About me-Anna Conti
I have worked as a social economist at the UN & currently
working as an architect with urban and architectural projects. I mainly work on
development of industrialised architecture. I established the first architectural exhibition
in contemporary art museum L. Pecci, and was part of the International
Exhibition in Venezia (2000, 2004) and Beijing (2008).
The aim of this project:
are running out, the need of energy is increasing parallel to population
growth. We need to stop the short term thinking of each year’s oil prices, and focus
on long term goals like providing sustainable energy resources for the planet
and generations to come. We can use high technology for ecology.
We need to
put together the people, expertise, institutions which will be able to
transform this vision into a project. They will have to deal with the more
scientific and technical matters which probably will not be the hardest to
develop. The political economic strategy
for this project will have to involve the largest part of the international
community and will need deep and thoughtful attention.
Therefore the goal is to organize a team of astronomers,
physicists, nanotechnologists, nanoengineers, astrophysicists as well as geo-political scientists.
This project aims to find ways of preventing the
consumption of resources, which future generations will be deprived of due to
our thoughtless wastefulness forests, gas, oil, uranium etc. The collective psyche already
suspects, or even fears, that burning uranium or plutonium (regardless of
whether they are impoverished) is crazy. I not only believe that the
hydrocarbons ages is over (Rifkin), but also that the time has come to end the
age of burning things to obtain energy and “possess/consume/destroy” in order
to live. The internal combustion engine, car and even nuclear energy all come
from burning wood, coal, oil and gas. We have already burnt all the forests and
then coal and now we are burning oil and even uranium and (I hope Rifkin will forgive
me for saying this) actually dream about burning water (hydrogen). I think we
can jump the hydrogen queue and move directly on to the only energy source
that, as Jeremy Rifkin has so clearly explained, the law of thermodynamics
allows us to use without creating any further and unsustainable “entropy” (due
to the fact it comes from outside the planet), in other words the thing that
has made life possible and which, at least for a few years more will allow life
to carry on here on Earth: the Sun.
A number of countries are already taking
steps to make use of solar energy by building structures that orbit around our
planet. Dr Patrick Collins is the Head of the SPS 2000 Project (Solar Power
from Space), a demonstrative project promoted by the Japanese government and
NASDA (Japanese Space Agency) to collect solar energy by means of satellites
and send it down to earth along a beam of microwaves. Working in conjunction
with Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Ecuador, Colombia, Malaysia, Brazil,
Tanzanian and the Maldives, Japan is planning to construct a first orbiting
station measuring 4000 square meters by 2045. Other countries are working on
similar projects. The Pacific Gas and Electric Company, one of the biggest
energy companies in America, is setting the same goals for 2016. SF’S (Solar
Power from Space) has several advantages compared to Earth-based projects.
First of all, we need to consider what Patrick Collins explains) terrestrial
solar power requires much bigger expanses of land; then energy needs to be
stored in large quantities to compensate for cloudy days,’ finally if for
example, energy needs to be supplied to Europe and the plants are located in
Africa, means of conveying the energy will be required and this will inevitably
involve further impact on the land. Solar power from space, on the other hand,
can convey energy all over the earth. Terrestrial solar power may be more
convenient in places where large expanses of land are available close to users,
but this is not the case in more densely populated areas, which may, however,
have the relatively small amount of land required for rectennas (reception
antennas). Now that the nuclear age is over; we must find the right solution to
the problem. A big solution to an enormous problem that can feasibly be carried
out in steps using light, non-invasive problem-solving technology. So why do
not we take these assumptions to their most extreme consequences and think big?
We might envisage planning a Space Energy Belt, a global energy net worth; this
would mean designing an infrastructure that would extend beyond our own
personal life spans to cover a scope of over one hundred years. We might even
envisage building a ring around the planet made of a lightweight material, a
cloud network made of photovoltaic material or an extremely thin string of
photovoltaic “fabric”; we could place it in a geostatic position ready to
convey dean energy to Earth on a wireless basis. This would be enough to meet
the energy needs of the entire world population and even more.
Let’s make a few
calculations. The world’s yearly energy consumption is 13 Terawatt (TVV) — 1 1W
equals 1,000,000,000,000 W or, in other words, about 1,000,000 x 1,000,000 W –
170,000 71,1V solar energy reach the Earth, equal to 1.371 Wim2, but 55% of
this quantity does not actually reach the ground due to the effects of the
atmosphere. The amount of energy reaching the Earth’s surface is further
decreased by the angle at which it hits the surface due to the earth’s
curvature, and the day-night cycle decreases the amount of usable energy on a
24-hour basis by more than half. But most significantly the surface area
required to cover our predicted energy needs, for example, for 2050 by means of
solar energy would be approximately 1,200,000 krn.7 (approximately the surface
area of France, Spain and Italy put together). Too much land to be taken away
from farming, forests and nature. A string of photo-voltaic ‘fabric” measuring
just 100/200 meters in height for a length of 260,000 km
(geostationary orbit) would, having completed the loop, develop an amount of
power using current technology equal to forecast energy needs for 2050: 300 TW.
In 2050 this string (using technology comparably as efficient as that
incorporated in panels currently used in space) would require a 200-meter front
to meet the estimated energy needs. But the time required for design and
construction would take us well beyond 2050. The energy efficiency of photovoltaic
material is being rapidly improved and will evolve even more rapidly now that
the nuclear age Es OM. When we manage to get closer to 100% efficiency seeing
as there are no obstacles in space (clouds, day/night), our space can be
reduced to 100 meters in length to form an overall loop of 26,000 km2; less
than 3 m2 of photovoltaic mass in orbit per person (for an estimated world
population of 9.2 in 2050). The ring could be well be forever directly in orbit
by micro robots drawing on both well-established forms of nanotechnology and
those still being developed. We could use silicon and carbon taken directly’
from space to construct something thinner than a hair that would be held
together and able to withstand “solar wind` thanks to a. micro magnetic field
created out of part of the energy absorbed.
The ring is formed out of a dust
“cloud”, carbon particles presumably measuring 10 nm (nanometre = 10 to minus 9
m = 1 millionth of a millimetre) with a volume of between 10 – 100 thousand
atoms. Each particle must be composed of a photovoltaic module (skin), an
energy accumulator (battery) and energy transmitter (antenna). The particles
will hold together and set in place by the magnetic created by the particles
themselves. They also self-replicate and position themselves absorbing the
carbon and silicon found in space. Of course, these are just theories and the act
at its present state is certainly “visionary” in terms of its spatiotemporal
extension We are currently putting together an initials’ work team together
with Prof Andrea Ferrara, an ,astrophysicist from Pisa University The team will
be composed of aerospace engineers, physicists, chemists and engineers
specializing in nanotechnology. Mankind’s energy needs, the dramatic lack
resources, and the need to come up “clean” solutions, call for a radical and
visionary ideas, proposals and hypotheses capable directing research and the
quest for solutions beyond and well away from the kind of thinking that until
now has only led to the destruction, consumption and entropy of the only planet
where the human race can live at the moment.
Breakdown of Budget:
Perks (what you get for your contribution):
The book-La Mela Senza il Baco
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Anna-Conti-Architetture/257717191055424?ref=tn_tnmn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/anna_conti1
Youtube: http://igg.me/at/unimax-annaconti/x/7932568
Website: http://annaconti.org/