, but a few individuals are especially connected to the project. I am so fortunate to have the assistance of a number of family and good friends who have been supportive since the beginning, including:
Johan Stenslie (Composer)
Matthew Poppe (Actor, Producer)
Adam Michal (Actor, Assistant Director, Producer)
Chris Schrenk (Actor, Assistant Director, Producer)
In addition to this awesome production team, we have an incredible cast of voice actors, many of whom joined the project for the first time after auditioning for the film! The main cast is composed of:
Zach Watson - plays "Hux"
Jadelynn Dahl - plays "Iris"
Matthew Poppe - plays "Slade"
Nick Bauer - plays "Daan"
Margaret Brink - plays "Dr. Zahra"
Nick Privratsky - plays "Commander Harper"
Amanda Pitzer - plays "Lieutenant Talon"
Su Ling Chan - plays "Aakil"
Thank you all so much for lending us your eyes and ears. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve made.