Missions trip to help Romanian gypsy kids
Missions trip to help Romanian gypsy kids
Missions trip to help Romanian gypsy kids
Missions trip to help Romanian gypsy kids
Missions trip to help Romanian gypsy kids
This campaign is closed
Missions trip to help Romanian gypsy kids
We are NGS (NEW Generation Service),a group of hungry youths for Christ, doing all that we can to serve our Lord and spreading love to the people who are lost.
All the four weekends in a month we visit orphanages giving all that we have making sure we see one smile a face & also covered 23 places in 23 days reacheing out to 27000+ souls.
We are raising these funds for a mission trip to Romania and this mission trip is exclusively for the gypsy kids of Romania.
Our first mission trip was to Sri Lanka where many people were touched and transformed by the mighty work of our Lord.
One dollar wont make a difference in your life, but surely in the lives of many underprivileged kids .
Please contribute as much as you'l can. Every penny is taken into count.
We will continue to spread love and hope with all that we have.
Thank you
God bless!