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Help Get Norfolk Donut Supply Company Rolling!

Ok folks - it's time to put your money where your mouth is so that soon you can be putting a DONUT where your mouth is!

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Help Get Norfolk Donut Supply Company Rolling!

Help Get Norfolk Donut Supply Company Rolling!

Help Get Norfolk Donut Supply Company Rolling!

Help Get Norfolk Donut Supply Company Rolling!

Help Get Norfolk Donut Supply Company Rolling!

Ok folks - it's time to put your money where your mouth is so that soon you can be putting a DONUT where your mouth is!

Ok folks - it's time to put your money where your mouth is so that soon you can be putting a DONUT where your mouth is!

Ok folks - it's time to put your money where your mouth is so that soon you can be putting a DONUT where your mouth is!

Ok folks - it's time to put your money where your mouth is so that soon you can be putting a DONUT where your mouth is!

Alicia Luma
Alicia Luma
Alicia Luma
Alicia Luma
1 Campaign |
Norfolk, United States
$6,457 USD 83 backers
129% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Our radically awesome second print by the amazingly talented (and handsome) Jason Levesque (aka Stuntkid)! Ain’t she just the cutest thing you ever did see?

Donate today and get your choice of either this beauty or the super fun Secret Donut print by Carl Floyd Medley III… they will be beautifully printed, signed and numbered and they are ONLY available through our fundraising campaign!

Our second art print... revealed! 20120430102957-donuts_large

We have added an extra surprise for all you contributors that are and for those to come:

Whomever refers the greatest number of additional contributors, will automatically receive the $500 level perk, regardless of your contribution amount! Log in to indiegogo’s website using Facebook and it will keep track of your referrals.

The winner will be announced at the end of the campaign.

Thanks so much to all who have donated so far!



We are pleased to unveil the first of the two art prints being done for our campaign. The first is entitled "Donut? What Donut?" and was created just for us by the freakishly talented (and handsome, did I mention handsome?) artist behind 'Carl Floyd Medley III can draw' (he can! he really can!) These prints will ONLY be available through our IndieGoGo campaign, so get one today... RIGHT NOW!

Thanks again for all of your support, we're only awesome cause YOU'RE awesome!


Norfolk Donut Supply Company is the concept for a 24-hour Donut Shop, located in the heart of Downtown Norfolk. 

It is the brainchild of Alicia Luma and Sam Molofsky, who both have years of food service, business management and marketing experience behind them, but are too fun, hard-working and creative to keep churning out other people's mediocre products for slave wages.

NoDoSupCo was born from out of the dream of a more vibrant Downtown Norfolk district and conversations about the kinds of places that will make Granby Street the destination that it once was. (Alicia is a contributing writer for AltDaily and you can read her opinion on why NoDoSupCo is right for Downtown here.)

There are a thousand reasons why Norfolk needs this and a lot of time has been spent detailing them at the Norfolk Donut Supply Company Facebook page, which already has over 500 devoted fans, most of whom have not yet even been able to sample the product. 

There are also pictures and descriptions there of lots of yummy donuts that we have made, as well as a lot of musings on the motivations for this venture, as well as a bunch of super fun people who think Norfolk is rad and boutique donuts are a step in the direction of making it radder!

As for progress and our current need for funding, we have been working tirelessly on business plans, making contacts, working out real estate scenarios, food costs, recipes, market research and fundraising. We have reached a point where we need some exploratory funds for code scopes, architectural plans and licenses in order to get us fully into business, as well as funds for the purchase of commercial grade equipment to make the mass production of our donuts easier, so that we can say "Yes!" to way more of you folks who are constantly asking us for product for your events. 

Now, $5000 isn't going to get the place built-out and the doors open for business, but it will tip some of the on-the-fence investors firmly to our side, by showing the public's desire for this type of business. The more we raise, the faster we can roll and the less risky we will look to the bank. Since there are really NO comparable businesses in our area to stack ourselves up against, we have the novel idea of using crowd-sourced funding and social media presence to show that we are meeting an underserved niche. We want to "wow!" the guys in suits with a presentation that they've never seen before and the stronger the results of the drive, the more "wow!" we can wallop them with.

And so, NoDoSupCo is asking for your help, because we want you to be able to walk in, grab a donut and a coffee and sit around, feeling self-satisfied because YOU were in on this before it was a reality, you helped to build it, you believed it into being, you contributed to making Norfolk more fun, more friendly, more vibrant and WAY yummier place to live. 

Nodosupco After Dark

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Choose your Perk

Dang, your logo is nifty!

$15 USD
A logo sticker and our undying gratitude!
Estimated Shipping
June 2012
6 claimed

Be a Sprinkle!

$25 USD
An invite to come in and sample during our "Soft Opening" week, as well as the chance to put your name on a sprinkle on our Donut Wall Mural!
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
32 claimed

Gee, I'd like a t-shirt too...

$50 USD
Same perks as the $25 level, PLUS a logo t-shirt! (Shirt delivered by June 1st, soft opening is mid-January, 2013.)
Estimated Shipping
June 2012
23 claimed

I'm too far away for donuts!

$75 USD
NoDoSupCo Art Print by either Carl Floyd Medley III or Stuntkid - your choice! The images to select from will be posted as they are completed!
Estimated Shipping
June 2012
7 out of 200 of claimed

But I want donuts AND a print!

$125 USD
You get both the $50 and $75 level perk! Lucky YOU! (Print and Shirt delivered by June 1st, soft opening is mid-January, 2013.)
Estimated Shipping
June 2012
4 out of 200 of claimed

Donut SIlver Card

$250 USD
You get the $125 level perk, plus 1 free donut and small coffee every week for SIX MONTHS. We will make you a cool little wallet-sized stamp book and everything. (Print and Shirt delivered by June 1st, soft opening is mid-January, 2013.)
Estimated Shipping
June 2012
3 out of 20 of claimed

Like a Boss! - Business Level

$400 USD
One dozen donuts, delivered (Downtown Norfolk only) or available for pick up, once a month for one year. Or, twice a month for 6 months, or once a week for 3 months, or once a day for 2.3-ish weeks... your call. Tax and delivery fee are INCLUSIVE. (If you have, say, 50 employees, choose this perk and triple the contribution amount for triple the donuts to avoid a monthly blood-and-sprinkle-bath-Hunger-Games-type brawl in your conference room every month.)
Estimated Shipping
February 2013
1 out of 40 of claimed

Donut Gold Card

$500 USD
You get the $125 level perk, plus 1 free donut and small coffee every week for ONE YEAR. We will make you a cool little wallet-sized stamp book and everything. (Print and Shirt delivered by June 1st, soft opening is mid-January, 2013.)
Estimated Shipping
June 2012
1 out of 20 of claimed

I drink a lot of coffee...

$1,000 USD
You get the $125 level perk, plus a custom Donut Hole Mug, good for unlimited Coffee for the rest of your life. (Print and Shirt delivered by June 1st, soft opening is mid-January, 2013.)
Estimated Shipping
June 2012
1 out of 10 of claimed

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