This campaign is closed

Blood Cuz - The Movie

Blood Cuz is Comedy. I mean just look at the dvd cover! He's a problem looking to be a problem solver! (Original sketch "Shit Gangster's Should Not Say")

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Blood Cuz - The Movie

Blood Cuz - The Movie

Blood Cuz - The Movie

Blood Cuz - The Movie

Blood Cuz - The Movie

Blood Cuz is Comedy. I mean just look at the dvd cover! He's a problem looking to be a problem solver! (Original sketch "Shit Gangster's Should Not Say")

Blood Cuz is Comedy. I mean just look at the dvd cover! He's a problem looking to be a problem solver! (Original sketch "Shit Gangster's Should Not Say")

Blood Cuz is Comedy. I mean just look at the dvd cover! He's a problem looking to be a problem solver! (Original sketch "Shit Gangster's Should Not Say")

Blood Cuz is Comedy. I mean just look at the dvd cover! He's a problem looking to be a problem solver! (Original sketch "Shit Gangster's Should Not Say")

James McCowan
James McCowan
James McCowan
James McCowan
1 Campaign |
Phoenix, United States
$4,902 USD 72 backers
24% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

   * My name is James McCowan. People know me as Comedian JayMac or even "Blood Cuz"(Lol) as this is my original character I introduced to the world over a year ago. I am a Stand Up Comedian, Writer and Actor. I have been doing comedy for over  three years and i'm continuing to grow and evolve as an entertainer in general. I have a Bachelor of Science in Sociology from Weber State University in Utah where I played football on scholarship. Being a student athlete helped me to understand the importance of multitasking and staying committed to what you want.


   * My campaign is simple. I want to bring a new wave and energy to the comedy world. Provide an opportunity for new funny faces to be attached to a Independent Project, that has the potential to bring a smile to the faces of anyone who watches this film. For many film makers who go the route of doing things independently I feel that it's very important for those who watched, laughed, liked, loved and shared what the project is about to continue to support the project. The people are the ones who make the project important and even energize us to continue to go forward. MUCH LOVE TO THE SUPPORTERS!!! WE DO THIS FOR YOU!!!


What We Need & What You Get

   * Funding is the second most important factor with this Independent Project. I believe FUNNY overrides everything, BUT we still need to raise enough money to project that funny so it looks, sounds, feels and is delivered correctly. On this site you will see that my team and I have set a goal of $20,000. We need TWO TIMES that amount really but will work with whatever we raise. Money is so important due to the fact that everything in this industry cost. We are looking to fund not only some actors but also Cameras, Lights, Sound, Locations, Wardrobe, Staff to work the equipment previously mentioned, Catering so we don't starve the actors that are working for us, etc, etc, etc). As you can see there are many things behind the camera as well as in front of the camera that must be paid for and I can't do it without my supporters help. Point Blank Period.


   * Indiegogo has provided a platform for me to raise funding to complete this hilarious project and due to that we have set some pretty cool perks for those who donate. We have in place Executive Producer credits, a role in the movie (as an extra or possibly speaking role), to receiving a "I Inspire To Inspire" T-Shirt or a really really heartfelt THANK YOU from my team and I. Without your donations NONE OF THIS IS POSSIBLE!!!!  WE NEED YOU!


Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help: If you have laughed, shared and enjoyed anything from my Stand Up Comedy to my Skits I ask that you please try to donate whatever you can to this comedy project. I understand totally that some people can't donate money due to their current situations but you can still make a difference by posting the video to your social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Emailing the link to everyone you know. Again this is a project that is for the people and we can't do this without you. I want to extend a THANK YOU in advance for all who have supported and continue to support my comedy and my vision in making Blood Cuz - The Movie! Enjoy! 

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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
My team and I want to send a sincere heart felt THANK YOU for donating towards our project. It means more than you really know. THANK YOU!
10 claimed


$5 USD
My team and I want to send a sincere heart felt THANK YOU for donating towards our project. It means more than you really know. THANK YOU!
4 claimed


$5 USD
My team and I want to send a sincere heart felt THANK YOU for donating towards our project. It means more than you really know. THANK YOU!
2 claimed


$25 USD
My team and I are giving you a SHOUT OUT on our social media pages for this gracious donation and helping us move forward with this hilarious project!!! THANK YOU for your assist!
7 claimed


$25 USD
My team and I are giving you a SHOUT OUT on our social media pages for this gracious donation and helping us move forward with this hilarious project!!! THANK YOU for your assist!
3 claimed


$25 USD
My team and I are giving you a SHOUT OUT on our social media pages for this gracious donation and helping us move forward with this hilarious project!!! THANK YOU for your assist!
3 claimed

T-Shirt Time

$50 USD
We are sending you a "I Inspire To Inspire" T-Shirt in either White or Grey for this healthy donation. These are the same shirts I sell on the road after my shows. It's one thing to be Inspired yourself, but when you can Inspire someone else to continue on their journey that's the true blessing!
5 claimed

T-Shirt Time

$50 USD
We are sending you a "I Inspire To Inspire" T-Shirt in either White or Grey for this healthy donation. These are the same shirts I sell on the road after my shows. It's one thing to be Inspired yourself, but when you can Inspire someone else to continue on their journey that's the true blessing!
1 claimed

T-Shirt Time

$50 USD
We are sending you a "I Inspire To Inspire" T-Shirt in either White or Grey for this healthy donation. These are the same shirts I sell on the road after my shows. It's one thing to be Inspired yourself, but when you can Inspire someone else to continue on their journey that's the true blessing!
1 claimed

Behind The Scenes

$100 USD
We will be sending you a "I Inspire to Inspire" T-Shirt as long as sending you non released behind the scenes footage of bloopers and the day to day successes and struggles of putting together this film.
4 claimed

Behind The Scenes

$100 USD
We will be sending you a "I Inspire to Inspire" T-Shirt as long as sending you non released behind the scenes footage of bloopers and the day to day successes and struggles of putting together this film.
3 claimed

Behind The Scenes

$100 USD
We will be sending you a "I Inspire to Inspire" T-Shirt as long as sending you non released behind the scenes footage of bloopers and the day to day successes and struggles of putting together this film.
2 claimed

Line of Credit

$500 USD
You also get the "I Inspire To Inspire" T-Shirt, along with the Bloopers links. Your name will also appear at the end of the movie credits with a "Special Thanks" to you for this healthy donation. A copy of the DVD will also be given to you signed by "Blood Cuz"
0 claimed

Line of Credit

$500 USD
You also get the "I Inspire To Inspire" T-Shirt, along with the Bloopers links. Your name will also appear at the end of the movie credits with a "Special Thanks" to you for this healthy donation. A copy of the DVD will also be given to you signed by "Blood Cuz"
0 claimed

Line of Credit

$500 USD
You also get the "I Inspire To Inspire" T-Shirt, along with the Bloopers links. Your name will also appear at the end of the movie credits with a "Special Thanks" to you for this healthy donation. A copy of the DVD will also be given to you signed by "Blood Cuz"
0 claimed

Dinner & Set

$1,000 USD
For this GREAT donation we are inviting you to the set to watch us in the making of this movie. You may even be asked to participate as an extra. You get the perks from above as well as Dinner with the cast and crew. You are literally on set making history with the team. IT WILL BE EXCITING!
0 claimed

Dinner & Set

$1,000 USD
For this GREAT donation we are inviting you to the set to watch us in the making of this movie. You may even be asked to participate as an extra. You get the perks from above as well as Dinner with the cast and crew. You are literally on set making history with the team. IT WILL BE EXCITING!
0 claimed

Dinner & Set

$1,000 USD
For this GREAT donation we are inviting you to the set to watch us in the making of this movie. You may even be asked to participate as an extra. You get the perks from above as well as Dinner with the cast and crew. You are literally on set making history with the team. IT WILL BE EXCITING!
0 claimed

Executive Producer Credit

$5,000 USD
OF COURSE YOU GET THE PERKS FROM ABOVE. YOUR ONE OF THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS OF THIS PROJECT. We have Six of these donations available. You have all access pass from visiting sets, to giving us your ideas on a face to face daily. YOU ARE AN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER of Blood Cuz - The Movie. MUCH RESPECT!!
0 out of 6 of claimed

Executive Producer Credit

$5,000 USD
OF COURSE YOU GET THE PERKS FROM ABOVE. YOUR ONE OF THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS OF THIS PROJECT. We have Six of these donations available. You have all access pass from visiting sets, to giving us your ideas on a face to face daily. YOU ARE AN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER of Blood Cuz - The Movie. MUCH RESPECT!!
0 out of 6 of claimed

Executive Producer Credit

$5,000 USD
OF COURSE YOU GET THE PERKS FROM ABOVE. YOUR ONE OF THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS OF THIS PROJECT. We have Six of these donations available. You have all access pass from visiting sets, to giving us your ideas on a face to face daily. YOU ARE AN EXECUTIVE PRODUCER of Blood Cuz - The Movie. MUCH RESPECT!!
0 out of 6 of claimed
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