project of its kind in the history of mankind!
We are all living in turbulent times and often cannot achieve
our goals in life because of various restrictions and barriers we face. Modern
times we live in should allow us much more opportunities in our private lives,
as well as in our business adventures.
Our possibilities should not be predetermined nor limited by
our location of residence, our financial status, religion or race, language,
sexual orientation, or because of dishonest political reasons. Our lives and
work should only be limited by our own desires. Such society can only
prosper as a community that is completely apolitical, democratic, liberal,
open-minded and efficient in serving its members.
The Issa Lauda project has already started and you can join it
and experience your full potential of life and work.
Issa Lauda is a legal, legitimate,
liberal and apolitical sovereign state. It is the first state that
exceeds outdated barriers for citizenship and state obligations towards its
citizens and it also strives to modernize criteria for statehood, as we know it
today. It is time for a new age. It reflects the idea of a proper
democratic community and it is a state and an institution for serving the
members, its citizens so they can only benefit form it.
The citizens of Issa Lauda are the first and only real
global citizens.
You are surely wondering: “If this is a state, where is it
located?” and “Could you legally even establish a state like this?”
During the years of legal due-diligence, planning, preparing
and developing of this project with several experts from various fields of
expertise we have become the first in history to comply with
internationally recognized legal restrictions/standards and to create a
structure that satisfies all internationally accepted criteria for statehood simultaneously.
That’s how we establish a state. To do that and to follow our vision of a liberal
apolitical society we had to do something that has not been done yet – form a unique legal creation, unique
legal subject.
We have established this state accordingly to all 4 Criteria
for Statehood accepted by International law and International community.
The recognized and globally accepted formulation of criteria
for statehood is written in Montevideo Convention on the Rights and
Duties of States (Article 1) from year 1933:
“The State as a person of international law should possess
the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined
territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with other
Although the Montevideo law provides the basis for statehood
it is somewhat obsolete and in need of severe modification. Despite the fact
that Issa Lauda complies with all 4 qualifications we believe that it
is time for modernization of criteria for statehood. The most unique among
these criteria at the State of Issa Lauda is the defined territory. The territory of the State of Issa Lauda is formally located on planet Mars.
Therefore it is also the first alleged extraterrestrial state. In order to
comply with International law and with strong desire to establish a modern
state, we have made this legal precedent.
Due to the fact that we defined the territorial position of
Issa Lauda on another planet, we have to comply with Space law enforced by
the United Nations and their members. In accordance to Space law we have
strictly followed the regulations of The Outer Space Treaty* (formally
known as the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration
and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies) which is
a fundamental source for Space law. The Outer Space Treaty directly regulates
this rather specific field we are interested in, and is adopted by 103 States. Our
Establisher obtained the land on planet Mars and proclaimed the sovereign state
of Issa Lauda in that territory as an individual person. This does not
interfere in any way with the regulations of The Outer Space Treaty, which is
the only legal act that can interfere with our legal precedent. Yes, there were
some legal ambitions to prevent similar procedures but there was never enough
support from states around the word and thus these ambitions were not even
remotely successful and especially not widely accepted as The Outer Space
treaty is.
The citizens of the State of Issa Lauda will obtain
citizenship which will bring them benefits despite living in other countries
around the world. The state of Issa Lauda exists despite the fact that people
can not live on other planets for now -- but this has no effect on
functionality and activities of the State of Issa Lauda. Issa Lauda’s territory
is currently uninhabitable but it fulfills all legal criteria for statehood,
the establishment of which was our primary focus. The priorities of Issa
Lauda are granting benefits and protecting rights of the citizens in any way
regardless of their residence. This is why we can describe Issa Lauda’s
citizenship as pure global citizenship.
Achievable with your help!
Citizens will be invited to annual conferences where we shall discuss
future strategic development and create the future of the state together.
Based on facts we can declare that The state of Issa Lauda
is legally established in accordance with International law and Space law and
as such is legitimate.
The development of The State of Issa Lauda is divided into
3 stages.
The first stage is fundamental and its success will outline
the guidelines for the future, which is why we decided to participate at the
Indiegogo found raising campaign with it.
The first stage is all about creating the largest possible
society which believes in this project and is interested in being part of a new
generation of states and in fulfilling their ideas and aspirations for better
life opportunities, better living and working conditions and a better future for
themselves, their family, friends and the whole humanity. The larger the
community of Issa Lauda grows and the more supporters it has, the sooner we can
expect to realize the second and the third stage. A citizenship certificate and
an ID card will be given to all new citizens.
Citizenship of Issa Lauda is meant to be a “secondary”
citizenship along with your original citizenship(s). But there are no
restrictions preventing that this could be your only citizenship.
Our citizens also have a right to incorporate/establish a
company registered in The state of Issa Lauda and to do business transactions
on a global scale with ease and without having to spend a large amount of money
on the incorporation/establishing of the company and on its operations. Issa
Lauda acts protective and supportive towards new businesses especially, which
is why we will offer internal tax and free legal counseling for all company
owners. Of course, we will also take great care for information privacy
regarding the company and their representative’s information.
The state of Issa Lauda is fully respecting all human
rights in accordance to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Article 12
of Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his
privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and
reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such
interference or attacks.
Fully embracing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
its Article 12 and with respect to the Issa Lauda’s citizens and companies
registered, The state of Issa Lauda will never and under no condition
publicly reveal personal or other delicate information. All information of
such importance will be kept as top-secret information and will safely secured
for eternity.
Issa Lauda is bound by its own “Rule of 1%”. This rule
regulates the taxation of the state, or should we rather call it, contribution
instead of tax, since it is actually so minor and meant strictly for
development of the state. The only contribution of Issa Lauda, or tax as we
know it in other states, is contribution on income of 1%. There are no other
contributions, taxes, fees or anything similar in Issa Lauda.
At the end of the first stage we will prepare everything for a
fully operational Direct bank. This is an online bank without any branch network that
offers its services remotely via online banking, telephone banking,
emails and mobile applications. Establishing Issa Lauda’s Direct bank will not
only mark the beginning of the second stage but will also offer all our
citizens and all companies registered in Issa Lauda to use its own banking
system with the lowest possible expenses and it will cease the dependence on
other banking systems, banks and their strict regulations.
The Bank should serve as a mean for improvement of ones
business and ones life. The Bank’s services and products have to be available
to every citizen, not just to a select few. The Bank
and its branches should charge for their operation only as little as they need
to guarantee security to their clients – nothing more.
The second stage also represents the establishment of the official
headquarters in one of the largest cities in the world and the first embassy of many to come.
As a result, Issa Lauda will become more accessible in physical form to
citizens around the world. The end of the second stage will mark the start of
gradual establisment of the social and health security systems, as well as of
the educational system.
Creation of the social and health security system and the educational
system will hence mark the third stage of development.
These systems will be secured with several protocols and developed as a form of
additional security and as an opportunity for citizens to harvest the fruits of
the State that has only one purpose – to serve the citizens! They will be
formed accordingly to principles of good practice from other systems without
the negative consequences and will offer secondary financial support or
financing for our citizens. All these systems will be developed in detail with
experts and with involvement and co-operation of our citizens themselves.
The only value the State of Issa Lauda will insist on is
that it has to be made in a way that citizens benefit from it and not just the
state, meaning that the need of The State are secondary to the needs of its' citizens.
conventional Issa Lauda bank will also be established at third stage with
branches all over the world.
The aforementioned plans are merely guidelines for the future
of the Issa Lauda state. There are no limits regarding the development of the
state and
citizens will be encouraged to participate in the evolution of the state itself and form an active society embracing such limitless posibilities in a positive manner.
One of the most important values Issa Lauda is going to
protect and maintain is the participation of its citizens in the development of
the state. The state is obliged to serve the citizens and not the other way around! This
is one of the reasons why Issa Lauda will have annual conferences to which all
citizens will be invited to participate in personally or through
videoconference and where all future major decisions and guidelines will be discussed
and determined. Citizens will also have an opportunity to express their
thoughts, ideas, wishes or critics through a web page form, to which they will
receive a swift reply. Citizens should co-create the present and the future
of the state.
Can I regulate my life only according to Issa Lauda’s laws
if I am a citizen?
You can regulate your life and work according to Issa Lauda’s
laws only within the limits of jurisdiction of Issa Lauda. You will still have
to respect the law of the country you reside in.
How fast do you expect Issa Lauda to become fully
operational (completion of third phase)?
It all depends on the number of citizens joining the State of
Issa Lauda and on the funds gathered during the development, but the completion
of Issa Lauda’s third phase is planned in 3 to 4 years’ time.
Will government of my country be able to check if I am a
citizen of Issa Lauda?
No. No one can get this information as this would be a direct
violation of human rights.
Will I be able to operate my business globally through
company registered in Issa Lauda?
Yes. There are no global limitations regarding business
operation through company in Issa Lauda. Individual limitations might exist in
the future, but since we all strive to form successful community we do not
expect many such limitations. Our Ministry of International relations will take
care of this.
Why is Issa Lauda unique?
As described Issa Lauda does not give its citizens
obligations, it doesn't operate as an entity that prospers on their taxes etc.
Its essence is to create better life opportunities and possibilities for anyone
that wants to be a part of it. It’s also the first state that's oriented
completely global.
How do I apply?
Through the Indiegogo platform, or simply contact us on: Our team is here to
What are my obligations as a citizen?
Simply put, none!
How do I know this is not a hoax?
Firstly, it's based completely on International law. Secondly,
the state doesn't have any hidden contractual clauses, any special terms and/or
conditions, so the only fee involved is for you to receive your perks (ID, gift
packages etc) and to help the community develop as planned. None additional
expenses can be asked of you, for this is completely your choice.
Is my Issa Lauda ID going to be valid as my current one?
At first, no. But during the state development this will be
one of the most important goals. The state of Issa Lauda has already begun
discussing the matter of international relations, which will gradually lead to
a completely equal international state.
What is a global state?
It means it's not limited by its territory, it's here for
everyone and the essence of it is to operate globally!
How will I be informed of all the "perks" and new
If you want (it's your choice) you can get our email
newsletter or even written mail to your home, or just simply check the web
site:, where you will
be able to find all additional information.
How will I communicate with the government?
Since this is a modern state most of the communication will be
digital, but we will never forget the importance of personal contact. You will
be able to adress any problems, wishes or suggestions you might have to our
personnel, which will do their best to help you ASAP.
Why do I have to pay to be a citizen?
The payment is not for the citizenship itself, it is for the
production of the official documents and realisation of perks, but most of the
funding is intended for further state development.
Will I be ever able to live on Mars?
Entrepreneurs, scientists, technicians are constantly evolving
new technology and ideas how to populate other space objects, and we strongly
believe that some day people will be able to create their habitat in other
areas that are not on Earth.
How high the taxes will be for companies registered in Issa
Simply, the tax or, as we call it, contribution will be 1% of
the company income, and this is the only tax for companies registered in
Issa Lauda.
If I am citizen of Issa Lauda and someday I decide not to
be any more, can I return my citizenship?
Yes, you can simply file a request and the your citizenship
will be annulated.
If I don't want to actively participate in the development
of the state, do I have any kind of obligation? /any other obligations?
No. There are no obligations if you don’t want to participate.
Why is the Constitution so short and simple?
Issa Lauda is a lean state and is committed to simple but
clear provisions and legal acts in general. We believe that complex legal
systems brings more opportunity for irregularities.
Is it possible to have two citizenships?
Yes, there are no restrictions regarding having additional
citizenship in general. But as far as the Issa Lauda citizenship is concerned
we do not share our citizens’ information.
Is the existence of Issa Lauda controversial to other
No, we don’t want to surpass the existing states, the goal is
to provide people with additional opportunities and possibilities in life and