We've hit our funding target! Thanks to everyone who's supported the campaign!
Our stretch goal is $3000. At that level, I'll be able to fund Book 4. ALL backers will receive Book 4 in digital format.
Ready for even more cyberpunk wuxia action? Back the campaign and spread the word!
Want to know more about the campaign? Read the description below!
What is the Price of Immortality?
Li Ming is a small-town boy with big dreams.
Armed with gun, magic, and ancestral swordbreaker, he enters the jianghu as a biaohang, protecting the innocent from beasts and bandits.
The most glamorous and dangerous profession in the rivers and lakes, the way of the biaohang is the way to fame and fortune—and, for the elite few, immortality.
But at what price?
The world of the rivers and lakes is a world of peril and intrigue. Secret societies rule the lawless corners of the earth. Bloodthirsty monsters stalk the night. Devil cultivators abuse their gifts to unleash chaos and terror on the world. Fellow warriors of the jianghu battle each other to climb the rankings. And from the shadows come whispers of conspiracy.
Though the land of Xiazhou is divided into five nations, above the governments stand ten megacorporations. All who inhabit the jianghu must serve the Five States and the Ten Corporations, one way or another.
The Ten Corporations richly reward those who do their bidding. Wealth, power, status, even immortality.
But what will they demand?
Li Ming is going to find out. And what he learns will shake him to the depths of his soul.
What is Saga of the Swordbreaker?
I am Singapore's first Hugo and Dragon Award nominated author, with 15 published novels under this name and 4 successful crowdfunding campaigns.
Saga of the Swordbreaker is a six-volume series blending Chinese cultivation with futuristic aesthetics. Li Ming and his comrades battle hordes of beasts and bandits, uncover secret plots, and climb the ranks of the jianghu in the quest for immortality.
But their greatest battle to see through the red dust clouding the rivers and lakes.
To see this concept for yourself, download the prequel story here!
This campaign covers the first three books of the series: Dawn of the Broken Sword, Lord of Beasts, and Spear of the Night. Future volumes will be funded through stretch goals and / or following campaigns.
The Plan
This campaign aims to fund the production costs of the series, most notably the cover art and shipping of paperback copies. Excess funds will be rolled into the second half of the series.
The first book of the series is planned to launch within two months of the completion of the campaign. Following books will follow the same two-month publishing cycle.
Contributors will receive their digital copies at least two weeks ahead of the market. There is no obligation to review the book (but it would be greatly appreciated!).
Risks & Challenges
Risks are minimal. All major challenges already overcome.
The series is already written. The post-production team has been identified and booked. The only major challenge is a sudden emergency that pulls the cover artist out of action. I have alternates on standby for that possibility.
Rest assured that the campaign will be completed and the funds put to good use.
Saga of the Swordbreaker is my foray into one of the hottest genres in the fiction market. It is a return to the tradition laid down by the wuxia grandmasters of the mid-twentieth century, combined with pulp aesthetics and themes. Spread the word using IndieGoGo's sharing tools! Every share helps others find this campaign.
Sign up for my newsletter here and receive the free prequel story! Once signed up, you will receive news and updates ahead of everyone else.
Area you ready to enter the rivers and lakes? Back this campaign now!