The Future of Tsunami Books:
Tsunami Books has been at 2585 Willamette Street in beautiful South Eugene for 21 years. Tsunami has often been called “an Institution”; certainly the 3500+ events we’ve hosted, all surrounded by books shelved on precious recycled lumber, have created an exquisite patina, “A big umbrella for the arts, and the human heart." Last year at this time we signed a two-year lease-extension after completing a Crowd-funding Campaign (take a look at last year's crowdfunding video we produced. The truth remains the truth) that allowed us to cover a part of the increased costs of keeping this working-class bookstore alive and healthy. Recently we were informed that sometime soon after July 1, 2017 there are plans to level this building, tentatively replacing it with a two-story retail building, with rent at approximately double the present rate.
This news saddens a lot of good people. Regardless, for now, we simply must do everything possible to thrive. One thing is absolutely certain: the retail sales, the events, the hearts touching hearts--between now and July 1, 2017 need to be the best ever here at the Bookstore. If they are, opportunities for a future life may likely materialize. Not to go out in a blaze of glory, but to continue the blaze of glory, and see where it leads.
What We Need & What You Get
We Want to Sell at Least 200 Giftcards this Month to Raise $5000 for the Restocking of Our Shelves. Drop on by the store, or use this handy Tsunami Books Indiegogo Crowdfunding Campaign to purchase Giftcards (Gift Certificates) for your friends or family to use anytime in the next year, on anything in the store, including entrance to our popular music, theater, and poetry performance events. The Perfect Gift for Lovers of All Things Tsunami!
Risks & Challenges
Tsunami Books has always worked under the assumption that Human Energy Equals Capital. In this modern world, however, the power of the people too often takes a seat in the back, while the big capitalists are hogging the trough. By combining the Tsunami Staff's stellar work ethic to an unending creativity, for 21 years we have been an example of what human heart, guts, mind and muscle can do, regardless of the corporatists' relentless push for more.
That being said, without an increase in cash flow, the stress of running this business on a shoestring could well overwhelm the opportunity for a great memorable year to come.
Other Ways You Can Help
Thank you very much for your continued support over the years, particularly regarding the kindness of heart this Community has always shown. Please feel free to share with your friends all over the world that Now is a great time to do a little early holiday, or just special shopping.