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OSRC - Open Source Remote Control

Modular and completely Open Remote Control System for Drones, Filming, UAV control and general RC.

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OSRC - Open Source Remote Control

OSRC - Open Source Remote Control

OSRC - Open Source Remote Control

OSRC - Open Source Remote Control

OSRC - Open Source Remote Control

Modular and completely Open Remote Control System for Drones, Filming, UAV control and general RC.

Modular and completely Open Remote Control System for Drones, Filming, UAV control and general RC.

Modular and completely Open Remote Control System for Drones, Filming, UAV control and general RC.

Modular and completely Open Remote Control System for Drones, Filming, UAV control and general RC.

Demetris Rouslan Zavorotnitsienko
Demetris Rouslan Zavorotnitsienko
Demetris Rouslan Zavorotnitsienko
Demetris Rouslan Zavorotnitsienko
3 Campaigns |
Larnaca, Cyprus
$7,806 USD $7,806 USD 17 backers
11% of $70,170 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Quick Summary

No matter how advanced your Drone or Remote Control model is, you shall always need a way to control it. Pads and smartphones are nice but will never replace a dedicated control system since there is lots more than just an LCD and WiFi when it comes to quality control and manipulation. The modularity of the system and its compatibility with other manufacturers ensures that what you get shall always be upgradable and you will be spending less at the end of the day. The OSRC project has been in development for more than 3 years now and has been maintained and nourished by the Open Source and RC community. It had its ups and downs and was never easy as far as prototyping goes due to its complex and innovative nature.

Unlike currently available products, OSRC is planned to be produced and sold through 3D printing, eliminating the need for pricey tooling and mold setup for enclosures as well as other components. Perhaps the first product to be made 90% out of 3D printed parts and assembled by hand. 

I have been working on complex projects for as long as i can remember and collected the necessary tools and equipment for making the system a reality. Although the knowledge and equipment is there, still a financial push for any product to be created, is required. Through this campaign i hope to begin making OSRC for others and create a truly unique community for professionals as well as hobbyists since the system has a great span over a large field of operations due to its flexible and modular features.

About the Project

For over 5 years i have developed and maintained Open Source and Commercial projects through a company i established in 2008, rdGizmo For You LTD. Most of the time the projects that i created didn't really match my personal likes and hobbies and weren't very interesting, other times ideas i had were too complex and required too many resources to develop. The initial idea about OSRC was born while flying a Multi-Rotor platform and doing some video recordings for a personal project. I have been an RC flyer for a long time and always enjoyed a get together to fly my favorite model (Raptor 90 at the time of this article). The ability to create any device imaginable, gave me an idea about a remote control system that would surpass any already available product on the market.

With the idea in mind it became clear that my full attention shall be needed to bring the project to life and devote all my energy towards its development and growth. So i decided to finalize any outstanding projects and create a community for the future Open Source project and a site which would be able to host all its activities, archives and other resources.

In today's society where more and more electronic enthusiasts are starting to tinker with electronics, one thing always was a setback and that was the control of a robot or a custom RC model. In most cases creators would build custom devices with their own configurations in order to be able to control their creation. It was immediately clear that there must be a device that could do everything imaginable by any user and even more.

During initial development, ideas and features gathered quickly, filling my notebook with things i my self would like to see and use. Due to my Open Source nature and the need to share my work with others as well as gain knowledge from other contributors, the entire project was decided to be as open as it possibly can, sharing the knowledge as well as opening the device to any developer for further updates and improvements that even i could not foresee. The initial prototype was developed by me, working day after day on the mechanics, schematics and many other aspects of the device. It took more than 6 months to complete the designs and initial software. After the first two prototypes were made, the final software corrections were made and the refined design of the complete system was created. 

Development and R&D

Following the history of the first RC system until today, many new and innovative technologies have emerged and it was only reasonable to take advantage of those ideas and integrate them into OSRC for current as well as future development. Things such as Actuated Gimbals, Cloud Communication, up to date processing power and many other solutions went into the Remote Control System. Producing a stunning result and capabilities.

ConceptsDue to my previous knowledge and experience in Product and System design, complex electronic designs as well as mechanical constructions were not as difficult as finding new and surprisingly effective ways for controlling devices as well as vehicles in the modern society. Many applications that OSRC is capable of covering, came from real world requests from future users in the professional as well as hobby fields.

A good example of an application for OSRC is a Sport Event. One community member suggested that "It would be cool to be able to control a plane or a Multi-Copter by several pilots, spread over the course of a race track while handing over the vehicle from one pilot to the other, thus following the object at hand through the entire course." An application like this is only one example out of hundreds which could achieve stunning results without additional hardware or a large team.

Open Source

After almost a Year of development, debugging and sleepless nights, not once did i think of concealing or not sharing the work as well as expertise acquired. As always, i supported the Open Source effort and helped in many cases the community in various different fields and applications, just like i required help from others in my own designs. OSRC is no different from any other project when it comes to openness, giving the absolute freedom to anyone who chooses it, to create and add new features or applications for the system while achieving personal goals. During the development of many project for my self as well as others, it became clear that sharing a project with the community only benefits it and opens new ways for applying existing designs as well as software. Since i designed, manufactured as well as programmed the system, some Open Source licensing rules must be covered regarding Hardware as well as Software. The OSRC project therefor is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

The heart of your RC setup. Superior in every way.

Thought that went into building OSRC has been an accumulation of ideas and applications wanted for a very long period of time by both professionals as well as hobby enthusiasts. With an almost every day advancement in technology it was inevitable for OSRC to be born. The OSRC team is mostly assembled from RC users who use planes, cars and other vehicles not only for enjoyment and personal pleasure but also for professional results in the video as well as Sport industries. Taking into consideration that an RC system has to be as flexible and innovative as possible, there are endless possibilities for customization, upgrades and new features with the Main Unit alone. Combined with powerful devices such as the FPVC, Sensor and other modules it is truly a marvel for any user who becomes a part of the OSRC family.

Ether you are a novice RC enthusiast or a veteran, you will be amazed by the advancements made in every feature that OSRC has to offer. Forget whatever you known so far about RC and was limited by features derived from channel count, operational frequency or plainly the price. OSRC provides most of its advanced features even with a Basic setup and takes you to a new level of control.

Techniques used in today's film, robotic and other industries so far have been an assembly of different hardware as well as software products which can make any professionals dream become a nightmare. Combining all the necessary tools for an almost endless list of applications is only one of the OSRC goals. With a responsive as well as enthusiastic team we provide fast updates and new additions as we use the system our selves. With an engineering marvel such as OSRC and a rich set of hardware capabilities, the possibilities for new applications as well as additions are limited only by the imagination of our team as well as the end user or developer. Features and benefits described below are only a small part of a very large system.

Key Features

Even just after the birth of the first OSRC prototype, if someone would have asked us to describe its features then we would probably have to write a book about it. Since OSRC was designed by RC flyers and enthusiasts, the features that are born every day we use the system, multiply and get better. The control system by it self is a dream come true for any developer with its almost unlimited potential. Although every single feature we give to OSRC is innovative and important, there are some that stand out from the rest and are begging to be described.

Stick Gimbals

Stick AssemblyOne of the features that makes OSRC unique is its gimbals assembly. Since from day one, the idea behind OSRC was to create an advanced platform in every possible way, we have taken the time and designed a completely unique assembly for the most important part of the control.

The first thing to notice about the design is that both X and Y axises are supported by 4 steel ball bearings, suspending the entire motion in complete freedom and smooth operation. All of the moving parts are being touched by nothing but the bearings since the motion is being recorder by Optical encoders which read the position in increments less than 0.1mm.

The Optical Encoder technology we selected for the movement fits ideally the OSRC design as it in no way interferes while moving the stick in any direction, while providing accurate measurements every time. At the same time, since there is no friction or any sort of contact while moving the sticks, there is also almost no wear on the assembly and minimal chance of damage over time. The same technology is used in advanced robotic projects where every increment of motion is important for achieving a perfect result.

To achieve motion on each axis with the same effectiveness and flexibility, we use a completely new technique. Inside each axis of the assembly there are only 2 parts as thick as 1.6mm which produce a motion if tuned to the correct frequency. To understand this better imagine that there is a disk filled with electrically stimulated components which contract if a current is applied to them. Combined in a circle they produce a moving wave that pulls whatever comes in contact with it. This technique take up less than a centimeter of space and can produce as well as simulate motion like a Ratchet effect of the stick as well as Spring response without actually having any one of them installed.

Assembly Drawing

To visualize the internal assembly better and understand what actually is going on inside each stick, take a look at the drawing on your left, which represents internal workings of the design. As you can see, the design is quite simple and yet very effective. Among other advantages, the fact that we minimize criteria such as weight and internal footprint, we have more space for other features of the system.

Modular Capabilities

Modular DesignMaking a Remote Control system great is not enough. Besides the fact that there is a rich amount of already available features on board OSRC, we have gone the extra mile and made the design modular in every way possible.

First thing you will notice on the back of the device is that we created a modular environment for replacing already available RF modules from well know brands. This means that you do not need to exclusively use our RF system but adopt your existing setup and in time decide for your self if you need the extra features. Nevertheless please have in mind that using our own communication environment will provide your system with unheard before capabilities which could help you dramatically improve productivity as well as safety if you are a professional or just a hobbyist.

Another great addition to the expandability capabilities of OSRC is its modular Shoulder Switch architecture. Unlike traditional systems where a switch is represented by only one signal state even if your switch has 2 or 3 positions, we provide the ability to use all 13 signals on each shoulder in any way imaginable. This means that you not only can interface switches or buttons but also LCD displays, motors or anything else since the part of the system responsible for shoulder switches is a fully functional processor just like the heart of OSRC.

Shoulder Switch AssemblyAmong our rich collection of customizable Shoulder modules you will find those that provide additional Analog Pots for custom trims as well as advanced and high quality switches with position locking, larger head assemblies and unique position alternatives.

By customizing your control system you can fit your needs better as well as enable additional features of your model, that you couldn't of done otherwise without additional hardware or signal processing.

Perhaps the most stunning addition to your control system is the OSRC FPVC system. The FPVC system is a modular addition to OSRC that provides advanced functionality such as Real Time Video Preview right on the 4.8" 800 x 480px Touch Screen. Currently we provide 3 different types of this module, starting from FPVC - Plain which provides additional buttons for your system and finishing with FPVC - Advanced which has an internal processor of 1GHz and more RAM as well as Flash memory than you will ever need. The processing capabilities of the Advanced system are so great that they in some cases even surpass existing Smart-Phone systems, providing 3D acceleration for on-board RC simulations, High Definition Video playback and much much more.

FPV (First Person View) Applications

FPVC ModularityBesides a great processor, FPVC systems Basic and Advanced both provide features such as GPS navigation, GSM data transfer as well as Internal power and Wireless communication to the OSRC system it self. Meaning that you can remove the FPVC module and use it separately while flying is done by a pilot. Even greater is the fact that since OSRC uses Cloud communication techniques, adding additional modules remotely and combining their functionality simultaneously gives close to unlimited potential for any application at hand.

FPVC Basic and Advanced also provide additional Analog Thumb Sticks which can be assigned to any function just like the rest of the switches and buttons. However the main idea behind having them on-board was to be able to use Camera Gimbals and other moving parts of a model remotely. Since both FPVC systems provide an additional Video Out socket, it is possible to use the same system by more than one user when one flies the model and the other can control a camera as well as monitor a Live Video stream through Video Glasses or other imaging devices. As the name states, FPVC is named after the "First Person View Computer" definitions and its main purpose is to help a professional or a hobbyist in any capturing application required.

User Interface

Monochrome User InterfaceA very versatile and unique User Interface has been created for OSRC. Most features and functionality inside the system simply could not be accessed through traditionally known interfaces, so we have designed an intuitive and at the same time complex system which not only allows the operator to navigate through each option quickly and effectively but also jump to any section of the interface through a set of short-cuts and custom functions.

Even on a small display that is built into OSRC, many advanced settings such as Exponential adjustments, Dual Rates, Switch Assignments and others can be accessed and changed with ease, providing an ultimate access point with not only the buttons or switches being the means of input, but also the Touch sensor which is built into the display.

Cloud Based Communication

Unlike traditional systems, OSRC uses true RF modem modules with Cloud based communications, which allow multiple devices to be connected at once as well as transmit and receive any type of data which could be GPS information, motion control or even graphical in nature. Beside the multiple connection, the cloud system allows OSRC to extend its range just by placing additional devices between each point of interest and make things like Long Range hand over possible. The same thing can go both ways, meaning that if more models fly in your area of interest, the stronger your signal will get.

RF CloudThis approach allow OSRC to control multiple models at a time and send information to any recipient required without the need to reset the system or reconnect to any host. The FPVC modules also communicate with OSRC through the same cloud, which means that multiple users can control multiple devices on the same model without the need of additional hardware, not associated with OSRC.

Combining the above mentioned features as well a much more, OSRC becomes limited only by the creativity and imagination of its user. A variety of combinations in features as well as modular design provide an ultimate tool for any RC enthusiast, without the hassle of unwanted and unnecessary equipment. Making all the versatile parts of the OSRC system communicate in an efficient way give absolute freedom to any operator, thus releasing any hidden potential which simply could not be unleashed with constrains from technologically inferior devices. In addition to everything else, OSRC is an Open Source device, which means that entire development communities all over the world are free to implement features that even the OSRC team could not think of, sharing them among all system owners. Join the OSRC family today and reap the benefits that the Open Source Remote Control System can give you.

FPVC Advanced

Rapid technological evolution has gone a long way since the first processors. In today's devices related to almost all applications you will find processing capabilities far beyond what they were intended for. In FPVC Advanced case we have spared no resources and created an ultimate tool that hold inside abilities that in some cases even surpass modern computing devices.

The large LCD display provides a remarkable view of an advanced OSRC User Interface as well as Real Time video stream from your vehicle. Cockpit - like UI gives you the ability to monitor and control your vehicle just like a professional pilot would inside a real craft. Assignable switches, thumb-sticks and touch capabilities provide the user with a stunning control environment.

Given the power that FPVC Advanced holds, operations such as 3D Model simulations with control from the OSRC gimbals and buttons, give an opportunity to never need a Desktop computer as well as learn to fly with the same settings and hardware as the real thing. The ability to record FPV video directly from the model eliminates any need for additional hardware while giving the expandability of a microSD card for larger formats or other data. The same principles also apply for recording your own movements as well as recording motions from a remote operator.

By utilizing FPVC Advanced, the operator is given the opportunity to control, change and monitor the entire scope of a vehicle response without the need for a personal computer or other processing machine. The internal FPVC Advanced CPU provides more than enough power for any given mission and is completely customizable in sense of software as well as hardware. With the help of a large display and stunningly fast response of the user interface, break free from the painful pipeline currently available and solve all your needs with a single addition of an already feature packed device.

Key Features

Only mentioning the fact that FPVC Advanced uses Linux as its Operating system, immediately it becomes clear that the amount of possibilities related to the module is quite vast. While creating FPVC Advanced, many new and useful features emerged since never before an entire Linux system has been implemented in an RC control system as compact and as innovative as OSRC.

User Interface

Front ViewWith the help of a Large, Color display as well as its Touch sensor, the entire OSRC interface is reborn and unleashed from it's monochrome brother built into OSRC. Besides the already available features and functions found in OSRC, the FPVC Advanced interface unlocks just as many new ways to control your model. Since with the help of a powerful processor, there is no limiting criteria to what the interface might look like, we have designed everything from the ground up and reinvented OSRC by giving it versatile control over its functions. Many features were taken from known interfaces to produce a stunning result and at the same time keep the responsiveness as snappy and fast as possible.

Another great advantage in using a Linux Operating System is that with it, an entirely new path is revealed with already available software packages for applications such as GPS Tracking, 3D Simulations, Video Playback & Editing as well as many others from both the Open as well as commercial communities.


Due to the never seen before features we implemented in OSRC, terms such as Two Way Communication, PPM, Receiver/Transmitter, Model Count and others commonly used in the RC community, simply disappear after just a glance through the OSRC features. Both OSRC and FPVC units use many different communication techniques for short as well as long range applications. Among them the ability to transfer data through GSM networks provides the ability to control a model such as a UAV without the need for additional devices since all those devices are already built into the system.

From a developers point of view, the OSRC collection of hardware features provides a Dream Come True environment with a set of commonly used protocols as well as known hardware components. The GSM part of the FPVC Advanced unit is no different from a mobile phone and is produced from high quality parts which provide a reliable solution.

FPVC Side VideFeatures that already exist inside OSRC, such as Real Time motion recording from the on-board gimbals become even more user friendly when browsing through recorded collections on the large FPVC Advanced display. While working on the Linux aspect of the device, we have had enormous help from the development community that occupies this field, in order to bring the best result possible and squeeze every drop of potential from an already great product.

The intuitive interface provided with FPVC Advanced, gives any operator the freedom to quickly adopt to any scenario presented and easily produce great results. Operating from its own power source, the module in no way interferes with the OSRC power requirements and even in an event of complete power failure from the module, the OSRC system continues to operate flawlessly through its original user interface and set of features.

Given all of the above advantages as well as much more not described here, FPVC Advanced is a true marvel and a priceless addition to OSRC. May you be a professional or a hobbyist, the amount of freedom this module will provide, shall surpass all your expectations as well as release techniques or applications you may have been constrained not to use through already available alternatives.

Model Controllers

OSRC is a powerful system with many new and exciting features. A powerful control system requires a control unit just as powerful and versatile. It was inevitable to have dedicated control units, specifically designed for OSRC simply because there are no counterparts that could execute functions OSRC is capable of. Besides the fact that the Mark 1 controller contains a modular system for expandability as well as the RF equipment required for Cloud Communications, it also executes functions normally obtained by using expensive RC equipment such as channel Mixing and synchronization.

Although we do provide a smaller counterpart such as the Mark 2 unit, the Mark 1 controller gives greater range of control due to its SMA antenna connection as well as a more powerful RF unit which combined with the on-board controller and a rich set of features give your model the ability to perform motions and maneuvers simply not possible with currently available RC hardware, without additional equipment and greater expenses.

All model controllers we provide have many original and flexible features. One of those features is the ability to expand hardware such as channel count, connect additional modules such as FPV, GPS or others and produce an amazing result, which is as small as a model might require, without taking much space or power.

Since the OSRC line of Model Controllers communicates the same way as everything else, through an RF Cloud, it is possible to increase the signal strength by simply applying additional stations between the operator and the model or the other way around. By increasing the model count in your flying area, you increase your signal strength as well as data transmission reliability.

Scenarios where one model is the intermediate RF expander for the next model are possible, giving almost an unlimited range of functionality for both professional as well as hobby fields.

Sensor Modules

Sensing the orientation, motion and acceleration of your model has never been easier. The Sensor Module Mark1 provides 9 degrees of freedom which are more than enough for any unmanned or controlled application. If you for some reason need to have the ability to stabilize your model and separate channels or motors from each other then with the help of a Model Controller and OSRC itself, you can do that.

Among many advantages is the fact that the Sensor Module also eliminates the need for additional hardware such as a Gyro on a Helicopter or a Plane or even a Compass if you are flying a UAV related model. The modular connection all OSRC controllers provide make is easy to connect to each other, supplying or providing power through out the entire assembly from just one power source.

The sensor array available inside the module is staggering in its accuracy as well as speed. Not only can the operator set up the system to adjust the motion of a model but also record or display the data on either the OSRC Monochrome or (in FPVC Advanced case) Color screen. The same data can be stored inside the Model Controller of even the Sensor module it self since internally even something as small as the Sensor Module has a processor which controls the data flow as well as executes custom functions based on your configurations.

Remove the need for multiple units inside your model and replace them with a single and compact solution which seamlessly integrates with an already large OSRC family of modules. Provide ultimate position and data control to your model, making it just as advanced and versatile as other complex and expensive solutions. With a combination of a Model Controller, FPV Module and the Sensor Module you inevitably are transforming your model into a fully functional UAV (Unmanned aerial Vehicle) solution which is only limited by the OSRC software capabilities which we update and improve constantly.


Customization of OSRC is truly a remarkable feature. We provide the hardware tools to assemble a system that will suit you best in every aspect. Due to the versatile set of features OSRC provides we have set new boundaries when it comes to customizing your device. A set of processing, input as well as communication modules, provide the flexibility required in achieving any desired goal.

Since OSRC was designed in cooperation with RC flyers as well as professionals in fields of photography, robotics and many other fields, every addition available for OSRC serves its purpose perfectly. The ability to interface and use already available wireless solutions for RC control as well as use dedicated OSRC features provides a vast variety of combinations which form a completely new system every time, making your configuration unique and dedicated to your needs and desires.

We provide the tools and open new possibilities for all RC enthusiasts as well as professionals to create stunning results while using state of the art technologically advanced equipment without the need to ever replace or modify the base unit. With every new feature we always seek out opportunities for new additions that could be integrated into OSRC as well as shared with its users. Even though we already have an extensive variety of additional components for OSRC, we never stop inventing new and original ways of expanding the system functionality. By choosing OSRC as your default RC equipment, you are emerged from day one into a completely new and original way of controlling your model, with a never ending possibility for upgrades and innovation. With a rich variety of additional hardware available, you will never need to think about the functionality of your system again as well as making it stand out from the rest. This makes OSRC a perfect investment for any field related to Remote Control applications.

Shoulder Modules

We provide a variety of additional input means when it comes to the Shoulder area of OSRC. Besides the standard switches and buttons we also give the operator the ability to mix and match any configuration without reprogramming or modifying in any way the core OSRC software since each button, switch, pot or other input device can be reconfigured by few simple actions inside the controllers User Interface. Unlike traditionally limited counterparts, we give absolute freedom to modify each function in any way imaginable without second thoughts about if it is possible or not.

Analog ShoulderAmong many options there are Shoulder modules which have less switches, more switches and even switch configurations with additional Analog inputs. All buttons and switches used on OSRC are manufactured with quality in mind and reliability. We spared no expenses while researching different types and brands of even simple things like the switches or pots. Every part on OSRC is from an industrial graded manufacturer and offer quality functionality and end result.

For some there is never enough input on a control system, for others what is available is just too much. With OSRC we cover all operator categories by making you choose what you need and customizing your setup so suit you best. The versatile nature of the system allow for possibilities that may have absolutely nothing to do with input control. Since the OSRC part responsible for shoulder control is a fully functional and separately controlled processing unit, it can interface devices such as additional displays, visual indicators or even foot pedals, motors and anything else that can be controlled or read by using standard interface protocols.

PPM Module Compartments

RF CompartmentsSince OSRC can handle many different types of communications, making sure that an already available set of products could be integrated into OSRC was one of our main priorities. Besides the internally available RF solution OSRC provides, you are free to use your existing set of modules for which we provide support when it comes to OSRC compatibility.

Although in most cases existing solutions cannot provide the operator with full OSRC potential simply because most of features offered with the system did not exist before OSRC, you are still given the option to use your existing hardware without ever needing to disassemble your model.

Each and every module compartment designed for OSRC has been carefully refined to be as simple in its replacement as possible as well as support features that may be available on hardware, they were intended for.

FPVC Units

FPVC Module With Main UnitTo further expand the OSRC capabilities we have created a special system for interfacing complex modules through a set of hardware connections and wireless communications, which provide a perfect as well as effective combination when talking about responsiveness and reliability.

Through the Cloud based communication protocols not only can you use existing OSRC additions but interface completely new devices that support the widely used RF hardware which OSRC provides.

Combining all these expansions with a powerful and versatile system like OSRC, produces a superior piece of hardware which provides features never seen before in a compact Remote Control System. The scope of applications OSRC can cover with its open-minded design redefines all existing alternatives and sets a completely new standard to look up to.

The Perks

Below is the description of what is included in each OSRC setup from those available in the perks.

OSRC Basic

  • Main Unit - Splittable in 3 sections (Left, Middle - LCD, Right)
  • Actuated & Removable Gimbals
  • FPVC Plain (Additional buttons and indications without FPV capabilities)
  • 2 x Basic Shoulder Modules (Standard Switch configuration)
  • FrSky Module Compartment
  • FrSky DF 2.4Ghz Combo Pack (TX Module and Receiver) for 8 channel Control
  • Shipping

OSRC Advanced

  • Main Unit - Splittable in 3 sections (Left, Middle - LCD, Right)
  • Right Animatronics Section (Various Switches, knobs & actuation for misc use)
  • Actuated & Removable Gimbals
  • JR + Futaba + Hitek Module Compartments
  • 2 x Basic Shoulder Switch Module
  • 1 x Switch Pot Shoulder Module (same as Basic + Pot)
  • 1 x Devastator Shoulder Switch (Multiple positions & switches)
  • FPVC Advanced (Android + FPV Receiver + GSM/GPS + RF Wireless Control)
  • GPS / GSM Module for your Vehicle (Telit brand GE864) + FPV Transmitter
  • Model Controller 8 Signals (For standard or Cloud Based control)
  • 3 x Channel Expansion Bus for another 8 channels
  • Sensor Module (Gyro, Accelerometer, Compass)
  • Shipping

What You Get

You can read more about OSRC through the Gizmo For You website or follow the project status through its Facebook page, however there are some things you should know about the final product you shall be getting.

  • Pictures and Video in this campaign contain the initial prototype, which was developed once the idea was born. However over the years there is a large amount of new technologies and parts which have accumulated and will be implemented into the final product.
  • Technologies such as affordable 3D printing will allow for more complex and usable shapes, which essentially means that the enclosures for OSRC shall be redesigned to reflect these new techniques and improved upon before final distribution.
  • Many suggestions about new parts and components have been posted and shall be implemented in the latest design. Parts such as Brush-less gimbals, Memory - Reflective displays (similar to Pebble type LCD) and many others, not shown in the original prototype.
  • Every part as well as the final assembly shall be done by hand and in my workshop, without relying on third party production and manufacturing. This will ensure that each step of the development shall be documented and publicly shown as the project comes close to its final stages.


The project is expected to begin shipping in late April of 2015 to all who make their Pre-Order in this campaign. The pricing set here is significantly lower than what will be defined once the system is published for sale in its own official shop. By getting it through the available perks you are getting it cheaper and help the project reach its goal as well as grow.

Once the campaign reaches its goal, the design and development of the final product will take place and shall be published throughout its development on the OSRc website, which will be announced through the OSRC Facebook page as well as through IndieGoGo for those who Pre-Order or support it.

At any stage of development, anyone can freely contact me through the GizmoForYou or OSRC websites and i shall be more than happy to explain any questions you may have.

A more open discussion of the project development shall also take place on its website once it is published for public use and community support.

    The Impact

    The impact of a system like OSRC being available to a mere mortal is substantial, since only military and Research facilities have anything like OSRC but once again, not as compact and up to date.

    Even today, to control anything other than an RC toy, requires expensive equipment, without their unification and compatibility. every manufacturer wants their technology to be the standard and at the end you end up with something which is hard to carry, use and implement when needed.

    Other Ways You Can Help

    If you can't help financially with the project, you can still help in a big way. Here are some ways you can help out:

    • Spread the word. Post about this campaign and let others find out about it. There is nothing more useful than people being informed about the project since not everyone knows about its existence. Typing few words doesn't cost anything but helps lots when it comes to a final result and support.
    Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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    Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

    Choose your Perk


    OSRC Basic

    Currency Conversion $518 USD
    €480 EUR
    An IndieGoGo Only, special price for the Basic Setup which contains the Main Unit, including the Actuated Gimbals and Entry Shoulder modules. This is the same Framework as in the Advanced setup, so you shall always be able to upgrade and interchange different modules for your system later on. An FrSky DF 2.4Ghz Combo Pack (TX Module and Receiver) is also included for 8 channel control. International Shipping also included in the price.
    Estimated Shipping
    April 2015
    0 out of 100 of claimed

    Virtual Thanks

    Currency Conversion $11 USD
    €10 EUR
    Help us take a remote control to the next level! You'll receive a sincere thank you from the OSRC team and we'll keep you up to date on all of our progress developing the next generation remote control.
    0 claimed

    OSRC T-Shirt

    Currency Conversion $43 USD
    €40 EUR
    A limited edition t-shirt for the OSRC project, only available via IndieGoGo. You'll also receive a sincere thank you from the OSRC team. (International shipping included)
    Estimated Shipping
    February 2015
    0 out of 100 of claimed

    3D Print Deduction

    Currency Conversion $162 USD
    €150 EUR
    Deduct this amount from your purchase once the system becomes available in the official OSRC Shop and consequentially support OSRC in its development. This amount will go into 3D printing materials for the enclosures on OSRC and thus shall be deducted from the final price once you decide to purchase the system. Alternatively you can get just the enclosures for your own development. Shipping for enclosures only is not included.
    Estimated Shipping
    April 2015
    0 out of 100 of claimed

    OSRC Dev Kit

    Currency Conversion $378 USD
    €350 EUR
    An assortment of all required boards, 3D Printed jigs and wiring to start developing your own custom applications on the Main Unit, Model Controller and FPVC Basic & Advanced.
    Estimated Shipping
    March 2015
    0 out of 100 of claimed

    OSRC Advanced

    Currency Conversion $1,349 USD
    €1,250 EUR
    The Advanced package contains everything required for Research, Drone, Filming or Robotic control. The system includes the Cloud Based RF technology, GSM & GPS modules as well as Sensor & Channel Expansion packs. The Android Wearable computer is also included, which clips on the main system or can be removed. All available features for OSRC are included for a complete OSRC experience, so you can rest assured you get all that OSRC can be. International Shipping also included in the price
    Estimated Shipping
    April 2015
    0 out of 100 of claimed

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