Our Story
My company, Wolf Gang of Wy. LLC has been involved in making documentaries since 1995. We produced the "Wyoming Portraits" television series for PBS for six years. Our most recent completion was the award winning "Innocence Lost" which has aired locally. For the last three years we have operated the Public Access channel for the city of Casper, WY.
We shot the last footage of the Yellow Hotel before it was razed. I also interviewed a gentleman who delivered milk there shortly before he died. Having these two pieces that could never be replicated, I was inspired to move forward. We were able to obtain Dell's car, which was in Missouri, as well as a few articles of clothing to use in the film. In interviewing people who had known Dell Burke, she was portrayed as a shrewd business woman, as well as a kind benefactor who loved and gave back to her community. Sadly, little remains of her story other than scattered effects purchased at auction in 1981, and the stories the people here tell.
I believe that this story is important not only to Wyoming history, but also to the success of a single woman forging a successful life for herself in a time and place where the odds were certainly against her. With your help, we will bring this project to fruition, and preserve the story of Dell Burke and her Yellow Hotel for the ages.
Our funding goal is $20,000. Achieving this will allow us to complete our interview process, as well as covering costs involved in completing a television ready documentary. This would include editing, voice over and acting talent, music and closed captioning.
We have seven levels of perks, so everyone can get involved!
Our first level, "Hey Cowboy", brings you a digital download of the completed film, as well as a snappy Yellow Hotel t-shirt. And it is only $25!
Bump up to our "New in Town" level of $35 and we will also kick in production credit at the end of the film.
Our "Light Plant Level of $50 will bring you a DVD copy of the film, as well as the rewards at the first two levels.
Now it really gets interesting. At our $100 "Saturday Night Special" level, in addition to the aforementioned rewards, you will also receive a copy of June Read's book "Frontier Madam", which chronicles the story of Dell Burke.
Still more, you say? At our "Pekinese" level, you will receive all of the previous gifts, as well as a limited edition print of James Reed's painting of the Yellow Hotel. All this for only $500.
Wow! You're going to need a huge car to haul all of these rewards away! At our "New Yorker" level of $750, you will receive all of the previous rewards, and James Reed will "re-mark" your print, personalizing it for you alone!
One more reward, so we had to call it "All The Way". For $1000 you get all of the previous rewards, as well as a private screening of the film for you and 20 of your friends at the Adbay Theater.
That's a lot of stuff! But it's worth it to help tell this wonderful story. Please join us!
So, what happens if we don't reach our funding goal? We already have many hours of interviews shot, and many of our own dollars invested, so the film will be made. We will just have to cut corners to fit the parameters of the available funding. Please support our project so that we may present the best possible product!
When the Yellow Hotel and all of Dell Burke's belongings were auctioned off in 1981, small pieces of history were scattered across the country. The razing of the structure itself several years ago further diminished the legend of an integral part of the west's history. Through our interviews with people who knew Dell, or were familiar with the story of her hotel, we are capturing this story for the ages. Your help will bring this project to fruition.
When we were producing the "Wyoming Portraits" series for PBS, we were not funded by PBS. We were responsible for finding backers who believed strongly enough in what we were doing to back this weekly program. We were blessed to find individuals and businesses to fund its production for six seasons.
Most of my team has been together since the beginning. They are a very talented group, so we outsource as little as possible. We have faced many obstacles over the years, and always seem to find ways to overcome them. I credit this to these marvelous people.
I realize not everyone is able to help out financially as much as they would like. I would encourage everyone to please spread the word about this valuable project. Help us preserve a bit of history. Thank you.