It has been profoundly inspiring to see how many people stand with us #ForEVERYGirl. The stories and thoughts you’ve shared have brought tears, much joy, and lots of hope to all of us here at Girl Scouts.
Scouts does not just build girls courage, confidence and character, but also
girls of compassion, tolerance, diversity, acceptance, sisterhood … all things
you must have if you truly want to be a leader.” - Kari, #ForEVERYGirl Supporter
participated in 15 years of Girl Scouting … Twice in five years I’ve seen you
stand up for trans people like me. It makes me cry and brings me such happiness
that I could be part of something so … amazing. So thank you. So much. For
giving love, family and friends to those who are just trying so hard to be true
to themselves. For upholding everything I was ever taught Girl Scouts was. You
are my heroes.”
- Quinn, #ForEVERYGirl Supporter
cannot say enough about what being a Girl Scout has done for me (even as an
adult) so I cannot imagine turning even one girl away from the program … EVERY
GIRL should have the opportunity to be empowered and grow in a safe place.”
- Kristine, #ForEVERYGirl Supporter
We humbly send you all 337,742 heartfelt thanks for your incredible generosity—and most of all—for standing with us #ForEVERYGirl! (P.S. If you missed the campaign, you can still support Girl Scouts in western Washington!)
Girl Scouts of Western Washington recently received a $100,000
donation to help girls participate in Girl Scouts. We were thrilled!
However, when the fact that
Girl Scouts welcomes all girls—including transgender girls—was in the news,
the donor asked us to return their gift unless we guaranteed that the money
would not be used to help transgender girls.
We said Girl Scouts is for EVERY girl. And we gave the money back.
That’s money that would have gone to girls who can’t participate in Girl Scouts without our help. With that support girls can join a troop, go to camp and
participate in a multitude of other life-changing Girl Scout experiences even though their families can’t
afford to pay for them.
And through their participation in Girl Scouts, they’re empowered
their voice to stand up for what they believe in
proud of who they are, and
each other to take action to make the world a better place.
$100,000 is a lot of money. In fact, it’s almost a fourth of our entire
financial assistance program—and girls need this support now. That’s why losing this gift is such
a big deal.
Because the loss of this donation impacts the lives of so many
girls, we decided to launch our #ForEVERYGirl Campaign.
We knew that $100,000 was an ambitious goal, so we’ve been blown away at the incredible support our community has shown to raise this money back for the girls who need us most!
Our vision at Girl Scouts of Western Washington is
that EVERY girl in our region—regardless of her race, ethnicity,
socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or geographic
location—is empowered to unleash her potential, build her future and
transform her world.
donating to our #ForEVERYGirl Campaign,
you’ll help make sure that all girls can have the option to participate in the
life-changing opportunities that Girl Scouts provides. We want to be sure that EVERY girl has the chance to be a part of experiences like the ones in the stories below!
Be inspired by the amazing girls in Troop 1775 who together dreamed big and accomplished more than they ever imagined.
Three local Girl Scouts who have been
victims of bullying developed an anti-bullying program adopted by their middle
school. In appreciation of their accomplishment, their town’s City Council
proclaimed an Anti-Bullying Day in their honor!
Meet some girl engineers of tomorrow who discovered a love for STEM (science,
technology, engineering and math) as members of the Wolfbots, one of our 13
all-girl FIRST LEGO© League Robotics teams.
We know these opportunities are changing girls’ lives because girls
tell us that they are! According to our annual girl survey:
90% of girls receiving financial
assistance say that Girl Scouts has helped them be more of a leader.
88% reported that Girl Scouts has
taught them how to treat others fairly.
82% credit Girl Scouts with
inspiring them to get more involved in their community.
Your donation to our #ForEVERYGirl Campaign will go
to our financial assistance program and be awarded directly to girls who qualify
for the federal free-and-reduced-price meal program at their schools and whose
families request help to cover the costs of participating in Girl Scouts.
Last year we awarded over $350,000 to more than 1,700 girls in western
Washington. Here’s the breakdown of how girls used their financial assistance
Perks: A Girl Scout THANK YOU!
We're excited about the #ForEVERYGirl perks that are coming your way. A
big shout out to ZippyDogs, a local Seattle company, who jumped at the opportunity to stand with girls and generously donated one-of-a-kind #ForEVERYGirl grocery totes!
Another big shout out to TomboyX, another great local Seattle company, for hooking us up with awesome #ForEVERYGirl T-Shirts. Thank you!!
In addition, we have unique Girl Scout patches, a Samoas Cookbook, and, of course, cookies! All these PLUS that great feeling knowing you helped send a girl to camp, get her first uniform and sash, or experience a Girl Scout science workshop—wins all around.
Curious about Glamp? Learn more about this unforgettable weekend of friends, fun and good food at Camp River Ranch!
Donate Now: For every $50,000 we raise together, 250 more girls can participate in the many life-changing experiences that Girl Scouts has to offer. When you give, you directly impact the lives of girls and send a clear message that our community is stronger because we are inclusive!
- Tell Your Friends: Please share the #ForEVERYGirl Campaign
on Facebook, Twitter, email—whatever you can do to help us get the word out!
Share Your Story: We’d love to hear YOUR story about why you stand #ForEVERYGirl or how Girl Scouts welcomed you or a girl you care about. Share your story by posting on Tumblr or Facebook!
behalf of the girls we serve, 100,000 thanks for anything you can do to help.
Together we can say loud and clear that Girl Scouts is for EVERY girl!