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The Coloring Book to Grow a New Future

A Story About Water

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The Coloring Book to Grow a New Future

The Coloring Book to Grow a New Future

The Coloring Book to Grow a New Future

The Coloring Book to Grow a New Future

The Coloring Book to Grow a New Future

A Story About Water

A Story About Water

A Story About Water

A Story About Water

Kathryn Curtis
Kathryn Curtis
Kathryn Curtis
Kathryn Curtis
1 Campaign |
Ann Arbor, United States
$7,151 USD by 68 backers
$7,041 USD by 64 backers on Oct 24, 2015

Below: an example of a page of the book 

Who We Are 

My name is Kathryn Curtis and I am passionate about health, food, and the environment. My research as a graduate student at the University of Michigan focuses on water security in Brazil. This will be my second book, and most ambitious project yet (click here to see my previous book, "Choose Your Health," for sale on Amazon). I believe a plant-able coloring book will serve as an impactful, fun and transformative way to share the information we all need to know about water scarcity. None of the money we raise through your contributions will go towards me, or any of the time I spend on the project. All of it will go towards printing the book, and paying the artist who illustrates it, Rogério Fernandes.

Rogério Fernandes is a Brazilian visual artist from Belo Horizonte. Born in the state of Piauí, his work was greatly influenced by the woodcarving styles of the Brazilian northeast. His work can be found across the world. He believes that his fantastical and emotion-centered style will help readers connect with the subject matter and imagine how to create a new water-secure future. To learn more about Rogério's work, check out his website here.

Quem Somos

O meu nome é Kathryn Curtis e eu trabalho com a saúde, comida, e o meio ambiente. Eu fiz uma pesquisa acadêmica para o meu mestrado na Universidade de Michigan focado na segurança alimentar e sua relação com a seca no Brasil. Esse livro será o meu segundo, e o projeto mais ambicioso até hoje (clique aqui para ver o meu livro prévio, “Choose Your Health,” no Amazon). Eu acredito que um livro para colorir e plantar servirá como uma maneira impactante, divertido, e transformativo para compartilhar a informação que precisamos saber sobre a escassez d’água.

Rogério Fernandes é um artista de Belo Horizonte. Nascido no Piauí, a obra dele é muito influído pelas gravuras do nordeste. As obras dele estão espalhados pelo mundo inteiro. Ele acredita que o seu estilo fantástico e emocional pode ajudar os leitores conectar com a historia e imaginar como criar um futuro melhor. Para aprender mais sobre o trabalho de Rogério, viste o site dele aqui.

What's Happening in Brazil?

In São Paulo, Brazil, city residents are thirsty. They dig wells in their back yard, drink dirty water, hoard what little they have. The Cantareira Reservoir System, which provides water to this enormous city, is drying up. But the problem isn't just in São Paulo - it's all across Brazil, and spreading fast. Water scarcity and water security affect us all. It is urgent that the public - not just experts or politicians - understand what is happening, and how to help. The image below is a concept illustration for the book that Rogério and I created with my writing and his visual wizardry, to give you an idea of what we plan to create together. 

O que está acontecendo no Brasil?

“O povo aqui [em São Paulo] foi criado para acreditar que a água é um recurso que nunca acabaria. Estamos tirando água das fontes mais do que elas conseguem repor por métodos naturais.” Mara Cecilia Brito, Aliança Pela Água

No São Paulo, os cidadãos estão com sede. A Cantareira, que fornece agua para a cidade, está se secando. Mas o problema não está somente no São Paulo – está espalhado pelo Brasil inteiro, e a dificuldades estão aumentando rapidamente. A escassez d’água nos afeta a todos. É urgente que o publico – não somente os técnicos nem políticos – entendem o que está acontecendo, e como ajudar. 

How You Can Participate

This campaign will raise money to produce a plantable coloring book to build awareness about the who-what-where-when-and why of the issue, and invite readers to dream up a new future. It will be a book to stimulate the head and the heart, harnessing imagination and knowledge for the the common good. We'd like this message to travel far and wide, so the first 100 people to contribute $25 will receive it. 

Your contribution will go towards supporting amazing art by Rogério, Portuguese translation, editing, binding, and publishing the books on the seed paper with some pretty incredible companies in the US and Brazil, and finally distribution. If the book is one day picked up by a publisher, we plan to donate many of the book sale proceeds to non-profits in Brazil working to re-forest the land, grow food sustainably, and support the construction of water catchment systems. If you'd like to see a more detailed break-down of costs, please scroll down to the bottom.

Thanks for your time and attention! Monetary contributions are awesome, and so is sharing our project on social media!

Como Você Pode Participar

A campanha vai juntar dinheiro num vaquinha para poder produzir um livro para colorir e plantar. Esse livro vai ajudar a nos informar sobre o problema, e convidar leitores a sonhar com um novo futuro. Será um livro para estimular a cabeça e o coração, fortalecendo a imaginação e conhecimento para o bem comum. A gente gostaria que viajasse longe esse livro, então os primeiros cem pessoas a contribuir ao redor de R$100 (exatamente $25USD) vão receber o livro. O livro será imprimido em inglês e português, dependendo do desejo da pessoa.

Sua contribuição apoiará o trabalho de Rogério, tradução do documento ao Português, edição, encadernação do livro, impressão no papel semente, e distribuição. Se um dia o livro é publicado por uma companhia profissional, pensamos em doar muito da renda do livro a ONGs no Brasil lutando para re-florestar e apoiar as pessoas sofrendo por falta d’água. Se você gostaria ver mais do orçamento, poder dar uma olhada aqui embaixo.

Muito obrigada por a sua atenção e tempo! Se você poderia nos ajudar com uma doação, compartilhar nosso projeto no Facebook, ou mandar para amigos e família, a gente estaria muito agradecido! 

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Social Media Shout Out!

$5 USD
Every little bit counts - thank you so much for your contribution! We'll give you a shout-out on Facebook!
0 claimed

Original Wallpaper

$15 USD
You'll receive some pretty stellar computer wallpaper with images and text from the book, and a social media shout-out.
Estimated Shipping
February 2016
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Copy of the Book

$25 USD
Be one of the first 100 to donate $25 and - you lucky duck! - you'll receive a first edition hard copy of the book, filled with drawings and seeds! Shipping is included in this price.
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
29 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Book Thank You!

$50 USD
For all of you generous enough to donate this amount to the cause, we'll add your name to a list of folks or organizations who donated to us in the book! If you are one of the first 100 people to donate, you will also receive a book, shipping is on us!
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
12 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Your Logo in our Book

$250 USD
Showcase your support for the environment and the arts with this coloring book with your logo. If you are one of the first 100 people to donate, you will also receive the book, and we'll cover the shipping!
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
0 out of 20 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Get your face in our book!

$1,000 USD
For your generosity, we'd like to include a caricature of you, or someone of your choosing, in the book! Also, we'll send you a long a high-quality digital copy for you to use however you'd like - make a poster, put it as your Facebook photo, etc. If you are one of the first 100 to donate, you will also receive the book, and shipping is on us!
Estimated Shipping
July 2016
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

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