Kath seeks to find a more respectable existence, but her current life stands in her way. Due to an unexpected betrayal, her relationship breaks down giving her all the answers she needed.
What does the perception of freedom mean to people, depending on their situation? The film has an underlying theme of gaslighting. This is a growing issue, especially during Covid and yet it's an underrepresented topic - avoiding the cliches of other films about this issue.
Kath is a mobile hairdresser who distracts her clients so her partner, Vin, can sneak in and steal valuables from the clients homes. Vin keeps pushing their limits until Kath can't deal with the life she's leading any longer. She claims that she wants marriage and kids with Vin but not if this life is to continue. Fortunately, scam supplier Allan gives Vin a call about a major house to steal from. Vin convinces Kath that this is their last scam before they can move on to a life that she pleads for, but it falls through when Vin and Kath are scammed themselves. Vin has a lot of making up to do, but Kath may have finally had enough of living on the edge between freedom or bars.
Film on Imdb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14203760/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
We are producing our final year film for our BA Film Production degree at the University of Salford, and we need YOUR help to make our more-than-achievable production come to fruition.
The film is already in the eyes of major film festival directors. The goal of the film is to try compete for not only a few festival awards: but into BAFTA qualifying film festivals! We've already got our film 'Lest We Forget' screened at a BIFA qualifying film festival and with this experience, we wish to take our success even further! The film is going to be shot practically, on location in Manchester and Lake Windermere!
We will be shooting on the ARRI ALEXA MINI LF
The already attached cast includes Sir Marco Robinson, actor from Netflix film 'Legacy Of Lies'. He is verified on instagram with 168k followers. He was knighted for his incredible charity contributions.
We've already raised £3,859 via work and self-finance, and we have 2 film sponsors: My-Fresh-Box who are supplying all of our key catering (meals and drinks) and Murder One Productions who are supplying us a cast van to keep cast and crew warm on location.
We are e.Motion Pictures (Ltd), a contemporary film production company who specialise in producing a new age of visual content for film, commercials and music videos. Established in 2018, e.Motion have produced films and commercials for 3 years, working on BFI, Creative England and studio feature films across the country.
See our portfolio here: www.e-motionpictures.co.uk
Here's e.Motion's showreel:
Alex Coleborn - Director
(Brand Ambassador for Panasonic Camera)
I’m not middle aged, I’ve not been through a mid-life crisis, but the issues of freedom and trust within relationships that we discuss in the film are universal and pertinent to everyone within their own environment. Simply, I’m directing this film because I want to see it. I’m fascinated by the characters that we’ve developed and I want to see how these characters live with each other, exploring the dynamics of not only the situation they’ve found themselves in, but what’s brought them to this point. Personally, this film represents me as an artist and some of the turmoil I’ve experienced, but encapsulated within a different context. I think discussing some of the deeper questions of life are important, socratic discussions to have and I believe that the context of film is the most digestible format for people to get people thinking. I’ve set out to help myself & other people understand what they want out of their one chance at life. This film, despite having a grabbing narrative that everyone enjoys, also incorporates the deeper questions which I’ve left up for interpretation. To us as crew behind the film, it’s: "be true to who you are and do what you love" - exactly what all of us in this team have come together to do.
Lee Mountjoy - Casting Director
Lee Mountjoy has casted some of the biggest commercials and films in Britain including: Pepsi, Very, Sainsbury's, Selfridges, Manchester United, JD, Asda and even Sharknado 5.
You're not in this alone! We've already raised £3,259 via work and self-finance, and we have 2 film sponsors: My-Fresh-Box who are supplying all of our key catering (meals and drinks) and Murder One Productions who are supplying us a cast van to keep cast and crew warm on location, with a portable place to make warm drinks, cook food and even use as a portable video village!
We need to raise a further £6,000 to make sure we have the funds to cover our actors EQUITY pay and expenses, as well as accommodation; props and design, wardrobe; small extra catering snacks, film festival entries and insurance.
Your donation will help keep the UK film industry alive during Covid - not just for students but professionals too.
What Do You Get For Donating?
You will be donating to the most dedicated film students on the entire course. We are not just students - we are active industry professionals. You have the privilege of knowing you've helped the next generation of talented filmmakers take their final educational steps before entering the industry full-time, giving us the opportunity to create the best showreel material possible to help us get to where we aim to be, yet still paying professional actors to keep the industry circulating even now!
But what's PHYSICALLY on offer for you? We have an array of perks on offer, produced specifically after doing a research project about what perks would genuinely interest YOU! These perks are decided by you, for you! Have a look through the list and see what you can get in return for your donation.
What If We Exceed Our Goal?
In the very hopeful scenario that we exceed our goal, the budget will be put towards investing in more film festivals to try win awards and gain notability and success. We would also invest in an even better cinema experience to host our exclusive private premiere for the film when it is completed! If there are any further funds left after the completion and festival circuit, then some of the remaining funds will be donated to Women's Aid - the domestic violence charity for women.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:
Tell everyone; get the word out and make some noise about our campaign! Share it on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or wherever you think will help.
If you can get people to donate £250 (verified by their reference) then you will receive an associate producer credit too!
What's The Risk?
We don't work with risks. Yes there are obstacles such as Covid, shooting complications and weather, every film right now must face these challenges and we're the same; however we have not only produced and completed a significant amount of films previously, but even during Covid we have produced commercials and films and thus our team are prepped, well versed and capable of the upcoming challenges. Ultimately, this is a university film; we must make this film to complete the course. Therefore what's the risk of donating when you know you will 100% see the end result!
Key dates:
- Crowd funder - 8th March - 29th March
- Production - 10th - 16th April (approx)
- Completed - 4th June
Shooting Format
- Kowa Anamorphic lenses
- 2.39:1, Digital ProRes 4444 XQ
- Kowa Anamorphic lenses
- Teradek Bolt 500 XT
- Nucleus-M follow focus kit
- Shogun 7 director's monitor
All Aputure LED Lighting to help minimalist carbon footprint.
- Aputure 600d x1
- Aputure 300d x2
- Aputure 300x x2
- Zoom F8 - 32bit wav
- NTG 4+
- Tentacles (Timecode sync to make syncing the camera and sound easier)
- Hollywoods
- Car Mount,
- 20ft Wheelie Jib,
- Vario 5 Easy-rig,
- Ronin 2 Gimbal,
- Recovery & Lowloader (to safely drive our actors for them while they perform),
Cast and crew will have Covid tests prior to the shoot. On top of this, we have a rigorous Covid plan and BFI Covid Commission plan to maintain safety. Lee is the designated Covid officer and all PPE is already purchased and supplied (not included in the budget). Temperature checks will take place every morning of a shoot day to every individual on the shoot. The schedule is structured by departments so our team have to be with other colleagues for as minimal a time as possible. Finally, we have insurance backed by a risk assessment should the worse case scenario happen.