Website for Pied Raven Games & Hibernation
Online Store for Pied Raven Games & Hibernation
Watch the video above for a thorough explanation on the game
All who donate receive the Contributor Status perk.
You’re a bear waking from Hibernation, slim & hungry. Time to prepare for next year’s big sleep. But alas, other bears in your surrounding ecosystem have become extremely competitive. You must race to gather as much of the available food as possible, while fending off foes along the way. To do this you will forage, frenzy, and even steal to stockpile your hoard of food. Better get going, winter will come fast.
Hibernation is a Deck building game. Your Deck contains your means of finding FOOD. It starts out forlorn and bare, but you strive to make it a perfect library of FOOD collecting assets. Then, you eat your FOOD in proper portions to gain layers of fat.
The first one to achieve the 5 required layers of fat, via Hibernation tokens, gets to fall asleep - victorious!
40 - FORAGE Cards (5 of each type)
28 - FOOD Cards (6 of each type & 1 of each type is a Damaged FOOD Card)
Cards will be printed on 300gsm Premium Quality Card Stock
1 - Fold-Out Rule Sheet
All contained in a compact, easy to travel with, tuck box.
...what the Judges had to say (from participating in the Boston Festival of Indie Games 2016)...
"Love the theme. Smart take on a deck-builder."
"Having kids, I think that games that teach are far superior to teaching games, and this is a game that teaches."
"I've never played a game like this before, so it was refreshing."
The art used in the game are digital collages of images altered and stylized with dreamy forest hues.
The types of challenges I would face with this project are essentially production delays. I foresee most things going through without a hitch since all of the planning and designing has already occurred. The digital files are approved by the manufacturer, the packaging is planned and everything would simply await assembly and delivery (which will take months because of design verification, communication, pre-production, quality control, etc.). If there were a delay in this process, I would be sure to notify each backer, follower, and interested party. I would fully inform them of the issue, and establish a new date for the final production/shipment. If necessary, I would work with an alternate manufacturer, although I don't think that will be an issue. I have heard nothing but positive reviews about the current manufacturer. They have a stellar portfolio and have been excellent about communicating.
Additionally, the Flexible Goal is unique in that I do not need to reach my goal in order to receive the donated funds, but I assure all who donate, this project will persevere. If needed, I will be utilizing personal funds and seek investments to reach the final goal after the campaign has ended. It may cause a minor delay in production, but again, I would fully inform everyone of the issue and establish a new date for the final production/shipment. The donations made here allow me to create the game in a crowdfunding manner, giving back to those who donated with inexpensive cost and recognition. Plus, you will have the game far before other consumers, as well as the great feeling of having donated to reach a larger goal!