Project Summary
My name is James Arndt. I'm an established game developer based out of Central Florida. You can see my work at and check out a history of some of the games I've worked on.
This campaign is based around the idea of bringing high quality assets to people for a very low price. It's also geared towards providing assets for projects being developed for mobile platforms like iOS and Android, as well as PC/Mac builds. These assets are medium poly count, low bone count and have low texture overhead. I'll get into the nitty gritty technical details below.
What I'm hoping to achieve with this campaign is : Provide low cost assets to game developers for usage in their game development projects. At the same time I am hoping to fund my own hourly work on these assets and expand the collection to include all of the (4) skin texture variations and the (4) clothing variations. This would allow for more than 32 different and unique zombie combinations.
Technical Details
3,321 polygons for Male Zombie Character Model
2,936 polygons for Female Zombie Character Model
1024 x 1024px Diffuse texture (both male and female)
1024 x 1024px Normal Map Texture (both male and female)
* Specular Map within the Alpha Channel of the Diffuse.
Character models are exported into FBX format, OBJ format (static models), and the source 3ds Max files. The FBX format will work in most major game engines used today. Textures are offered as PSD files, with appropriately named layers, and overlay/color/pattern styles (for easy editing).
Character Model Wireframe Previews
What I Need & What You Get
I am hoping to fund my own hourly work on these assets and expand the collection to really give game developers a large pack of high quality assets. I can offer this at a very low cost due to the nature of crowdfunding. My goal is simple: financially cover the time spent working on these assets.
Now on to what you get!
(2) Base Character Models (Male and Female Versions)
(FBX format, and source 3ds Max file)
(4) Skin Texture Variations in layered PSD file format
(4) Clothing Variations (attached 3D Models/Skinned with Animation)
(FBX format, and source 3ds Max file)
(1) Unity Package File for each Perk Tier (one button Unity import)
(35) Unique Animations:
(8) Walking Loop Animations
(6) Running Loop Animations
(6) Idle Loop Animations
(7) Attacking Animations
(8) Unique Eating, Getting Hit and Crawling Animations
* Animations are provided as "in-place" Legacy animations, as well as separate versions for Unity's Mecanim (including root motion for walk and run cycles.)
* I will also be including a Unity Package file for each perk tier. This will allow one button import into the Unity Game Engine, importing all of the assets at once.
Character Model Previews
Check Out the current Unity Web Player Demo:
Risks & Challenges
The bulk of this character pack is completed, so the risk is minimal. I am setting the campaign to be limited to 28 days. Within the 28 day time period I have to wrap up (4) skin texture variations and (4) clothing variations for the female and male characters. This is completely doable within half the time period of the campaign. I see no risk other than myself being potentially abducted by aliens.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you don't have a need for animated zombie character models, chances are you might know someone who does! Please help if you can and use those Facebook and Twitter Share buttons found up top!
And that's all there is to it.