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Polish Ambassador's Permaculture Action Tour

A music tour bringing regenerative living empowerment to fans across the US.

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Polish Ambassador's Permaculture Action Tour

Polish Ambassador's Permaculture Action Tour

Polish Ambassador's Permaculture Action Tour

Polish Ambassador's Permaculture Action Tour

Polish Ambassador's Permaculture Action Tour

A music tour bringing regenerative living empowerment to fans across the US.

A music tour bringing regenerative living empowerment to fans across the US.

A music tour bringing regenerative living empowerment to fans across the US.

A music tour bringing regenerative living empowerment to fans across the US.

Shayna Gladstone
Shayna Gladstone
Shayna Gladstone
Shayna Gladstone
4 Campaigns |
San Francisco, United States
$43,760 USD 783 backers
125% of $35,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

We have reached our minimum goal of $35,000!!

Our hearts are full of deep appreciation for each and every one of you who made this possible.

We would now like to raise our goal to $45,000 for the next two days of the campaign! Making this goal would allow us to be able to provide more materials, resources, classes, plant more trees, gardens and implement more projects that would leave a big impact in each city. Any additional donations you can give to this initiative would greatly enhance the experience we can offer at each Action Day and leave a bigger positive trace.

DEEP GRATITUDE from the Permaculture Action Team

The Polish Ambassador's fall Permaculture Action Tour is bringing together permaculture educators and community organizers to inspire and educate people about how we can make a shift towards a more sustainable and regenerative way of living, and channel this energy into local project builds in each of the cities we visit--getting people to take action to build the world they want to see.

What We Need

We need to raise at least $35,000 to support the permaculture educators and community organizers to travel alongside the Polish Ambassador and provide tools, resources and experiential learning opportunities outside the shows. Your donations will keep the permaculture action tour moving across the country and the educators and organizers fed and healthy, print educational materials, provide materials for local projects, and help us document and publish everything we do so everyone can benefit.  

The funds will be distributed to these areas:

  • Materials for Project Days at urban farms, gardens, and community centers

  • Food Costs

  • Van Rental

  • Fuel Costs

  • Teaching Materials

  • Organizer Fees

  • Educator Fees

  • Reward Fulfillment

  • Documenting the Tour, Editing Video, and Creating Media

  • General Administrative Costs (Website, Media, etc)

$35,000 will enable us to actually make this tour happen at its most basic level.  Raising beyond $35,000 will allow us to provide more materials to the local sites where we build gardens, permaculture systems, and other community projects in the cities we visit.  Funds raised beyond the goal will also allow us to put more energy towards documenting this process in a way that will inspire other artists to follow suit, and spread this message further through learning materials, publications, and artistic mediums.  Your donations expand the network of transformative work that is already being done.

Anything raised above $50,000 will go toward the further development of Jumpsuit Farms Impact Center. Over the past 8 years as an electronic music composer, The Polish Ambassador has saved up enough money to purchase a small, but vibrant 10 acre parcel in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains of Northern California. The intention of the project is to establish Jumpsuit Farms, an artist residency and permaculture impact center that supports musicians, farmers, and the local community.

Confirmed Action Days:

                             Eugene, OR - OCT 11

WHEN: October 11, 2014

WHERE: Lost Valley Educational Center and Meadowsong Eco Village

81868 Lost Valley Ln, Dexter, Oregon 97431




Austin, TX - NOV 1

WHEN: November 1, 2014

WHERE: 161 Possum Hollow Rd, Cedar Creek, TX 78612

More TBA!


The Polish Ambassador working on his land at Jumpsuit Farms!

A note from David Sulgalski aka The Polish Ambassador...

“For the past 5 years I have been touring as an electronic music composer and performer. It has been a joy, an honor, and an evolution to share my music with an audience that seems to put progressive ideas and community at the forefront of it's collective consciousness. I'm fully aware that without the support and participation of YOU GUYS this project would cease to exist. It's for that reason I feel indebted to the supporters of this project to use TPA as a platform to facilitate positive impact.

In speaking with so many of you guys at shows, festivals, and random encounters in the street, it has become clear that this music scene is ripe for some change. It's also clear that you guys want to be a part of it. In fact, the type of change that we are calling for will only work if you guys ARE involved. It's a collective movement that can be accelerated through artists, but ultimately comes down to the people--YOU.

People are attending concerts and festivals by the tens of thousands yet it is rare to see this energy mobilizing for a greater cause, a cause that directly affects the local community that is hosting the event. Yep, I'm with you. The party, the celebration is awesome. Shaking booty with your friends is heaps of fun. I've been doing it for the past 4 years. I know. But now, I'm longing for something more. Are you?

Can impact and celebration co-exist in the same environment? Can community work parties and projects culminate in ecstatic dance party celebrations? Can we remember that festival culture all began with harvests where people busted their ass for a week(s), all of it culminating in a community celebration known as a festival?

I'm curious. My gut tells me that this is the evolution that we are moving toward within our music scene. Realizing within ourselves that in giving, we are actually receiving. Understanding that it can feel so, so good to build with people to create something greater than our independent selves before or after we celebrate. Remembering that before anything else comes reverence for the earth, for without the earth we would not be. Simple truths.

I've decided to dedicate this Fall tour to these ideas. Perhaps we can consider this a seed that is being planted to inspire other artists to do something similar. Maybe it's an experiment. We have a question and this experiment might be the beginning of an answer.

We're embarking on a 30 city tour and we've linked up with a team of permaculture teachers, urban farmers,  community organizers, and network weavers to add to the already growing team of musicians, lyricists, and visual artists that make up Jumpsuit Records and The Polish Ambassador experience.  We’ll be teaching permaculture at shows through spoken word, video, and resources for people to take home; bringing local groups and organizations out to put a focus on the change they’re making in each city; and hosting impact days to build community projects.  Pushing Through the Pavement is taking action to transform the places where we live.  

The money you donate to this campaign will allow us to do all of this - to bring the teachers and organizers on the road, to provide materials for audiences and local project days, to document the process and publish it online, and to keep everyone healthy and taken care of along the way - to be a first step in bringing about this transformation.

In closing, I ask that if you share and support one thing from TPA this year, let it be this campaign. Every show I've ever played, every song I've ever produced, every fan I've ever connected with, it's really all led up to this. This project has become something greater than the music that's come through it, not because of me or you, but because of an open invitation to co-create together. It's my intention to extend that invitation even further. Will you create transformational party 2.0 with us?”

-David Sugalski AKA The Polish Ambassador


This October, The Polish Ambassador partners with a team of permaculture educators and community organizers to bring Pushing Through the Pavement: A Permaculture Action Tour to venues in major cities across the United States. The tour will provide educational presentations and workshops at Polish Ambassador shows and community spaces, facilitate project builds at urban sites, and empower people with tools for bringing about a sustainable and regenerative way of life.

The tour will be connecting a network of local organizations, permaculture groups, sustainability educators, and food growers that can put the principles of permaculture into action through on-the-ground projects and re-skilling.  Audience members will be encouraged to join “Impact Days” on urban sites following each show that will be immersions focused on sustainability, food justice, ecological education, and regenerative living practices.  Along with hard skills like growing food, collecting rainwater, and building structures, the tour will introduce the equally important aspects of social permaculture: how to work in collaborative groups and organize locally, make decisions, and communicate effectively.


Tour Objectives

  • To teach audiences about permaculture, regenerative land practices, organic food growing, natural building, rainwater catchment, and living in community.

  • To organize impact projects on urban sites in between shows that focus on sustainability, food justice, ecological education, and regenerative living

practices; and get peoples' hands moving to build and plant together.

  • To connect people with groups and organizations doing this work in the cities they live in, so that together people can transform the urban landscape, solve local problems, and build community.  

  • To introduce and weave people into Project Nuevo Mundo’s social network that will keep people connected and allow them continue to engage with innovative permaculture projects, transformational experiences and educational programs around the world through

What is Permaculture?

Permaculture is the practice of living in a balanced way on the earth; of designing relationships of mutual support between people and the ecosystems we inhabit.  Through the collection of skills and practices that permaculture teaches, people can learn to once again live in a way that fosters healthy human communities and cultivates ecologically diverse and productive habitats for all beings.  

Permaculture practices we will be sharing:

  • Regenerative Land Care

  • Organic Food Growing

  • Food Forests and Perennial Polycultures

  • Natural Building

  • Rainwater Catchment and Greywater Recycling

  • Compost and Soil Building

  • Appropriate Technology

  • Neighborhood Placemaking

  • Transforming the Urban Landscape

  • Living in Community

The Goal

The goal of the Permaculture Action Tour is to inspire and empower people with the tools and know how of co-creating a sustainable and regenerative world.  Through bridging live music with earth-based practices and collective action, we will bring a new sense of awareness, community, and personal potential to each audience member who attends The Polish Ambassador shows–offering a way to make an impact towards positive change where they live while having fun.  This tour will be one step of many in making our cities greener, healthier, and happier places to live through the action of community.

The Need

The problems we face today have surpassed controversy and uncertainty. We are seeing the effects of over-consumption and resource exploitation in land degradation and the endangerment of wildlife, ancient cultures, and soil everywhere we look.  These imbalances reverberate out into our human communities as well where we witness poverty, hunger, and disconnection in our cities every day.  It is time that everyone become part of the solution and make small changes within their local communities and it’s time for those with a microphone in hand to empower their listeners to become part of the solution. The Polish Ambassador has stepped up to the plate to be that voice and collaborate with leaders in the permaculture movement to spark CHANGE.

The Impact

The impact that this tour will have is infinite and will continue beyond the tour itself. Each individual has an immense power to change world around them.  If each audience member is empowered to lead or take on a project of their own, another entire group of people will benefit, and soon an entire city. This tour has the potential to create millions of ripples of action towards healing the planet.  We, the people, are the power behind making our cities greener, happier, and healthier places as we improve relationships between each other and the earth. Our team is ecstatic to see the immense impact this tour will have on thousands of people and the permaculture movement it will accelerate.



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Choose your Perk

Thank you + Digital Download

$10 USD
Polish Ambassador will thank you personally via an email or Facbeook shout out! & Pushing Through The Pavement Digital Download
129 claimed

3-Album Download

$15 USD
3 Album Digital Download: The Polish Ambassador - Pushing Through The Pavement; Ayla Nereo - Hollow Bone; Wildlight - Hers Was As Thunder
109 claimed

Exclusive TPA Live Set

$20 USD
Exclusive Polish Ambassador Live Set - Diplomatic Dispatch Volume #2.
63 claimed

Edible City Documentary

$20 USD
An incredibly inspiring and uplifting documentary about the ever-expanding local-food movement in the Bay Area produced by Carl, who also filmed our crowdfunding video! Receive a download link to this empowering full-length documentary.
41 claimed

Unreleased Album!

$25 USD
Digital Release of TPA, Mr. Lif, Ayla Nereo album that will release sometime this fall. We've heard it, it's unbelievably good, and you will get it before anyone else.
143 claimed

Entire TPA Discography

$35 USD
Download The Entire Polish Ambassador Discography. It's a $119 value on iTunes. Yours for a $35 donation.
88 claimed

Jasmine Dance Party

$55 USD
Jasmine, our fall TPA dancer, will improv a booty poppin', soul shakin', twerk makin' dance to your favorite TPA song on video and post it on your Facebook wall. There's no way you can understand how life changing this will be until you contribute.
8 claimed

Sustainable Revolution Book

$70 USD
Sustainable Revolution: Permaculture in Ecovillages, Urban Farms, and Communities Worldwide (book) by Juliana Birnbaum and Louis Fox - receive your copy of the book and fast-forward into the modern day sustainability movement.
21 out of 28 of claimed

Ayla Nereo Online Workshop

$75 USD
Finding voice and channeling song. 3.5 hour finding your voice live online workshop scheduled for Sunday, January 11th. 3pm pst. A workshop led by songwriter and performer Ayla Nereo, to open up our creative channels to receive song, and to experiment and play with our voices and creative process. No agenda. No experience necessary. Just for the joy of it.
23 claimed

Tree on Jumpsuit Farm + Music

$150 USD
TPA will plant a tree on the Jumpsuit Farm in your honor. He will write your name on a sign, take a photo in front of your tree, and shout you on Facebook! & - 3 Album Digital Download: The Polish Ambassador - Pushing Through The Pavement; Ayla Nereo - Hollow Bone; Wildlight - Hers Was As Thunder - Exclusive Polish Ambassador Mix (Diplomatic Dispatch) - Digital Release of TPA, Mr. Lif, Ayla Nereo album that will release sometime this fall - Download The Entire Polish Ambassador Discog
22 claimed

Professional Body-Work

$150 USD
Arrive early to one of shows along the Pushing Through the Pavement: Permaculture Action Tour and receive a deeply nourishing, personalized 1-hour body-work session with Erin Bishop "Magic Hands", a member of the Permaculture Action Team!
2 out of 5 of claimed

Fair-Trade Modern Mayan Wear

$200 USD
Choose 1 funky, festive, fair-trade and practical, beautifully handcrafted Guatemalan textile hood or hip-belt.. 3 Hoods Available 3 Hip-belts Available After your donation, please e-mail letting her know your choice. First come first serve.
3 out of 6 of claimed

Garden Planted for You + Music

$400 USD
Permaculture Action Tour will plant a garden in your name, paint your name on a sign, put it in the garden, take a picture, and send it to you! & - 3 Album Digital Download: The Polish Ambassador - Pushing Through The Pavement; Ayla Nereo - Hollow Bone; Wildlight - Hers Was As Thunder - Exclusive Polish Ambassador Mix (Diplomatic Dispatch) - Digital Release of TPA, Mr. Lif, Ayla Nereo album that will release sometime this fall - Download The Entire Polish Ambassador Discography
5 claimed

Tour Sponsorship

$1,000 USD
Are you a conscious business or non-profit that would like to support this tour and establish a relationship with Jumpsuit Records and The Polish Ambassador? Let's collaborate! Tour sponsorship includes: - 5 shout outs from TPA. Will appear on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. - Your Name will be listed as a producer on our tour documentary. - Your logo/mission will appear on the Permaculture Action Tour official website. - A thank you call from The Polish Ambassador.
Only 1 left

Wildlight Song Commission

$2,500 USD
Love Ayla Nereo's words? The Polish Ambassador's beats? Then commission a Wildlight song! Wildlight will write a song inspired by a theme that is important to you or your organization. Wildlight will acknowledge you and your organization during public performances as the inspiration and producer of this song! You will also become a sponsor of the tour. See above for sponsorship details.
2 out of 5 of claimed

1 Week With TPA on Production

$20,000 USD
Attend a 1 week music production one-on-one with The Polish Ambassador at Jumpsuit Records. (Polish will teach you everything he knows about music production). Compose music together, go over what it takes to make it in the music business, get guidance on how to take your music to the next level. We will coordinate schedules to reserve a Monday through Friday 9am - 5pm sometime in 2015.
0 out of 1 of claimed

Private Show

$30,000 USD
Polish Ambassador, Wildlight, and Ayla Nereo, will perform at your private event (wedding, birthday, bar mitzvah) inside of the United States
0 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Cosmic Convergence Ticket

$300 USD
5 out of 5 of claimed

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