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WeIO - Platform for Web Of Things

Prototype faster and create wirelessly connected interactive objects. As easy as making websites.

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WeIO - Platform for Web Of Things

WeIO - Platform for Web Of Things

WeIO - Platform for Web Of Things

WeIO - Platform for Web Of Things

WeIO - Platform for Web Of Things

Prototype faster and create wirelessly connected interactive objects. As easy as making websites.

Prototype faster and create wirelessly connected interactive objects. As easy as making websites.

Prototype faster and create wirelessly connected interactive objects. As easy as making websites.

Prototype faster and create wirelessly connected interactive objects. As easy as making websites.

Drasko Draskovic
Drasko Draskovic
Drasko Draskovic
Drasko Draskovic
1 Campaign |
Paris, France
$37,437 USD 326 backers
374% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Why WeIO ?

  • Quickly make smartphone and tablet applications which drive motors, sensors, lights.
  • Power of RPi, but with realtime digital and analog.
  • Simplicity of Arduino, but with multitasking and web.
  • WiFi integrated - no additional dongles, shields or driver installations.
  • High-level languages: HTML5 and Python. No more cross-compilation.
  • Zero installation on PC - all tools served from the board.
  • Analog I/Os off the shelf . No need for additional AD converter circuits.
  • Realtime hardware.

WeIO is an innovative open source hardware and software platform for rapid prototyping and creation of wirelessly connected interactive objects using only popular Web languages such as HTML5 or Python.

Painless control from any smartphone or tablet!

Program your web app using your computer browser and launch it right away on the board. Observe and control the board from your smartphone or tablet browser. It's that simple!

WeIO is made for the lazy ones ;). We visualize all sensor data in realtime on our smartphone from browser. We program from browser, also. WeIO connection from things (even if it's just one photoresistor) to any smartphone or tablet is instant and visual. Our secret is HTML5!

Designed to be simple

Electronics and wireless connectivity made simple and web-friendly: make real-world physical objects the same way you make web sites!

WiFi integrated

The WeIO board comes with a WiFi module integrated in the chip, so that wireless connectivity is there as soon as you plug the board. Both AP (hotspot, for private networks) and STA modes are supported. Configuration is super-easy.

Access from any browser

WeIO = development board + WeIO IDE, locally served (not from the cloud, but from the board itself): program and control all inputs and outputs on the board from any browser!

No installation needed

There is nothing to install on your PC to start using WeIO - all SW tools are already present on the board. Just point your browser to it, and start using it right away.

HTML5 or Python programming

WeIO uses an Arduino-like API, but in JavaScript and/or Python (both are supported), so it is really easy to learn and start using it.

Go mass market

The WeIO module is ideal for integration in final mass-market products. Hardware schematics are provided, electronic components can be sourced even in unit quantity at low price and software components are open source and available free of charge. 
Here is Wangela, the first interactive lamp designed with WeIO. Preorder today Wangela Lamp Kit and learn basics of WeIO by assembling the lamp.

WeIO is interpreted, in realtime. It's Modern!

Your programs are interpreted and executed in real-time! No more cross-compiling, board flashing, no more programming electronics in C. WeIO speaks natively HTML5 (HTML, Javascript, CSS) and Python!
For instance you can turn on an LED from an HTML page example just like that :

You can also develop your applications in pure Python!

Blink LED Python example :

WeIO Server, No Cloud, thanks!

When you buy WeIO you really own it. You don't need the Cloud to make it work because inside WeIO there is already a powerful server.
WeIO server uses modern WebSocket technology to push notifications from the physical world to all clients (phones, tablets, PCs) in realtime, so that you can be aware of every event that is happening (ex. a change in a temperature or light sensor change).

WeIO : a powerful real-time hardware!

WeIO can deal with multitasking applications of great complexity. That's why ARM coprocessor is added to handle all real-time routines needed for your electronics!

And of course, WeIO is Open Source and Open Hardware!


WeIO is great for learning electronics and for rapid prototyping your ideas.
Here are some examples of WeIO in action.

Realtime data visualization

With WeIO you can connect sensors, then visualize their data over the WiFi on any device in realtime!

Connect various displays

You can connect various displays, LED diodes and other types of actuators.

Stream music, stream video

You can even stream sound and video. WeIO is powerful and sophisticated piece of hardware!

Bring endless possibilities to existing Arduino project

WeIO uses an Arduino-like API, but in JavaScript and Python, so it is really easy to learn it and start using it.
Moreover, you can easily connect Arduinos with WeIO board, giving them WiFi connectivity and HTML5 GUIs.


WeIO Super Starter Kit

For all of you looking for the quick and interesting introduction in electronic prototyping with WeIO, we have assembled a perfect electronics kit that will allow you to start, learn and produce immediately with WeIO!

It is one of the perks you can select from our campaign, and it contains all of these components that have been tested and supported by WeIO board: 

WeIO board 
WeIO board
Micro USB cable 

Tilt sensor RBS 04 02 00
Button x 2 FSM101
Photoresistor CE5-09
Potentiometer round P160KN-0QC15B10K
Potentiometer linear PTA2043-2015DPB103
Vibrations sensor LDTM-028K
Infrared proximity sensor GP2Y0A21YK0F
Humidity & temperature sensor DHT11
Barometric pressure sensor BMP180
Rotary encoder 24 positions 
Hall sensor SS461R

Servo motor x 2
DC motor
LEDs (green, yellow, red) 3mm x 5
LEDs (green, yellow, red, blue) 10mm x 1 each
High power LED strip
Buzzer PB305-RO

Resistors (150, 1k, 10k, 100k, 1M, 10M) x 10 each
Capacitors (100 pico / 100 nano / 1 & 10 & 100 micro F) x5
Wirings kit x 2
Power transistor TIP102 
Transistor 2N2222AG
Darlington array ULN2803AN
Serial to parallel M74HC595
Op-Amplifier LM358
Diode 1N4934 x 10
H-bridge motor driver L293D 

Latheral Modules

WeIO is board is designed in a way that adding side-pluggable modules is really easy. This way users can add some functionalists that are specific for their projects without growing the size in height (like with many other boards), or printing big surface PCB (which rises price).
First module has been already produced and tested, and is fully supported by WeIO API. It is Power Module:

There are many more modules to come, we are finalizing the list of all the features that will be supported.

WeIO Competitive Advantages

We love prototyping boards, but we often had problems with missing HW or SW components that made us lose time and money. That's why we tried to incorporate all the things that we were missing into WeIO, so it can be extremely usefull right away!

Comparing to both RaspberryPi and Arduino, WeIO offers:
- WiFi connectivity off the shelf! No additional dongles or shields. No additional driver installations. Both AP and STA mode. Extremely easy - one click - WiFi scan and configuration.
- WeIO server system architecture with WeIO IDE and dashboard served from the board and accessible from browser. 
- Zero installation on PC - all tools and IDE is served from WeIO board. Just point the browser to your WeIO.
- Automatic (from the Internet) SW update - keeps your WeIO system up to date as we will Release Early, Release Often.

Comparing to Arduino only, WeIO offers all mentioned above plus:
- Multi-tasking - run many programs (sketches) at the same time in parallel. If some block they will not block the whole process.
-  Linux, and everything that it brings - although transparent to the user, Linux runs under the hub. This means plethora of SW components and drivers are available
- USB host and SD card storage
- High-level languages: HTML5 and Python. No more cross-compilation. Use HTML5 for wonderul GUIs. Use WeIO simple API to push sensor data to these GUIs via WebSockets in realtime, or send commands from your clients to WeIO pins.

Comparing to RaspberyPi only, WeIO offers all mentioned above plus:
- Analog I/Os off the shelf - WeIO board comes with 8xADC for connecting analog sensors and 6xPWM for connecting servo-motors and led dimers. No need for additional AD converter circuits.
- HW Realtime (not patched kernel, no bit-banging) execution thanks to an additional ARM microcontroller (co-processor) - so for example very precise PWM is possible for servo-motor drives.
- 3.3V and 5V tolerant - you will not damage the board by connecting Arduino peripherals which are 5V (for RPI this is hasard).
- Go mass production without HW replacements - WeIO chip and other components are available even in unit quantity. RPi has Broadcom chip which is impossible to buy.
- Great ease of use - thanks to WeIO IDE and dashboard accessed from the browser, no Linux command-line knowledge is needed. WeIO IDE is nice, intuitively designed, and all that is needed for WeIO development.

Team behind WeIO project

WeIO has been designed and developed by number of experts in the domain of engineering and design. Each of them has over a decade of professional experience of working in an industry and making real-world products, with a proven track record and amazing achievments.

Uros Petrevski - Designer - hacker, Uroš constructs his project ethics on the passion, enthusiasm and permanent exploration of technologies. He transforms algorithms in emotional and cultural objects designing interfaces, digital products, services, digital cities and digital scenographies. He is associative partner at from 2007. where he works with Jean-Louis Frechin exploring infinite possibilities of digital technologies. Thanks to design he discovered two passions, informatics and electronics.

Drasko Draskovic - Drasko is an engineer interested in modern technologies. He holds MSc. in Electrical Engineering and has over 10 years of professional experience in embedded, semiconductor and telecommunication industry where worked in fortune 500 companies as well as in technological start-ups. Drasko has a known name in the Open Source community.

Jean-louis Frechin - Jean Louis Frechin is Architect DPLG and graduated in Industrial Design from the Ecole National Supérieure de Creation Industrielle . Founder of, an award winning global digital design agency where he worked on innovative and human centred design for some different kind of organisation: Carte blanche du Via 2008, Parrot, Sculteo, France telecom R&D, Orange, Bouygues Telecom, Musée du Quai Branly and a lot of StartUp companies. Jean-Louis Frechin is currently recognized as an expert.

Sasa Klopanovic - Philosophy graduate with experience working as entrepreneur, in middle and large companies. Well-experienced in bridging different worlds and expertise. Recently engaged in biggest real estate project in South East Europe master-planned by world renewed architects. His cartoon, adaptation of B. Brecht’s story “If Sharks Were Man” is included in interactive class-book for Belgium high schools. Plays bass guitar. Loves both, dogs and cats without exception.

Besides these individuals, WeIO is actively backed-up by two world-known companies - and 8Devices. - french award winning design agency actively participate in WeIO in domains of design & strategy.

8devices - actively participate in WeIO project in domains of hardware design and production and development of Linux based BSP (Board Support Package).

WeIO project has also received a lot of help and support from Nova Iskra design incubator in Belgrade, Serbia.

Why Supporting WeIO

WeIO project opens the doors to creating new objects. It will be available to the whole community - as an Open Source and Open Hardware. Possibility for everyone to quickly make industry-grade smart and connected objects that are practically ready for production and market is amazing!


Shipping to the Europe and on the other continents
For shipping to the Europe, you'll need to add an extra $9 for all other continents add $12 (only for the perks where is asked to). How do you add this money? When you select a contribution level, you'll be prompted to enter the total contribution amount just below. Add the $9 or $12$ to the cost of the reward there.

What if I forgot to add the additional cost for international shipping?
After the project is funded and we're ready to ship, we'll contact each contributor to confirm shipping details. If you didn't add shipping when you contributed, you can add it then.

What's the story about flexible funding, what if you don't make the goal?

It turns out that Indiegogo won't let you use credit card payment option on Fixed campaigns (only PayPall). We needed both - thus Flexible option.WeIO board WILL BE PRODUCED AND SHIPPED IN ANY CASE, independent on campaign success (we mentioned before we can produce in unit quantities). We need only information how many boards to produce and to whom to ship (people who preordered the board by backing us up)

When will you guys ship?

Production is previewed immediately upon the end of the crowdfunding campaign. Board fabrication usually takes 2-3 weeks, and shipment will start  right after this.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Get WeIO!

$86 USD
Start making innovative things! Includes one WeIO board. Shipping to Europe add $9 Shipping to other continents add 12$ (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
75 claimed

Thank you very much!

$25 USD
We thank you for your donation, and we think you are awesome! Your name will be written on our site and you'll be a part of WeIO history.
6 claimed

WeIO bag

$39 USD
Thanks for supporting us! Spread the word, show that you liked our project. Get yourself a WeIO bag with beautiful WeIO board drawing made by our designers. Includes one cotton bag.
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
4 claimed

WeIO + power module

$99 USD
Start right now making things with LED lights or DC motors. Includes one WeIO board and one power module with ULN28003 power darlington. Shipping to Europe add $9 Shipping to other continents add 12$ (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
72 claimed

WeIO twins

$169 USD
Start making things that talk over network! Get two WeIO boards for special price! Includes two WeIO boards. Shipping to Europe add $9 Shipping to other continents add 12$ (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
31 claimed

WeIO Super Starter Kit

$249 USD
Start making prototypes with sensors and actuators! Get WeIO board with basic electronic components (resistors, capacitors, transistiors, breadboard) and get some inspiring sensors and actuators! Shipping worldwide is free
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
25 claimed

WeIO Wangela Lamp Kit

$339 USD
Get interactive lamp (as seen in the video) kit designed by award winning Paris design agency and learn basics of WeIO. Command light directly from your smartphone or tablet and measure your room temperature. This kit to be assembled is made from components printed in 3D on Makerbot, power module and one WeIO board. Shipping worldwide is free
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
2 out of 30 of claimed

WeIO AirPlay

$399 USD
Make your own hifi with streamed sound from your smatphone! Get WeIO board with adapted firmware that supports Airplay. Connect USB speakers and make some beautiful interface in HTML. Includes one WeIO board with and USB speakers. Shipping worldwide is free Shipping to Europe add $9 Shipping to other continents add 12$ (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
0 claimed

WeIO Take Five!

$425 USD
Get 5 WeIO boards with special price. Organise your own workshop or prepare yourself to make serial production of your innovations. Shipping worldwide is free
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
3 claimed

WeIO Workshop 1 day

$1,500 USD
Let's make connected things! Workshop held by WeIO creators for 5 people will help you in prototyping your great ideas all day long! Travel is not included. If you are not in Paris and would like us to travel to you just call us. Included 5 WeIO boards
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
0 claimed

WeIO 2 Days Company Workshop

$6,500 USD
Let's design products of the future! This is an intensive 2 days workshop held in your company by WeIO creators - experts in design of connected things. 10 WeIO boards are included. Travel is not included. If you are not in Paris and would like us to travel to you just call us.
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
0 claimed
sold out

WeIO early bird special

$69 USD
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
100 out of 100 of claimed
sold out

WeIO Mentor Sponsor Pack

$2,100 USD
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
1 out of 1 of claimed

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