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Liberstad is a project that aims create Norways first private city

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Liberstad is a project that aims create Norways first private city

Liberstad is a project that aims create Norways first private city

Liberstad is a project that aims create Norways first private city

Liberstad is a project that aims create Norways first private city

John Holmesland
John Holmesland
John Holmesland
John Holmesland
1 Campaign |
Bjelland, Norway
$720 USD 10 backers
0% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Liberstad is a project to create Norway's first private city and community. Liberstad will be a city and a society without politics or politicians and is based on the non-aggression-principle, private property rights and anarchism.

Help us to build Norway's first private city.

In a private city all property is private and all services are performed by private actors. Liberstad will be a city built on the philosophy of anarchism, the non-aggression-principle and private property rights. 


We are a small group of voluntaryists who are seeking a change in the way societies are organized. We want to establish the foundations for a new society where people are not subject to a central political power organization that determines how people should live and how the society should develop. We want a society where the people them self can decide the development of the society by respecting natural human rights and moral principles.

The ideas behind the Liberstad project comes from a number of renowned economists and philosophers, and is based on anarcho-capitalism, natural law and natural rights, non-aggression principle, spontaneous order, market economy, voluntaryism and the Austrian School of economics.

We want to demonstrate that voluntary cooperation and free market economy is a better and more moral alternative to organize a society than central planning of political power organizations.

We believe that private actors can deliver both better and more affordable public services without the use of force and coercion, and that politicians and political power is not needed in a society, at least on a local level.

We believe that Liberstad will be an exciting and educational project to see how the challenges and issues in a community, both socially and practically can be solved through voluntary and peaceful cooperation.

To implement the establishment and start the development of Norway's first private town we need all the help we can get, and we aim to presell 150.000 sqm of land in Liberstad to finance the purchase of the main property where Liberstad will be founded. You can read more about the presale here

The presales will only bring in enough capital to cover the purchase of the main property and costs, in addition we need capital for rezoning, tools and machinery for the initial development.

The property we would like to establish Liberstad on is located on Tjelland in Marnardal Municipality and consists of 1,5 mill sqm of scenic countryside land. We have signed a purchase agreement with the seller and we have established a temporary headquarters on the property. You can read more about the property here

We have established a company Liberstad Drift AS, which will be responsible for the establishment and initial development of Liberstad. The firm will act as a city-company and will be providing public services to the citizens. Some of Liberstad Drift's tasks will be to establish road networks and their maintenance, parks, playgrounds, water and sewer systems, security services, garbage collection and much more.

Liberstad is an ambitious project but we are determined to establish Norway's first private town no matter what obstacles and challenges we might face. We believe this is a beneficial project for all societies not only for Liberstad's citizens. It can eventually show other towns and communities that political power is not needed to solve social and societal challenges.

All work related to the project is based on voluntary and unpaid work and we expect it will take 3-4 years before the company has enough income and we can withdraw money for our work. Until then, the development is based on voluntary work, savings from the founders and donations. We are deeply grateful for all contributions and support we can get to develop this project and all contributions will go directly to the establishment and development of Liberstad.



My name is John Holmesland and I've been working in construction and real estate development on a small scale for 20 years. I study Austrian economics and philosophy and I've been a Voluntaryist for the past 8 years . I have now dedicated my life to work for peace and liberty and I want to establish the foundation for a new society that adheres to the natural rights and the moral principles of Voluntaryism.

I want to use my expertise and knowledge from my previous work to make a more civilized society for both my self and my family and others to live, work and prosper in.

My co-partner on this project Sondre Bjellås is also a Volyntaryist and works as an IT- consultant and has more than 15 years of experience with IT-network and security systems. Sondre is a co-editor for the Norwegian Mises institute and has been writing about Austrian economics, voluntaryism and anarcho-capitalism for several years. 



We want to make an impact on the way society is organized through coercion and aggression from political power organizations. We see the authoritarian power of the political system to be unmoral, destructive and unnecessary for the development and organization of a civilized society. 

We do not want to change the system through the political process as we see this as a waste of time and energy in addition to being unmoral. We believe that by creating a new private town and society from scratch we will have a much bigger impact and a more effective way of changing the society we live in.



We hope that you will help us to establish and build this new society and community so that we can grow and spread peace and freedom to other parts of the world. Every penny helps and even if you cant afford to contribute financially we hope that you can share and spread the project and this campaign to help us reach more people. 


You can also donate using the following crypto currencies to the Liberstad Development CryptoFund

BITCOIN                                                             LITECOIN




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Choose your Perk

2 Days at Liberstad Camping

$30 USD
For 30$ you will get 2 days free stay at Liberstad Camping. The offer is for up to 5 people on one camping-plot facilitated for tent, camping-wagon or RV. We expect Liberstad Camping to be ready for guests by July 2017.
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
1 out of 100 of claimed

Free concert in Liberstad

$60 USD
For 60$ you will get a one free ticket to a any concert at Liberstad Live. Liberstad will host 2-3 large concert events every year. The ticket is a free pass of any concert of your choosing. We expect the first concert to be held in July/August 2017.
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
0 out of 100 of claimed

Concert and camping for 2

$120 USD
For 120$ you will get 2 tickets to any concert at Liberstad live in addition to 2 days free stay at Liberstad Camping. The campsite will be facilitated for tents, camping-wagon or RV. We expect Liberstad Camping and Liberstad Live stage to be ready for guests in July/August 2017
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
2 out of 100 of claimed

1 week Camping + 2 Concerts

$300 USD
For 300$ you will get 1 week free stay at Liberstad Camping for up to 5 people in addition to 2 free tickets to any concert of your choosing. The camping-plot is facilitated for tent, camping-wagon or RV. We expect Liberstad Camping and Liberstad Live stage to be ready for guests by July/August 2017
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
1 out of 50 of claimed

Free entrance to all concerts

$1,500 USD
For 1500$ you will get free entrance to all concerts and shows at Liberstad Live stage for ever. With a free lifetime pass to all concerts and events at Liberstad Live stage you can enter all concerts free of cost for the rest of your life.
Estimated Shipping
July 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed

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