Short Summary
We are the founders of the original Black Gate Cultural Centre. We opened our music venue in January of 2017 and for the following three years, we ran hundreds of events, in music, literature, visual arts and film. We had to close during Covid, and then in 2021, just as we were about to reopen, our landlord sold the building and we were forced to pack up and leave.
But the Black Gate is not finished. It has taken time, but we found a new home for the Black Gate right in the centre of Galway (On Flood Street, around the corner from Quay Street).
Since we were forced to close four years ago, we have been fighting very hard to find a space and secure the funds to re-create our space, and open it up again for our community. People make a place, and just as you've all told us how much the Black Gate means to you all, we've missed you all too, and cannot wait to welcome you all back again in the near future.
Whether you are able to contribute to the campaign by pre-buying one of our many reward items/packages or even share the campaign with others, we thank you very much in advance.
What We Need & What You Get
We need to raise funds for electrical work, fire-safety alterations (AOV systems, fire-stairs rebuild, alarm systems), quiet ventilation systems, and other extensive metal-work and joinery. Although we've made good progress so far, we need one last push to get our new space ready and re-opened. We will share images along the way so that you can see the impact of the campaign on achieving our various building completion goals.
We have loads of great rewards including Black Gate postcards, Custom T-shirts, Special concert passes, designer/artist limited-edition original prints, Gift Vouchers, and much more.
Where funds go if we don't reach our entire goal
In the event that we don't reach our entire goal, we will push forward as far as possible with with fire-safety alterations, and then electrical work, ventilation systems, and then aesthetic metalwork and joinery, in that order of completion.
The Impact
The Black Gate has always been more than just a bar or a venue, it is an amazing community of people. Since we had to close during Covid, and in all of the time since then, people have told us how much the Black Gate meant to them, and how much they have missed it since it's been gone. You all gave us energy to do what we did, and we tried to make sure you all felt welcome and at home in our shared space.
We want to bring the Black Gate back to life, for all of us. As soon as we possibly can.
We built the original Black Gate from the ground up before, and turned it into a thriving cultural hub in the centre of Galway. We have a solid track record of bringing our projects to fruition, and this will be no different. With your help, the Black Gate will become a permanent fixture of the Galway cultural and social landscape.
Risks & Challenges
The major difficulty that we have faced along the way has been to make sure that we can achieve what the old Black Gate did, in a different space. So far, we have had to apply for planning permission for change of use, re-design the building to the best sound-proof standards, and at the same time make sure that we strive for, and achieve, the best, most inclusive structure possible. Some of the unexpected alterations to the building have raised costs and will be completed using funds raised as part of this campaign.
We are very resourceful, and very stubborn. Sometimes, it seems that red-tape and administrative delays are endless, but we feel that we are getting closer with each completed task, and we know we can get through it all with persistence and the support of our community.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you are not in a position to purchase a reward to fund the campaign, we would really appreciate it if you can spread the word out the project. Every share helps us to get closer to re-opening again.
The Indiegogo share tools make it really easy to share on all major platforms...
Thank you !