Hi! My name is Jack Bonneau (I'm 10). I have a chain of drink stands and marketplaces in Colorado where kids and young entrepreneurs (under 18) can operate stands and sell their products. Now I'm planning to go nationwide!
Stands provides kids authentic experiences in entrepreneurship, business,
financial literacy, life skills--like confidence building and being social--in
actual marketplaces that are safe, properly permitted, licensed, and fun!
I was just featured in...
A Lemonade Stand Or a Hot Start-Up?
Some Kids Sell Lemonade. He Starts a Chain.
And now the the Today Show!
Lemonade stands that take credit cards? Meet the new wave of kid entrepreneurs!
My mission is to expand the number of stands and marketplaces in Colorado and beyond, to provide this great experience and opportunity to as many kids and their families as possible!
Please join us in our mission!
What We Need
Our goal is raise to $12,500 to double the number of Jack's Stands (and Marketplaces) from 6 to 12 in Colorado. This will allow Jack's Stands to increase the number of kids who operate Jack's Stands from over 200 in 2015, to nearly 1,000 in 2016!
Let us show you how!
Costs for an additional 6 stands locally in Colorado*
The Impact
A Kaufman Foundation poll found more than half of millennials want to start a business, but that the key barriers are a lack of access to capital and a lack of knowledge. Jack's Stands' goal is to help young entrepreneurs surmount those barriers.
In 2015, Jack's Stands hosted over 200 kids, with over 60% of them operating Jack's Stands over multiple dates. In 2016, Jack's Stands (and Marketplaces) hopes to reach 1,000 kids (or more) to have them experience entrepreneurship, learn about business, build confidence, make some money, and have fun! The impact that this will have on participating kids--with your support--is immeasurable.
Risk & Challenges
Our risks are...
Can we fill all the market dates for new stands and new cities into which we are expanding? Our previous experience, has been a 98% attendance rate and a wait list for 2016. We're confident that we will be successful in filling all available dates at new locations.
Can we satisfy local health, permit, and legal requirements for each locale? Yes, we have in Colorado and through our experience we are able to research, execute, and work with local entities to satisfy any local and state requirements.
Why Does It Cost so Much for a Lemonade Stand?
A natural question about Jack's Stands is why the stands cost so much. After all, lemonade stands are the first business that kids have, at the end of their driveways or streets.
But Jack's Stands are on a completely different level. What family has the time, resources, or commitment to put their child's stand in an actual marketplace with real customers, or to properly satisfy the requirements of local health departments, sale tax licenses, insurance, etc.? Or to have the ability to take credit cards, track sales through an app, and go through a profit-and-loss statement to learn about revenue, expenses, and profits or loss!
What You Get! (and meet the kids!)
Pay It Forward Perks
Two levels of Pay It Forward Perks. The first level provides a child with a free lemonade at one of the many Jack's Stands this summer. This perk helps kids with their initial shyness at Jack's Stands by offering a free lemonade to every other customer (until the this perk is exhausted), customers who may not be able to afford a lemonade or would walk by.
In addition, each drink given away under Pay It Forward Perks will count as a "sale" made to the child operating the stand, and count to his or her revenue at the end of the day. It's like you were buying the the lemonade yourself! Lastly, you will have your name mentioned on our Pay It Forward Wall of Fame page at JacksStands.com, with a sincere thank you from Jack and the kids operating Jack's Stands that day!
The second level--Pay It Forward Perks Plus--provides the same benefits as above, except this level will Pay It Forward to a family of four, while supporting Jack's Stands expansion plans!
Curated Jack's Marketplace Boxes
These curated boxes have products made by Jack's Marketplace young entrepreneurs under the age of 18 who have sold their products at one or more of Jack's Stands. Approximately 40% of the proceeds will go to the youth entrepreneur and 60% to support Jack's Stands.
Perk Offering - Jack's Marketplace Box $25 + Shipping
This box will contain 1 Hanimal Card, 1 lip balm by Sweet Bee Sisters, and a set of 6 wine charms from Charming Wine Charms. This perk supports both these young entrepreneurs and Jack's Stands. Specific flavors, card designs will be chosen at the end of the campaign via a backer survey.
Hannah's (age 17) Hanimal Greeting Cards, where stuffed animals help wild animals!
The Sweet Bee Sisters, Lily (15), Chloe (14), and Sophie (11), who for the last 6 years have sold 6 flavors of lip balms, 4 lotion bars, and sugar scrubs, all made from bees wax.
Perk Offering - Sweet Bee Sisters Box $60 + Shipping
This box contains all of the Sweet Bee Sisters' products (6 flavors of lip balm, 4 types of lotion bars, and 1 sugar scrub), plus a note of thanks for supporting Jack's Stands.
Charming Wine Charms by Isabelle May (age 11), Winner at Celebration for Young Entrepreneurs (6-11 age group). Serial entrepreneur Isabelle creates unique charms for keeping track of your wine glass during gatherings and parties.
Mo's Bows
Moziah Bridges is 14-years-old, and the CEO of Mo's Bows. Mo’s Bows is a company whose mission is to make you look good and feel good, and caters to the fun, cool, sometimes conservative man or lady.
Perk Offering - Mo's Bows - Youth Bow Tie $45 + Shipping
You're purchasing a youth self-tie cotton bowtie, front measures 3” x 4.5”and bow tie will fit neck size 9" to 14" with adjustable with black metal slide adjuster and hook/clip. Color/designs will be chosen at the end of the campaign via a backer survey.
Perk Offering - Mo's Bows - Adult Bow Tie $60 + Shipping
You're purchasing an adult self-tie cotton bow tie, front measures 3” x 4.5” and will fit neck size 15” to 18”, with adjustable black metal slide adjuster and hook/clip. Color/designs will be chosen at the end of the campaign via a backer survey.
Ry's Ruffery
11-year-old Ryan Kelly
is the Founder of Ry's Ruffery. Ryan is a young man who started up his
own dog-treats business after adopting a dog. He is changing the industry,
creating all-natural dog treats that pet owners would love to give as much as
their furry friends would love to devour.
Don't feed your dog
what you wouldn't eat yourself!
Perk Offering - Ry’s Ruffery Shark Tank Offer $35 + Shipping
Carter's Define Bottle
Carter Kostler is now a 17-year-old 11th grader who has taken childhood obesity head on. After learning about the startling statistics of how sugary drinks and soda impact today’s youth, he decided to do something about it and started Define Bottle.
16oz Define Bottle - Sport Flip Top
Perk Offering - Define Bottle Sports Flip Top $35 + Shipping
The Define Bottle Sport Flip Top is a sustainable, beautifully crafted fruit-infusion water bottle to take on the go. Fits in a standard cup holder. Capacity: 16 ounces. Easy cleaning (comes apart at the top and bottom). Re-freezable base piece - helps keep your fruit cool. Strainer piece keeps the fruit out of the mouth piece. Odorless, tasteless, and stain resistant. Dishwasher safe. BPA free.
Max'is Creations
I was 8 years old, I had the idea to put a basketball hoop on a mug that I was
making in art class at school.
My mugs are not just for kids. Moms like my mugs because they help kids not fool around at the table. And adults who like sports like them too. My product reviews have been really great! My mugs are good for people who can’t go outside and play basketball. Like kids in the hospital. And people needing occupational therapy. I like sports and hot chocolate and that’s why I did it. Thanks for letting me tell you about my mugs.
Max has sold over 44,000 mugs! He has 5 different mugs (pictured above); Mug With A Hoop, Mug With A Glove, Mug With A Goal, Mug With A Goalpost, and Mug With A Net!
Higher Level Jack's Stands Perks
These perks will accelerate Jack's Stands growth to reach as many kids and their families as possible.
Jack's Stands Sponsor for a Day
Sponsor a Single Day at a Jack's Stands location. Sponsors who select this perk will receive a video of the child and family with a report on what they liked and learned about their experience and a personal thank you from from the attendees that day!
Jack's Stands Sponsor for the month of June
Sponsor a month at a Jack's Stands location. Sponsors who select this perk will receive a receive 1 video each week (4) of the kids and families with commentary on what they liked and learned about their experience, and a personal thank you from the attendees!
Jack's Stands New Location Patron - Colorado
The New Stand Patron - Colorado Perk will allow Jack's Stands & Marketplace to expand and open one additional stand in Colorado. Patron will be acknowledged with a plaque on the new stand and marketplace location. We will also provide acknowledgment and thanks on our Patron page on JacksStands.com and our social media channels.
Jack's Stands New Location Patron - Detroit
This New Stand Patron - Detroit Perk will allow Jack's Stands & Marketplace to expand and open one additional stand in Detroit. Patron will be acknowledged with a plaque on the new stand and marketplace location. We will also provide acknowledgment and thanks on our Patron page on JacksStands.com and our social media channels.
Can't Help Right Now?
If you're unable to contribute, you can still be part of the mission to have kids and their families experience entrepreneurship, learn about business, build confidence, make some money, and have fun! All you have to do is help spread the word by using the Indiegogo share tools below and letting everyone you know hear about Jack's Stands!
We hope to see you soon at a Jack's Stand or Marketplace near you!
Thank you,
Jack (and from everyone who helps and participates at Jack's Stands)