A huge heartfelt thank you to all of our donors for helping us reach our funding goal!
We are so thrilled to be able to launch this project -- stay tuned for the webisodes!
Tahoe Weekend Perk Reduced!
Now get 4 days / 3 nights at a romantic, rustic cabin for just $300.
5 minute walk from the beach, sleeps 10, great location on west side of lake.
2 for 1 Workshops!
The beekeeping, and urban garden tour workshops, PLUS the Goat Extravaganza Day can have 2 guests for the price of 1 donation.
Bring a friend or partner for free !!
Fund a video series that teaches city folk how to produce farm fresh food and achieve sustainable living in urban settings.
WATCH 4 MIN DEMO REEL: http://vimeo.com/89769385
Creator, Jeannine Glista, is hanging out in her chicken coop until the funding goal is reached. See interviews, chicken jokes, and a few eggs being layed, streamed live Monday - Friday, 9AM - 5PM (Pacific Time):
Help launch a project that teaches people how to turn their small, urban space into a modern homestead. It's about growing food, raising livestock, preserving, DIY projects, and conserving energy.....all in the city! Get inspired with great stories, use how-to' materials from our website, and connect to homestead experts in your community. And…..who knows, you may end up becoming an expert yourself!
Help us launch the first two videos for our web series!
There’s a cultural
shift happening across the country with folks who yearn to get back to the lost
arts of the garden, kitchen, and things done by hand. It's a response to
the growing challenges faced around health, food quality, environmental
decline, and global warming. But things are starting to change.....
Have you noticed?
Everywhere you look people are taking sustainability into their own hands
-- urban gardens are growing, the maker-society is booming, and the sharing
economy is thriving.
The Urban Homesteader recognizes this trend and connects all the dots -- we are
taking a broad-based strategic approach to create social change. And we
have some big partners to help -- Whole Foods Market and Mother Earth News
magazine. Combine all this with an Emmy Award-winning team and we're
ready to get cracking'!
We’re ready to help you turn your
tool shed into a chicken coop, tear up the lawn to plant cucumbers, and jar
some pickles that will make a Grandma proud. We’ll connect you to people
who have all these homesteading skills right in your own
Are you ready?
We need more than just jam......we need $20,000.
Our long-term goal is to get The Urban Homesteader broadcast nationally on PBS. Our short-term goal is to kick things off by producing 2 webisodes (11 minute web videos) then expanding that to 5 webisodes. When several webisodes are completed they can be packaged up and turned into half-hour TV episodes later.
A realistic budget for 2 webisodes is $24,000 which includes production, editing, graphics, music, and sound design. However, $20,000 will get the project launched since the Executive
Producers are willing to forgo their pay, pull in a few favors, and focus on local stories. The team is willing to do this to get quick traction -- everyone is passionately committed to this project.
If the campaign is successful The Urban Homesteader can be launched by Oct 2015. We can then move on to Phases 2 and 3, which include building an interactive skill-sharing platform, and generating revenue to fund additional webisodes through e-commerce of urban sustainability products.
All funds raised will be prioritized for production of future webisodes. Our goal is to be in production during the summer months - the best time to capture the most compelling visuals since many of the initial stories will occur outside. The summer of 2015 is our window of opportunity!
Help us launch now! Please donate!
We are grateful for the support of our collaborators,
Whole Foods Market and
Mother Earth News magazine. Our collaborators will be offering media and content support, and will help grow awareness of the project through their broad reach of social media channels for maximum impact.
We give back -
The Urban Homesteader will be supporting the work of
Whole Kids Foundation. When we eventually raise enough to produce 5 webisodes we've committed to donate the funds to build a brand new school garden at John Blacow Elementary School in Fremont, CA.
The Urban Homesteader helps people take more control over their lives, and where their food comes from, and it showcases urban renewal. Help us raise the funds to launch this project so urban folks have the tools they need for sustainable living, no matter where they call home!
With a fully-funded project, The Urban Homesteader web series will:
- Teach people how to produce
food in small spaces + save $$$
- Teach people how to repurpose and up-cycle materials
- Teach people how to reduce energy + save $$$
- Share stories of homesteading experts
- Empower people to try new skills with easy-to-use print
- Connect people with homestead experts to learn the skills
- Accelerate the movement toward greater resiliency
A successful model will be built in the San Francisco Bay Area, then replicated to other cities including: New York, Chicago, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Detroit, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Dallas, Boston, and Atlanta.
The key components of this project are assembled --- we have a proof-of-concept demo reel, a charming and knowledgeable Co-host, a skilled production team with an award-winning track record, and we've aligned with trusted brands who are committed to sustainability and to getting The Urban Homesteader off the ground.
Now all we need is you!
REMEMBER: Every donation counts - no matter how small.....
- 20 yrs of production and project management experience in educational TV
Co-Creator and Executive
Producer of Emmy Award-winning Biz Kid$
Raises chickens, pigs, and bees.
- Winner of 2 Emmy Awards (+ multiple noms) for Bill Nye The Science Guy
Co-Creator and Executive Producer of Emmy Award-winning Biz Kid$, and Second Opinion.
- Executive Produced over 500 hours of public TV programming
- Senior business developer in technology and sustainability industries
- Led teams at Microsoft, and other international sales organizations
- MBA ins Sustainability Management from Presidio Graduate School
- Emmy Award-winning editor
- Skill set includes online and offline edit, color-grading, effects, motion graphics
- Already contributed countless hours to The Urban Homesteader project
- Local Forager for Whole Foods Market Northern California -- searches for unique products from local food artisans and farmers
- Helps small businesses grow with Whole Food's Local Producer Loan Program
- Local food sustainability expert and celebrity
- Winners of numerous Emmy Awards and nominations for work on Bill Nye The Science Guy, Biz Kid$, and many independent film and TV projects
Expertise in sound design, mixing, foley, ADR, original music, and voice casting
- Boutique consulting that helps start the startup with research, strategy, execution support, and access to an extended team of industry experts.
RISK: Costs exceed budget
As experienced producers we have managed budgets both large and small, and understand the challenges associated with both. We have effective ways of keeping costs in line, and will carefully manage the budget to fulfill all the commitments of the project.
RISK: If we build it no one comes
There is the possibility that if an urban homesteading platform is built, no one will use it. We will minimize this risk with engaging and unique social media and marketing campaigns to drive early awareness, and a following. We also believe that with the support of our collaborators, Whole Foods Market and Mother Earth News magazine, awareness of The Urban Homesteader will grow quickly.
Are you a foodie? Like goats? Need groceries? Check out our list of awesome, experiential perks....then don't forget to CHOOSE ONE when you donate!
Gather up 5 or more of your friends to experience one of our fun workshops and we'll offer you your spot for free -- choose from cheesemaking, beekeeping, meat curing, and a goat extravaganza day. Send us the names of your friends once they've purchased the workshop and we'll add you to the list:
Bring a guest for free with this perk!
Choose a perk and make a donation!
If you like The Urban Homesteader but can't contribute no problem. Get the word out through your friends, co-workers, and on social media -- and feel free to talk to strangers on the bus. Make some noise -- help us get noticed, and don't forget to use the Indiegogo share tools!