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As a young, self-funded artist, this campaign will help me raise enough money for my upcoming EP!

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As a young, self-funded artist, this campaign will help me raise enough money for my upcoming EP!

As a young, self-funded artist, this campaign will help me raise enough money for my upcoming EP!

As a young, self-funded artist, this campaign will help me raise enough money for my upcoming EP!

As a young, self-funded artist, this campaign will help me raise enough money for my upcoming EP!

Izzy Watts
Izzy Watts
Izzy Watts
Izzy Watts
1 Campaign |
Trabuco Canyon, United States
$145 USD 5 backers
3% of $4,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

Hello! My name is Izzy Watts and I am an 18 year old indie-rock singer from Orange County, California. Since I was a young girl I have always loved singing and performing, being a singer and musician was my biggest dream. Writing songs and singing them out is how I express myself and how I share my experiences, stories and who I am with others. It was not until about 2 years ago that I decided I wanted to pursue music on a serious level and become an artist. Releasing my first single, “7TEEN” at age 17 and my second debut single, “Run Off” only months later, my desire to release more music has only grown. Music is so much more to me than performing, it is the way I express myself and most importantly the way I can be vulnerable and personable with others. However, as a young, self-funded musician, producing music at the professional level is not possible without donors like YOU.

 This campaign would help me raise enough money to make my dreams of being an artist a reality with the release of my upcoming EP. With YOUR help I would be able to start off my career in music and most of all share my stories, experiences and music to the world! The release of this EP would additionally allow me to be a more desirable candidate in Nashville to record labels and producers that I would love to work with and would help start off my career as a singer/songwriter.

Will you help me make my dreams of being an artist a reality through funding this EP?

What We Need & What You Get

I would need to raise $4000 for my EP to cover the costs of a weeks length of 13 hour studio days, to pay for the studio musicians who played on my songs, mastering, mixing, the producers and mixers who worked hours to make my songs a possibility, including the hours upon hours spent behind the scenes of the production and for distribution to enable my songs to be released on music platforms (such as Spotify. Apple Music, Amazon music and much more) for listeners like YOU to listen on. 

I plan on giving back to every donation that has allowed for me to get closer to the release of my EP with perks that go along with each donation. These perks include a free hour music lesson, free gigs for any occasion, first- listening previews of the songs on the EP, personal video calls and much more!

The Impact

YOUR donation will make a lasting impact in my pursuit in making music my full time career and allowing me to share my music to the world. Through God and the support of so many friends and family, I have been given a multitude of opportunities in the last year to expand my career. This includes the ability to work with this new producer and mixer that I have been able to work with on the EP. However, with the expenses of college this fall at Belmont University in Nashville, TN and the cost of production and engineering to make my music as professional as I think my music and audience deserves, it will not be possible to fund this EP without the generosity and willingness of people like YOU to give in this donation to make this possible.

Risks & Challenges

As a young artist my greatest challenge in the release of this EP is the funding and getting enough donations to start off my career in music. Music, specifically releasing my own music is something that I have been left to support myself independently in. This includes making the financial means to pay for production, mixing, mastering and any financial expenses that go in the process of release. With having to pay for most of my college tuition, housing and much more, I am unable to release my music at the professional level I would like to without donators like YOU.

YOU can trust me to overcome these hurdles and with investing your money towards the funding of my EP by viewing the work and time I have put into pursuing music as a career already. With releasing my first release at just the age of 17 and my second debut release only months later at my own expense and funding, you can trust that releasing and pursuing music is something I am seriously passionate about. This last summer I have spent most of my time up at the studio making music, writing music and even performing at venues. Music is something I absolutely love and am willing to work hard at! Through YOUR help I would be able to further advance the ability to make a career of being a musician and songwriter.

My plan to solving any challenges that lie ahead is playing shows locally until I leave for college. In college I plan to apply for playing in a band on the strip of Broadway in Nashville, TN! The funding of these various venues will further allow me to accomplish the goals I have to continue making music and sharing it to the world.

Other Ways You Can Help

I completely understand that some may not have the financial means to help contribute as a donor to my EP release  but does that not mean that you can’t be a part of bringing this release to life and allowing this EP to be possible! YOU can help me out through 

SHARING the link to my indiegogo on your social media platforms

SENDING my music and my funding link () to your friends and family

And STREAMING my music on platforms accessible to you.

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Choose your Perk

Hear a pre-released EP song

$15 USD $25 USD (40% off)
You have the option to choose one song from my EP to hear before it is released to the general public!!
Included Items
  • Listen to pre-released EP
Estimated Shipping
September 2022
1 claimed

Sing over Facetime Call

$25 USD $30 USD (16% off)
Over a 15 Minute Facetime Call I will sing any song requests and answer any questions you may have pertaining the EP and secret projects in the future!
Included Items
  • Sing over a Facetime Call
0 claimed

A Personal Video Call

$30 USD $40 USD (25% off)
Have a personal video call with me for 45 minutes where you get the chance to ask any questions, find out the meaning behind my lyrics and much more!
Included Items
  • A Personal Video Call
0 claimed

Hear the ENTIRE EP pre-release

$40 USD $50 USD (20% off)
Have the chance to hear all the songs (5 songs) on my EP before it is released to the general public!
Included Items
  • Hear the Entire EP pre-release
Estimated Shipping
September 2022
0 claimed

Songwriting Workshop with me!

$50 USD $60 USD (16% off)
Have you ever wanted to know the best tips and tricks to start writing your own songs? At my Songwriting Workshop you will get a 45 minute session with me where I walk you through how to create catchy chorus', a good bridge, how to use the common structures of songwriting and much more!
Included Items
  • Songwriting Workshop
0 claimed

An Hour Singing Lesson

$60 USD $100 USD (40% off)
A 1 hour singing lesson with me includes breath support techniques, belting techniques and how to properly mix between registers!
Included Items
  • Singing Lesson
1 claimed

A GIG at location of choice

$300 USD $400 USD (25% off)
I come to your location and play a 2 hour gig at your location of choice!!
Included Items
Estimated Shipping
September 2022
0 claimed

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