We know that not everyone can contribute monetarily, however you can barter your support instead of money.
What is Wepware?
Save what matters:
"Getting information off the internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant."
Wepware is a next generation, award winning, smart web tool built on Web 3.0 principles that allows you to capture any part of the webpage and create a live- auto updating web scrapbook of your favorite internet content. You simply GRAB the content, PLACE it on a page or SHARE it directly with your friends.
In today's world of information overload, Wepware allows you to save what really matters to you on the
internet through multiple channels and platforms. You can capture content through browser, desktop and mobile applications. You can save entire webpage or any particular part of your interest. It allows you to capture Images and Videos with a single click.
Personalize your Web:
Unlike other grab tools, Wepware’s patented technology allows you to use captured
contents to create your own mashup on any webpage. It allows you to create
personalized dashboards with which you can access all the information at single
World's First True Web 3.0 platform:
As Mr. Einstein rightly said, information is not knowledge, but knowledge can be derived when information is curated. Curated Web is an emerging trend and fundamental of Web 3.0 philosophy.
Future is Web 3.0 and the transition has already begun. Nova Spivack defines Web 3.0 as connective intelligence; connecting data, concepts, applications and ultimately people.
Amazing Feature List:
Feature List:
Unique Web 3.0 features:
- Create quick dashboards and share content on the go.
- View Realtime version without leaving your dashboard
- Create live self-updating mashup on any webpage using your content. Wepware remembers the content that has been added to any page and automatically loads them in your future visits.
- "Bind" feature to combine and share multiple contents together. This can be useful in quick research and blog article writing.
Show grabs in Real-Time:
You can view dynamic content by just clicking "show in realtime" button while you are browsing your grabs.
Personalize Web:
You can drag and drop captured contents from your Wepware tray to any webpage and create dynamic personalized dashboard.
Other noteworthy features:
- Capture entire webpage or just a section.
- Grab images and Videos on single click.
- Edit Image in inbuilt image editor
- Create quick text notes.
- Create group, invite people and share grabs with them.
- Enhanced Privacy settings - Provision for private folder and grabs
How to use?
Following is the quick introduction to get you started.
Who should use Wepware? Why?
Wepware is a truly multi-purpose versatile platform with wide range of applications.
Practicality: You can grab and place all types of content—websites, files, images, text, links, games, videos or flash file
Convenience: Grabbed content will stay wherever you placed it for as long as you need it
Privacy: All of your grabs are only for your eyes to see—unless you want to share it
Sharing: You can easily share content through existing social networks (as a snapshot), with the internal Wepware community (as real-time content), and to other external contacts (with a public URL)
Accessibility: All of your content will be accessible through desktop and mobile devices
Curated Content: Benefit from efforts already put by thousands of users and get access to curated content in any diverse areas.
Who are we?
We are a team of 12 people: programmers, designers, planners, web experts and marketers who dream to grow Wepware from a productivity tool to an open source social platform for service and content mash up.
Why do we need your help?
We want Indiegogo community's help and support for:
(1) Launching further new awesome features and products.
(2) Getting feedback on existing product and making it even better.
(3) Growing Wepware community so that even more people can benefit from content curation
We have already spent many years in Research & Development of technology behind Wepware and we also have related patents. During that time Wepware community has been growing and we have received feedback that they would love to see Wepware on multiple platforms and browsers. Since currently Wepware is completely free we require your help and support to take this product to the next level and to grow the Wepware community even further.
What we already have:
(1) We have a fully functional website at http://www.wepware.com
(2) Chrome Extension
(3) Windows Desktop Application
(4) Android Application
(5) iOS Application
You can download the above mentioned products from our Download page.
Funds Usage:
Today, Wepware is available for Google Chrome, but we want Wepware to be a truly universal tool that supports all major browsers and platforms. We’re in the process of improving our “real-time grab” feature to optimize the grabbing of real-time content from even more websites.
- Improve our social platform to make network collaborations even more effective.
- Currently content grabbing is possible from Google chrome, Desktop and mobile apps. We want to extend Wepware to all major web browsers like Firefox, IE and Safari.
- Add more robust algorithms and features like adding keywords digest from captured page and autoclassification.
- Improve Desktop version and introduce Mac version.
- Add content marketplace.
What's in Perk?
If we reach USD 2,000 goal we will launch VIP account.
Wepware Premium VIP Account:
- Additional 5 GB of storage space
- Access to market place
- Access to Collaboration Tools
- Increased Personalization Tools
- Many advanced features
check out perk section for other perks and early bird offers.
Stretch Goals:
$10,000 : Versions for other leading browsers
$20,000 : Free Content library subscription for everyone
$100,000 : Option to Autosave grabs to major online storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDirve etc. providing you with virtually unlimited storage place. Plus many advanced features like offline storage, page update alerts and additional capture tools.
Risks & Challenges
Since Wepware is a digital product, there is not much risk in terms of manufacturing and delivery of the product. Since we have total control of the development process, we are reasonably sure that we will be able to deliver the said features and functionalities in time. In fact we already have working beta product so there is nothing to worry from product feasibility point of view.
However there is a risk that we may not be able to deliver all the features as promised and beta phase may get extended.
Other Ways You Can Help:
We know that not everyone can contribute monetarily, but you can still help us by using the Indiegogo share tools to spread the word to your friends and family members. You can also register today on Wepware.com and contribute content to Wepware community.