Why we need a free speech domain name registrar
The internet is the most powerful communications tool ever created. Control over the internet is becoming more and more monopolized. Those monopolies are using their power to censor and control speech. We must fight back now before it is too late.
Not being allowed to post on a social network can be inconvenient. Messages being deleted from an app is frustrating. A webhost deciding to remove your website for breaking their terms of service is distressing. But, a domain name registrar stealing your legally registered domain name—because they feel like it—is so offensive that corrective actions must be taken immediately.
That is why we need a free speech domain name registrar. The very foundation of the internet is being used to censor free speech. That can not be allowed to continue. Donate now and we will fight this.
What the funding will be used for
ICANN requires a registrar applicant to demonstrate they have enough working capital to adequately run a domain name registrar business. ICANN puts this amount at $70,000. ICANN also requires a $3,500 non-refundable application fee. ICANN additionally has annual fees that can amount to more than $10,000 per year.
Furthermore, the actual business of running a domain name registrar needs to be done. Servers, software, and staff; the more funding we have the better all of those can be.
If the full goal is not met, that doesn’t mean we give up. ICANN has policies for demonstrating financial adequacy for those with less than $70,000. The $3,500 application fee and annual fees are the lowest barriers we really need to clear. Even if ICANN throws up a few roadblocks we will continue to prep the servers, software, and staff so we can launch as soon as those roadblocks are cleared.
How the process will be open & transparent
Domain name registration is a vital part of the internet infrastructure. Yet, there is a lack of information on how all of it works exactly. We plan to be as open and transparent as possible.
We will strive to use only libre/open-source software, and we will document how it can be used to create a domain name registrar business. This will allow others to follow in our footsteps. The only thing better than a single free speech domain name registrar is many free speech domain name registrars.
With your help, we will build a better foundation for the open internet. Donate what you can. Speak out online, and tell others about this campaign.