Pro Tandem Surfer World Championship Title 2016
Pro Tandem Surfer World Championship Title 2016
Pro Tandem Surfer World Championship Title 2016
Pro Tandem Surfer World Championship Title 2016
Pro Tandem Surfer World Championship Title 2016
This campaign is closed
Pro Tandem Surfer World Championship Title 2016
Aloha! My name is Ahlia Hoffman from Encinitas in San Diego California. Im so excited that my tandem surf partner and I are qualified to compete in the Pro tandem surfing World Championship competition in Makaha, Hawaii. The competition is the first weekend in December and we are very excited to share our love for the sport. See our tandem surf video here
Also, to see my tandem surf photo gallery, visit
My tandem partner and I have competed in contests up and down the West Coast and around the world. Through such travel to local and international competitions with the accompanying media coverage, we will help you sell your product. Because of the unique aspects of our sport, we can augment your visibility in the surfing world through product sponsorship. We are looking forward to surfing and competing more both locally and around the world.
Recent Results:
3rd Place at Duke's Ocean Festival
August 19th, 2015 Waikiki, Hawaii
2nd Place at Oceanside Long Board Surf Club
August 5th, 2015 Oceanside, CA
5th Place at Duke's Ocean Festival
August 21st, 2014 Waikiki, Hawaii
1st Place Oceanside Long Board Surf Club
August 2nd, 2014 Oceanside, California
3rd Place Malibu Call to the Wall
July 19th, 2014 Malibu California
Tandem surfing is a graceful and beautiful sport, combining physical agility with strength and elegance. Tandem surfing is an amazing and dramatic spectacle. When we are out in the water, we always attract an audience on the shore, as well as in the line-up. Onlookers are curious about our equipment, the lifts and poses, and the feeling of flying above the waves. We compete in professional competitions, charity competitions and surfing exhibitions worldwide. Your donation will help get us to Hawaii as well as offset our costs for accommodations, food, and other travel expenses associated with participation in the Duke Ocean Fest. I would like to offer social media shout outs to my, so if we are not friends on Facebook and Instagram, let's take care of that right away!
Mahalo for your generosity and support!!!