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The Rake

An independent film about a humanoid creature called "The Rake"

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The Rake

The Rake

The Rake

The Rake

The Rake

An independent film about a humanoid creature called "The Rake"

An independent film about a humanoid creature called "The Rake"

An independent film about a humanoid creature called "The Rake"

An independent film about a humanoid creature called "The Rake"

Dallas DeBard
Dallas DeBard
Dallas DeBard
Dallas DeBard
1 Campaign |
Reno, United States
$185 USD 7 backers
0% of $40,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Rake is a creature that appears to look like some kind of man/dog hybrid, the name comes from the hands as bones appear to be extensions of its fingers. Giving a rake looking image to the hands. Furthermore, The Rake has been noted for its unnatural body position, which appears twisted and distorted, as if it had been mutilated after being hit by a car. When a person does encounter the Rake, the creature makes certain demands that must be met. If demands are not met, the Rake will continue to haunt and pester its victim for an unknown time period. Once that time period draws to an end, The Rake ends the life of its victim. The film is an exact interpretation of this creature and it's origin. We aim to please with this production to all of the fans and to all who have a fear of The Rake.

This is a very personal project to us. We need the support from our family, friends and like-minded film enthusiasts to make this project possible. We are putting all of our energy toward making this project as successful as possible but at the end of the day, your support is incredibly important to the success of this film.  

Our philosophy is very simple, we aren't asking for your money just because we want to be wealthy individuals, we are asking for your money because we want to make the highest quality film possible. You have our word that we will not cut any corners or make any concessions during the entire process.

  • You are not paying our salaries or for our personal needs. Your money will go directly to:

    • EQUIPMENT RENTALS – Redefine give us a few pretty incredible equipment packages, but to make the story look, sound, and feel as great as we see it, we'll need some extra fire power.

    • LOCATIONS – Not everyone is willing to let a big movie crew into their homes or onto their property for free – help us shoot in the perfect spots.

    • FILM FESTIVAL SUBMISSION FEES – We want as many people to see The Rake as possible. Help us send this thriller to as many cities as we can.

    • TRANSPORTATION – Help send the cast and crew from California & Texas to the setting of the film in Reno, Nevada.

    • FOOD – The Rake is looking like a full 10-14 day shoot. Help keep the cast and crew alive and well during the days of this intensive shoot.

    • LODGING – With a bigger group of people than we've had before, there's a new space in the budget for hotels and the like. Help us stay comfy while we work to make some magic.

Facebook post, Twitter update, word of mouth, blog post, all of these things can help spread the word about our film. We understand times are rough and that some cannot donate. Reaching out to others about our film is just as important as reaching our funding goal.

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Choose your Perk

Thank You

$5 USD
For donating with this perk, your name will be placed in the Special Thanks section in the credits, as well as a personal thank you email from the director. *Please provide email*
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
2 claimed


$10 USD
For donating with this perk, you will receive the previous perk as well as a signed script from the cast and crew.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 claimed

Digital Edition of "The Rake"

$25 USD
You receive a digital copy of: - The Poster - Soundtrack - HD Version of film *you will receive this perk and previous perks for donating at this level*
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
2 claimed

Signed DVD Copy of "The Rake"

$50 USD
You receive a signed DVD of the film with autographs of the cast plus all the above perks. You will also get a: - HD digital version - Photographs from the set - digital script signed by key cast and crew - digital copy of the soundtrack - digital poster art - your name in the credits (under Indiegogo supporters)
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
1 claimed

VIP Screening

$100 USD
You receive 2 tickets to the VIP screening of the film. Meet and greet the cast and crew! Screenings will take place in Nevada and Californa. *Flights and accommodation not included.* You also receive all above perks, of course. Estimated delivery: November 2014
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
0 out of 100 of claimed

The Mask

$200 USD
You will receive 1 of 2 latex molds of the creature in our film. As well as all previous perks.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
0 out of 2 of claimed

Name A Character

$250 USD
You get to name a key character in the film and work along side the screenwriter in the creative process. Not forgetting all the above perks. Estimated delivery: March 2014
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed

The Shirt

$300 USD
You will receive the 1 and only bloodied and torn up shirt, signed by the cast and crew. You will also receive all previous perks
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed

Editing Suite

$500 USD
You get to experience the magic of the movies by spending time with Steve, our editing wizard and sound designer as they piece together the film. Learn the process of picture and sound. Post Production will take place in California. *flights, accommodation and food not included.* You will also receive all above perks. Estimated delivery: May 2014
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

A Speaking Role in "The Rake"

$1,000 USD
You get to act in a feature film! And we don't mean just as an extra, either. You will get a real "speaking" role! *Accommodation, transport and food not included.* You also receive all above perks. Estimated delivery: June 2014
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed
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