What and Who Are We?
Two families came together three years ago, on one piece of land we call Tortuga Flats Farm, with a
single goal in mind. That goal was to find a way to make a living and a life
from the land by boldly blazing a new trail into all natural, sustainable
farming. No chemical pesticides, fertilizers, or pickling chemicals
(powdered aluminum and lye for example) are used at any time in our growing or
pickling process. In fact, the water in every jar of pickles comes
directly from the Big Chino Aquifer and is completely void of fluoride,
chlorine and other chemicals found in all commercially pickled products.
We grow all of our own produce, and we pickle and label it all ourselves.
This is a Mom and Pop operation in the truest sense of the term. When
deciding what to call our company, Pirate Pickling just made sense. What
we do is extremely difficult and laborious, arguably rebellious, and absolutely
requires both passion and a chip on one's shoulder. Furthermore, in a nation
who's food supply is dominated by GMO products, making real food available to
the masses is becoming an act of piracy in and of itself. So thar it be
told me mateys!
What We Need & What You Get
We want to expand operations so we can bring all of you healthy but tasty pickles and relish. The first year that
means cultivating and planting more land. However, in order to do so we need additional farm equipment and supplies such as tractor implements,
irrigation drip tape, biodegradable mulch, compost, seeds, mason jars, labels,
etc. Our goal for the following year is to build a certified production
kitchen and processing center on our land. We will then be able
to handle a much larger volume, and put our products on
store shelves across the country...which of course is the ultimate goal - to bring you that better pickle. But a
man must first walk before he sets sail.
Give us a hand and you'll be properly rewarded...just take a look at those perks you get for every contribution! We invite ye on board!
We Want Everyone to Eat Healthy with Huge Taste
You are what you eat isn't just a cliche. Tortuga Flats Farm lives by the creed, a pirate's creed for sure. Imagine tasty pickles like our Salty Dogs or spicy Kraken's Breath that not only light up your palate with taste, but you can feel safe eating them and feeding them to your family. What the world needs is a better pickle.
We started out working the land by hand, and we're able to produce enough pickles now for a couple of farmers' markets each season, but we need to expand. With your help, we'll get the equipment we need and introduce more people to chemical free, no GMO tasty Pirate Pickles and Relish!
Risks & Challenges
There's no crying in farming or pirating, but alas,
there are no guarantees in either as well. We have a firm grasp of our growing
methods, and a solid understanding of the crops we grow and the insects and
diseases that can and do affect them. We also have learned how to manage both
with natural methods such as lady bugs and praying mantis for pest defense and
solutions like skim milk spray for powder mold. We've done our homework so we're ready to forge ahead, one step at a time.
If we shouldn't reach our full goal amount, don't be wary...we have our
needs plotted out in priority and will embark on the course regardless.
Other Ways You Can Help
Can't send as much our way as you'd like? No worry. You can still help. How many friends do you have who might like our voyage? Let them know where to find our Indiegogo campaign. Get the word out, make some noise! Be sure to use the Indiegogo share tools for all your social media connections. Thanks, mateys!
If you haven't heard enough or want to learn more, here's an additional video taken on a windy day on Tortuga Flats Farm and a little background on us.
Lance Whiteside (farmer) is an ex college hockey player and ex
touring musician with 20 plus years experience in the service industry
including time on the floor, behind the bar, in the kitchen and as management.
Gardening was a hobby for many years, so a natural transition to farming. Lance
is in charge of the land and that which he grows upon it.
Christie Whiteside (wife) also came to Tortuga Flats with 10 plus
years in the service industry: serving, bar tending, cooking and 5 years
managing Salsa Brava, a Mexican food restaurant featured on Diners, Drive Ins
and Dives. Christie, while raising a toddler and keeping a happy home, still
finds time to team up with Frank every day to wash, prep and pickle the day's
Frank Whiteside (dad) joined the crew after retiring from the suit
and tie world. His many years of experience range from sales to national level
management. Captain Pickles, as we call him, is point man in the pickling
process, and the man who created our amazing recipes. His business background is invaluable to the company.
Brenda Whiteside (mom) retired from a career in children's services
and nutrition to pursue a career as a published author. When not writing, she
has become quite the farmer. She and her son do most of the farming during the
pickling season.