Hello friends!
First of all, thank you so much for being some of the cutest people I've ever met.
I've set a pretty mammoth task this year, in order to get Pigletish off the ground so I can give it the time and attention it deserves. I'm inviting you to help me reach two of my main goals, which are:
1,000 individual donors
Raise £6,000 together
Not only would the money make a real difference in the quality of content I'm able to create, it would also be mean that I could get the word out about Pigletish and help it reach people who may need it. The money would go towards:
- Making sure I can work on Pigletish full time, without compromising my own mental health by working two jobs.
- Marketing - while social shares have been by far the most effective way of reaching new people, I've also learned that sponsored posts really pack a punch when it comes to spreading the word!
If you are already one of my readers/listeners, first of all THANK YOU! I wouldn't be able to raise awareness without you, and your messages of support and thanks really make all the work totally worthwhile. Secondly, if you each donated £3 today, I'd reach my goal within 24 hours (Wow!).
Think about it, that's just 1 fancy coffee at Starbucks, or just over a pint, or a sandwich, or half a hat that costs £6 in the sale at Accessorize. It isn't very much money, but it will make a HUGE difference to me and ultimately to my readers, followers and listeners.
Thank you so much for being a part of this, I couldn't do it without you!
About Pigletish
The site was launched in March 2017 and is dedicated to raising awareness for Anxiety, PTSD and other chronic and mental illnesses.
Initially, the site was set up as a way for me to document my journey to recovery from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (and all it's hideous symptoms), following an abusive relationship. Through your encouragement and support, it has grown into 2 blogs and a podcast that has reached over 13,000 people in 69 different countries.
The site continues to grow because it runs on the simple idea that talking to each other about mental illness and sharing our experiences helps us feel better understood and less isolated. I don't know how many of you that I have helped directly with my work, but I do know that you have all helped me. I can also tell you anecdotally that I have had several messages from my readers/followers that pigletish has helped you build the courage to speak up about your own illnesses and seek help.
Real Goal
I've talked about my funding goal above, but I think it's really important that you understand my REAL GOAL, which is this:
To reach as many people as possible with my two main messages
- Hey. It's OK to be ill.
- You're not alone.
Messages which I think are being missed among all the sunset shots and bikini pics that is social media. I want to use my platform to make people feel better about themselves, not worse.
Some of the Articles have been featured in Huffington Post UK, Quiet Club org and mentioned by BBC's Quite Interesting on Social Media. Other organisations who have shared my content and/or plan to work with me in the future include Women's Aid, The Blurt Foundation, Refuge, Mind Charity and Rethink Mental Illness. I was also nominated by a reader for the Janey Antoniou Award in 2017.
More recently (just last week) I was contacted by Stephen Fry's PA to let me know that he intends to respond personally to the open letter I wrote him in November last year (I'm equal parts thrilled and petrified to read what he has to say!)
The best critical acclaim I've had has come from my readers, you can see some of their messages on the About page of the site.
Risks and Challenges:
I've been able to regularly update the website (mostly each week since March 2017), despite having to also work full time in order to financially support my goals. I have also engaged in daily chats about mental health and mental illness with my social media followers, offering advice and information where possible, and signposting them to appropriate charities and organisations where needed.
I am confident that Pigletish will only improve with more time invested from me, and that I can keep the all important topic of mental illness and mental health at forefront of minds and conversations.
I'm also committed to using the time I will be able to work on Pigletish to find brands, organisations and companies to work with in order to fund Pigletish long term. Although Pigletish is strictly non-profit and all money raised will go back into the site, I'm determined to make sure that it becomes sustainable and able to fund itself within 6 months.
I know we can do this!!!
Thank you SO MUCH for your ongoing support.